Odd begins to feel the effects of darkchip implantation, XANA and her father watch from the shadows, and an old friend is about to make a comeback...
Sithking Zero: Hi. Megaman, Code Lyoko, and all related companies don’t belong to me. At all.
Go away…
Trust me, there will be a HUGE revelation soon. Something that will make you question all that you know about this story. Yes… my secret is coming closer and closer to being revealed!!!
But… that’s not important… yet.
The morning was dark. Very dark. Unusually dark for seven o’clock in the morning. As in, pitch-black. It was fairly unsettling, even for Jim, who had apparently seen and done many strange things.
The finned figure glaring out at Jeremie from the computer monitor was not happy about the climactic change that morning. Granted, no one was, but he was ESPECIALLY angry.
“Why haven’t you gone to Lyoko yet?” he demanded, shaking a fist in front of the camera to emphasize his anger at the blonde computer genius.
Jeremie sighed, then replied, “The reason is because the classes have been canceled, and we’re supposed to stay in our rooms. If we were to all leave, Jim would get suspicious again. Do you want that?”
Bass’ already foul expression soured greatly. “Though the blithering idiot can’t do much damage on his own, he could tell someone more… important. And then kiss the world goodbye…” his voice trailed off.
“Exactly.” Jeremie massaged his forehead with his fingers, trying to work out some sort of incredible brainwave that would save them all. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him.
“Bass…” he asked the finned computer program slowly, “You’ve said before that Net Navis can cause destruction in the real world by causing electronic devices to malfunction, right?”
“Yes.” He said this without the slightest hint of sorrow or regret.
“I have an idea…”
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Jim, imagining himself as a valiant guardian of the children, stood watchful and attentive at the door to the boiler room. The obese gym teacher was ready for anything, and he was so sure in his state of readiness that he completely missed a slight scraping noise in the hallway.
Without warning, a crackle escaped the PA system.
“Jim Moreales, Please Report to Principal Delmas’ office. I repeat, Jim Moreales, please report to Principal Delmas’ office. Thank you.”
Jim started, having spaced out slightly. With a distinct set of well-chosen words for the PA system and the night-like blackness, he stormed off.
Almost immiediately, five silhouettes crept into the room, clinging to their flashlights as though their very lives depended on them. And for all they knew, they did. Who knew what lurked out there in the darkness?
From the back of one of the smaller figures, a dull, bored, tinny sound came to their ears.
“Okay, he’s gone. Can we go now?”
Five lights clicked on, the door was opened, and they disappeared into the darkness.
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
The four Lyoko Warriors dropped down to the surface of the mountain sector. Moments later, like some sort of giant ghost, a brown-clad figure rocketed up from below the platform, hovering in the air for a moment before touching down on the rocks.
Bass nodded to Aelita, than began to speak.
“The tower is north of here. We should get moving.”
With that, he began to walk away at a relaxed pace, giving the Lyoko Warriors time to catch up.
The others almost immiediately broke into a jog, but Odd did not. He was crouched on the ground, holding his stomach. Something felt… WRONG…
On cue, Jeremie’s tinny voice cut through the skies.
“Odd? What’s wrong? You’re lagging behind!”
The pain in his insides throbbed, than vanished without a trace.
Slowly, he got to his feet, a little wobbly, than fine once again.
“Yeah, I’m okay Jeremie. I think I ate something that disagreed with me…”
“It happens to all of us sometimes. Head north, I can’t materialize the Overboard, not enough machine resources. Sorry!”
“That’s okay, Jeremie. We know you’re doing your best.”
With that, Odd dashed off, failing to notice the black hornet tailing him from a distance…
--- --- --- --- --- ---
XANA sat in a hard, angular chair, constructed from the same materiel as the rest of the sector.
“I really have to find softer chairs…” she grumbled as she tried desperately to get comfortable.
Suddenly, a window opened up in space, showing the progress of the purple cat-boy.
