Never Say Never by Kiwi_R0x
Summary: Hey, just to remind you: The Code Lyoko Team said they'd never lose a battle to Xana...It seems, Not every promise can be kept.
Categories: Seasons > Post-Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Warnings: None
Challenges: Where's William?
Challenges: Where's William?
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 2002 Read: 4817 Published: May 01, 2007 Updated: May 02, 2007
Who knew...THAT could be his very down-fall? by Kiwi_R0x

The lyoko warriors never really believed it, they couldn't, it made no sense. It can't be possible. After so long of constant fighting. But they could deny it no longer.

They lost.

Xana, pleased with his years of fighting the 'earthlings' he found their weak-spots and studied their human instincts.

Who knew...
Laughing and loving could be your very down-fall?

Presently, Jeremie was wandering the factory. He knew the building didn't really matter anymore. Xana could attack whenever he felt. With William's help, of course.

Aha, That's the only flaw. William/Xana can only do what human's can do with...powers. Scratch that, there is no flaw this time. Xana made his blueprints and checked it twice. 

Was the entire thing for the past years just a search for the human Xana wanted?

Jeremie walked into the factory by now, he cursed Xana's name. He couldn't believe this. He and his team got in so much trouble, so much worries, so much stress, so many troubles- and they lose. 

His grades fell by the days. He was scared- Xana doesn't need to send a warning anymore. Now, everything just got a little more serious.

Now, this is the battle that means all. Winner takes all...

BUT WAIT! They can't fight on Earth like they do in Lyoko.

Jeremie's been working on tracking Xana, and his plan worked...but not stable enough to track Xana just anywhere. It's a 100 feet radius from the school's grounds. He plans on making it stronger; but possibly searching for William's DNA, and use a satellite to track him, but there's a problem.

In order for Jeremie to track William, he'll need a simple strand of William's hair first. The bad news is, After hearing that William 'died' the principal let the Dunbar's take William's stuff. And that's what they did. Nothing was left behind.

If only times were the same, if only they didn't let William into their gang.

Jeremie's been suffering from an illness simply called, Depression. His friends try to help, they do, but all their words mean nothing anymore. It's like Xana was the reason they were together. The reason they were friends, and now that was gone.

What was left? A group of anything BUT normal middle-school students-that's what.

The blonde-headed genius hopped onto the elevator, and felt the interior of what is now just a memory. Hard to say, but a fond memory.

The wide doors opened, exposing the supercomputer in all it's glory. Shut off, and powerless, it was useless.

He fixed his glasses, glanced at his watch, Good- he's missing Math, The class he's doing well in (B+ average)

You see, He needs to escape, his parents came up to ask him about his random failing grade averages. The principal had a few talks with him, the nurse, his friends, his parents (again), the counselor, therapist, he's talked to Xana himself.

He can't escape, he got himself into a life full of punishments and agony. Worse, is that he dragged his friends into it as well. He has no one to help him, no one else to blame. Usually, it's a yell or two and brushed off, now it sticks for days or weeks at a time. Now, compliments are brushed aside for insults. According to the genuis in need: You can only learn if you're told what not to do.

What he's been hiding from everyone, is not only his chats with Xana, but the tears at night. He wants to be rescued, but there's no SOS. He wants to take a step forward, but everything pushes him four steps back. He wants his old life back, but his old life doesn't care.

Who knew...

Breathing could be his very down-fall?

He seeks attention, he needs to be loved. To be cared for. To be safe. To feel alright in any situation. To want to tell the truth.

Who would've guessed...

Lying would be his very down-fall?

Jeremie cursed to the sky, saying Xana's name here and there. He wishes he never found Lyoko, he never found Aelita, he never made friends with Yumi, Odd, or Ulrich.

He was just fine before them, and he would've been without.

He sat into the computer chair, hugging his legs, tears crawling down his cheeks.

His upset stomach was growling like mad, Jeremie's ignored many things a human needs. Such as, eating, sleeping, and doing well in class.

All that was the past now.

His sobs echoed in the room. Making each cry louder than the last.

He cried untill he felt he had no more tears, he thought the worst was over. After all, he felt better. Escaping was in the grasp of his teenaged hands.

Was this it? Was this the worst? Was this going to be the end?

Jeremie soon felt another tear about to fall off his chin. He wipped it off with his arm, looking at his cut wrists.

No, this wasn't the worst.

In fact, this is the best day he's going to remember.

This, oh. This, is the only the beginning.

Seeing his injured wrists made his eyes water, and cries were back again. Nothing was helping. No one cared enough. No one understands what he's going through. On the outside, He's his normal Jeremie Belpois self. On the inside, he's falling apart.

He knew that, he lived and breathed it.

Jeremie hugged his legs tighter, so hard it hurt his fingers. All the more reason to cry his poor heart out.

His eyes turned red and puffy. He would take off his glasses occasionaly to wipe them.

He talked to himself, trying to cheer himself up.

I think it'd be better if we left the poor boy alone now.

The last very words we heard from him...

"Please, help me."

Ohh, How I wish I could tell him.

That Living was going to be his very downfall.

I dream I could help him.

He will soon know,

Dying will be his only option.


End Notes:
How depressing...

What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing but the first step to something better.

Fact: The first Ford cars had Dodge engines
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