Kiss The Girl by GarageKid
Summary: During a school dance, Yumi sings a song that will help Ulrich tell her his feelings for her.
Categories: Ships > Ulrich and Yumi Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: Music said it All
Challenges: Music said it All
Series: Music and Lyrics
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 908 Read: 1878 Published: Apr 03, 2007 Updated: Apr 03, 2007

1. Chapter 1 by GarageKid

Chapter 1 by GarageKid

Yumi and Aelita were back stage a a school dance. The principal used a disney theme, wich seemed childish at first, but the students got more into in as the dance went on. Yumi was earing a black sweater and a black and red mini skirt with her combat boots. Aelita was wearing a pink skirt and a white short sleave shirt with a pink vest over it. William was performing, badly by the way. He was singing the hip hop version of "It's a Small World" Everyone was laughing so hard it was like they were crying.

"OK We will have our next person come up after we stop laughing." Aelita said as William finished. As he walked back stage, Yumi couldn't stop laughing, He didn't even look at her. His face blush red with embarssment. Odd came up in his place.

"I hope the crowd had a good sence on humor." Odd said to Yumi before he went on stage. Aelita waved for him to go on when everyone stopped laughing. Odd was never really good at jokes. But he might suprise the audenance this time thought.

"So in every fairy tail prince charming come and saves the princess in destress right? Well that doesn't go over well here. I helped a girl once, yeah, she punched me in the face! I guess I should have known that some girls don't like it when you make out with their best friend." Odd joked. A good number of people laughed.

"Now I was trying to help the girl my friend liked. Then I found out that that was his sister. I got my sorry butt kicked by his real girlfriend. He took pictures and put them on the internet." Odd could hear everyone laughing.

"Now we all know Emily's a quite girl, I start one minor rumor, and she goes violent and kick my sorry butt, and then pushed me in the pool." Odd never told jokes that people would laugh at this much.

"Now my so called 'best buddy' signs me up for the wrestling team saying that I'll get a lot of girls that way. But then I tell him the truth. This body looks good in 3-D I'd like to keep it that way. And then I get to my first match to see I was wrestling a girl!" Odd jocked. Everyone was laughing at his jokes. As Odd took a bow and went back stage.

"Now our next performance, Yumi Ishiyama." Aelita said as Yumi steped on stage. Aelita started the music.

There You see her

Sitting there across the way

she don't got a lot to say but there's somthing about her

and you don't know why

but your dieing to try

you wanna Kiss the girl

Yes you want her

look at her

you know you do

It's possable she wants it too

there's one way to ask her

It don't take a word

yeah you down say a word

go on and Kiss the girl

Sha la la la la la

My Oh my

Looks like the voice who shine

go on and Kiss the girl

Sha la la la la la la

Aren't to sad

Your gonna miss the girl

Go on and Kiss the girl

Now's your moment

floating in the blue la goon

Boy you better do it soon

Cause time will be better

She wont say a word

and she wont say a word

untill you Kiss the girl

Sha la la la la la la

My Oh My

it's like the voice who shine

You gotta Kiss the Girl

Sha la la la la la

Aren't that that sad

Your gonna miss the the girl

Sha la la la la la

don't be scared

you better be perepared

go on and Kiss the girl

Sha la la la la la

don't stop now

Don't try to hide it now

You wanna Kiss the girl

Go on and Kiss the girl

Kiss the girl

Kiss the girl

Sha la la la la la la la la la la

go on and Kiss the girl

La la la la la la la

Go on and

Kiss the Girl

Sha la la la la la

My Oh MY

It's like the voice who shine

Go on and Kiss the girl

Sha la la la la la

aren't that sad


Sha la la la la la la la la la

Go on and Kiss the girl

Go On and KISS That Girl!

go on and kiss the girl

go on and kiss the girl

Kiss the girl

Kiss the girl

Go on and KISS the girl

The audenance cheers. Yumi takes a bow before leaving back stage. Ulrich and Jeremie were back stage. Ulrich was wearing the usual only in shades of blue instead of green. Jeremie was wearing jeans with a butten up shirt.

"Hey, Odd, I never knew you could tel joke like that." Jeremie said.

"I never knew I could do it either." Odd said.

"ODD" A girl's voice called.

"I gotta go. Sam wants me." Odd said as he ran off.

"I going to work on Aelita's ani-virous" Jeremie said as he ran off. Leaving Ulrich and Yumi alone just as Aelita played a slow song. Ulrich turned to Yumi.

"You, uh, want to dance with me?" Ulrich asked. Yumi blushed and took his hand. Ulrich lead Yumi farther back stage so no one else was there. Then he wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I liked your song Yumi." Ulrich said. Yumi blushed as Ulrich leaned in and kissed her. Go on and Kiss the girl!

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