Sunrise by virtugirl333
Summary: (After the last epsode) When none of her frends belve her thery that XANA isn't relly ded, she makes up her mind to go to Tokyo - to find out for herslf! Who's right? (#1)
Categories: Ships > Jeremie and Aelita, Ships > Ulrich and Yumi, Seasons > Post-Season 3, Ships > Other Characters: Aelita Hopper, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: Gret Escpe
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes Word count: 3832 Read: 36683 Published: Jan 19, 2008 Updated: Mar 15, 2008
The Sceence Behnd the Ficten by virtugirl333
Author's Notes:
Plus 2 very big anncmnts!

I just want to start by saying that this story has meant so much to me. I’m happy to report that as of this moment, Sunrise has gotten over 100 views! It’s also, I think, the 1st fanfic that was not a one shot that I’ve finished!!!


I do have some big news about my next story, but I’ll get more into that later. Now, to explain a few things that I may have left out:


*^*^*^ Alita’s Theory: How XANA Came Back to Life *^*^*^


Ok, as you know, I started this story shortly before Sesen 4 ended & set it after that same sesen ended. Now that I’ve seen the ending, I can now tell you the full theory I cam up with (Note: This is some thing I came up with. I’m not trying to say that this will happen if there is a Sesen 5).


Jeremy said that Franz Hopper had sent him a program. What if it wasn’t Franz who sent it? What if it was XANA? Then, of course, the data would be false. I think that if XANA knew he would die, he would do everything in his power to prevent that. Basically, I think that when Jeremy launched the program, XANA only pretended to die, & escaped into the Digital Sea (like Franz Hopper did at the end of Sesen 3. Well, not the faking death part…). When XANA figured out the gang had fallen for it, he knew he’d be able to do stuff with out them knowing.


He just didn’t plan on Alita figuring it all out.


*^*^*^ The Necklaces *^*^*^


This is a little more science fiction then Alita’s theory. Basically, let’s suppose that in those necklaces Alita made, she put a wire less chip in them. Because the Skid was destroyed, when she got to the computer with the Replica, she bascely sent data to the necklaces, & they were off!


Besides the charms in this story, here’s a list of the other charms:


Ulrick – 2 swords in an X, blades pointing down.

Od – Laser Arrw/Arrwhed


*^*^*^ My Anncment *^*^*^


This was an amazing story to write. I have so many kind words about my story. I’m quite happy that I feel ready to go through with my original plan.


This story…is the very 1st in a series that I’ll write!


I’m not quite sure what I’ll call it yet, but you should know I’ll take some time “off” before starting the next story. Don’t worry, it won’t be a lot of time off, ‘cuz I don’t do a lot of prewriting. Or any at all, in fact (Yep, my English teachers hate me for it).


*^*^*^ The Other Anncmnt *^*^*^


Because of where the next story will be located, I’m thinking of rating high & making it T. Don’t worry, if you’re not over 13 years of age though, I won’t put in too many plot twists…unless I just can’t help myself!


*^*^*^ Questions *^*^*^


Is Flora’s favorite song “All American Girl?”

 Well, she doesn’t really have a favorite song.  But she dos really like it! I know that now I can’t listen to it with out thinking abot this story!
End Notes:
See ya next time!
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