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All About Big Kids Only, updated 10/15/12

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All About Big Kids Only, updated 10/15/12

Postby TheAppleFreak » Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:43 am

The Big Kids Only forum (or BKO, as it's often referred to) is a forum where users who are at least 13 years old can post more mature things than anywhere else. It's purely for fun, and nothing that could be considered dangerous is allowed there. Essentially it's random discussion, only you're *really* allowed to do whatever you want.

To get in, you must meet the following criteria:

a) You must be 13. We're good at deciphering who's of age and who isn't. Don't try to bluff us, it doesn't work like that. We can and will remove access for anyone under 13 years of age, and don't consider this a bluff.

b) You have a post count of 7+. (Rule required for users who have joined as of October 9th, 2012. Those who joined before are automatically grandfathered into having BKO access.) While new users under the current system will have full posting access, we will take a look at where your posts were made. If you spam the Games or Newbies forum, we might remove your access until you've contributed more to the forum. This is so we can get a better idea of your posting habits. The post limit can and probably will be changed as the community grows, so discussion is welcome about it.

c) You must be in full compliance with all of the other rules here at LF. (Including the spelling/grammar rule!)

We also strongly recommend that you have created a welcome thread in the Newbies section where you mention your age.

Please note that the users are pretty judgmental of who deserves to be there and who doesn't; if you have trouble typing in proper English, or you never have anything useful to contribute, we may not let you stay. Many of us have been around since the original Code Lyoko, and understand what constitutes meaningful discussion. So please understand... to participate in mature discussion, you have to first prove that you are mature.

WHEN YOU QUALIFY TO BE ALLOWED INTO BKO: click on the forum and you'll automatically have posting access.

And as we said before, we reserve the right to remove people from BKO when we feel it's necessary, so don't try anything when you get in.

Happy posting!
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