Reviews For Heart of a Warrior
Reviewer: Wolf Tears Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 28, 2007 07:46 AM Title: Truth and Daring
Author's Response:
Author's Response:
Date: Jan 28, 2007 07:46 AM Title: Truth and Daring
Normally, I refrain from the following sort of thing, but I'm making an exeption here.
COOL! OMG, plot twists rock!!! Battle scenes rock more :) *jumps around excitedly* CoolthisissoawesomeIreallywishmyparentsunderstoodCLsoIcouldexplainthistothemitrocks!!!
Okay. I'm done now-sorry about that... I got excited. You were right-this chapter is probaly the best I've ever read. There is a reading of the next chapter in my future.
I like the poem at the beginning, by the way. The pun, however... *groans*
Can we put 15 on the rating scale?
Author's Response:
What pun were you talking about?
Author's Response:
What pun were you talking about?