Lyoko Freak: 2005 - 2015. Return to the past now....

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The CL Anniversary Documentary Brought Me Back Here

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The CL Anniversary Documentary Brought Me Back Here

Postby G-Force » Tue Oct 08, 2024 3:29 am

Wow it's gnarly seeing this board again all updated. I saw Stronger After All, clicking through I was gobsmacked when I saw my old partner in crime TB3 and memories rushed back.

If you joined after 2009 my name went by G-Force/G-Force4 here and on I'm the author of the Retelling Series which was a fanfic known for its huge size and before I learned the power of the delete key. By all means it is a dead fic but it was a dead fic that brought me so much joy to write.

To me CL was an important time of my teenage years, and I can recall many hours staying up writing, reading and connecting with the board members of old. We've all gotten older and scattered to the winds many of us changing tags, contact info and distancing ourselves from our past here. I made friends here, collaborated with other creatives and just drowned in the chaos of the old board. We were part of the old pillars of the fandom and the longer we stayed the more of a reputation we developed however those days are long gone a whole new cast of people are talking on Reddit, Discord and other places and the Lyoko Freak/TV Tropes days are just an old relic of the past.

And thats all fine.

I know I dropped out of the scene entirely, life got in the way and found myself drifting away from Code Lyoko but writing as well. I'm ranting right now but I'm feeling nostalgic and smiling about "old times"

Out of curiosity I found my old HS/College laptop hard drive and its a GOLDMINE for old work. Tons of old Code Lyoko fanart (much of it Retelling) has been preserved and moved to my new PC. Those were pieces of art gifted to me by fans and friends alike drawn for me or because they were inspired by what I created. I also still have the old Radioplays voiced by members here.

Speaking of Retelling I went back to the account....people are still leaving reviews, how they're finding it I have no idea.

Anyway, I wanted to come back and leave my piece here. This place is a timecapsule of not only our time in the fandom but the internet of the old, back when we could connect to a fandom outside Reddit, Social Media and Discord. The communities were smaller, more ingrained, better connected and it was easier to feel like the big fish in a small pound. My life has overwhelmingly changed for the better cause of this place. Would you believe I got to voice in a few popular works (nothing in the line of anime but you can hear me voice a popular Webtoon and in a Persona 4 fan animation that hit over 5 million views).

I'm unsure if someone will read this and if they remember me but thanks again. This was a place that nurtured a sense of creativity and insight I had no idea I possessed and I'm forever grateful.
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