With a predatory smile, she stopped fidgeting and began to watch the child, even as his laser arrows began to eat away at the enemy ranks.
Still smiling, she tapped the chair’s arm in a spot seemingly unlike the rest.
Almost instantly, a window appeared, her father’s visage taking its place.
It took the old man a moment or two to realize that he was on camera, but responded quickly once he did.
“XANA?” he asked, confused. “What is it? You know you’re not supposed to use this line- it can be tracked!” he cried angrily.
“Oh, I know that, Father,” she replied soothingly. “But I thought that you should see the human we’ve gifted first-hand.”
A smile spread across his face.
“Patch it through.”
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
It was dark. The campsite, so long abandoned, was once again the site of a mighty, roaring campfire, as it had had once before. That had come mere hours before a great journey had taken place.
He certainly hoped it would help.
As though luck was on his side, as the fire reached its peak, a loud crackling sound rent the air.
He stood up. Surely he was not this fortunate. Surely, He said to himself, such luck simply did not exist!
He stood up, rippling the fabric that clung to him. The crackling electrical noise grew louder and louder as he walked towards it.
He finally stood before the source of the disturbance. At the source, a series of concentric circles, floating in midair, existed. The circles were not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, as they appeared to be more like cracks than anything else.
Carefully, He stretched out a gloved hand towards the circles, than recoiling as a tiny spark leapt to them.
Growling in anger, He let his power flow through his hands, and plunged them through the center of the circle. With an almighty grunt, he wrenched the hole in space open.
Holding it with but a fraction of his strength, he stepped through casually.
He turned. Two Replicons were guarding the entrance to the Portal, and were now aiming weapons towards him.
“Halt!” “Surrender!”
He glanced at both of them.
Moments later, both of the Replicons were dead- rent to their elementary particles.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Odd leapt through the air, feeling… something.
He knew something was different about how he was fighting, but he couldn’t put his finger on what exactly.
Ulrich watched as Odd fought, as well. He noticed something had changed.
Ulrich noticed that Odd was no longer the prankster of the Lyoko Warriors.
Rather, Odd… was now a berserker.
Kankrelots, Krabes, even Megatanks melted away before him as he fired arrows with reckless abandon into their eyes, monsters exploding with chilling precision.
Two Hornets attempted to sting him with their poisonous stingers, but Odd pivoted, growled, blasted one of them, and jumped. His trajectory intersected with the Hornet, and he grabbed onto it, digging deep into its flesh with his claws, than snapping it in two with a twist of his wrist.
He wasn’t done yet, though. Grabbing the front half of the deceased Hornet, he snapped off the stinger, landed on the ground, and dashed for the nearest Megatank. Dodging left and right, he avoided the creature’s elliptical laser blasts, and plunged the stinger into the Eye.
The survivors, terrified of the thing before them- surely, this wasn’t the same Purple Warrior who had been so easy to beat before?- began to form a semicircle around the berserker.
Suddenly, even as they were deploying, the monsters froze.
Aelita was walking calmly out of the tower, and it was slowly returning to a normal blue hue.
Odd glared at the monsters as they left, but said nothing.
--- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- -- ---
XANA smiled happily at her father as he beamed at her in pride.
“Well done, my d-d-d-dear,” he said, distortion playing across the screen. “I look f-f-f-orrrrr—d to---”
Suddenly, the old man vanished in a blast of static.
XANA immiediately began to tweak the frequency, hoping to find the correct channel and eliminate the interference.
She got close to the monitor, thinking that she saw her father’s face through the static.
It was not her father’s face.
Two crimson eyes gazed out of the screen at her, malice and hatred practically dripping from their stare.
“XANA.” Came the voice that haunted XANA’s nightmares, “I am coming for you. I will have my REVENGE!!!”
--- --- --- ---
Sithking Zero: For the love of god… I hate this chapter… I hate it so… But HEART OF A WARRIOR IS BACK, BABY!!!
Please review… I miss them so…