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A Tastful Gloom

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A Tastful Gloom

Postby psyt » Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:04 pm

I looked up those words and figured they would be best to describe the way I have been feeling latly. I would not go as far to call it an emotion, or a feeling, but a state of mind rather. It started when i woke up last saterday, the night before i had a party and had lots of fun, so when i woke up and everyone was gone i did have the sensation of boredom+.

But the sensation lasted and changed a little bit, it grew into a longing, but for what? It has stayed with me everysince that morning, when i am sitting and doing nothing as before i go to bed it seems unbearable, as if i have to fill this void. While i am pre-occupied with a game or a test or somthing, i hardly notice it. Things i have noticed that stimulate the sensation are mathimaticle and physiscs knowledge, and whatched code lyoko among other small things. It is like i have an infinant desire for physics information, just yesterdat i stayed after school with my professuer working on a formule for over and hour and had not thought a few minutes had even passed. This whole time it felt like i was feeding the sensation, as when i whatch code lyoko whitch makes me wonder. Perhaps i envy somthing on the show? I mean i have alot of good friends but, alot are the kind you do not want to turn your back on. Also realted with this my limitations have crashed down on, both physical and mental, before i jus looked past them, but now they seem like towering gates in my path.

When I am doing things that feed the sensation its just a great state of mind and when im not i just feel wierd ~_~... I do not really expect anyone to relate or give me information or anything... just felt like i had to tell someone, maybe it will disapate, and if i told people i knew theyd be like "your a stupid emo"... and on a side note you could say im "average" as in not goth, emo, gagnsta, the avg i guess.
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Postby Just_Jaine » Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:11 am

Hay you seem a lot like me, I dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I normaly have that longing feeling after I finsh reading a good book or when a friend lives to go home. It is realy hard to discripe these emotions (I guess that is the right word) because there seems to be no words fitting. What do when this happens is write in my journal or in other word contumplate (sp?) life. You seem like the person who over anilizes (sp?) things. Please dont take anything I say personaly. Good luck finding some thing to do.
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Postby DeadViolet » Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:18 pm

dude, thats as deep as my research report for science fair.

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Postby Akito » Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:58 pm

So what you're saying is that you having a desire so strong it feels like a need (in other words, longing) as soon as you finish an activity that has kept you occupied?

If so, I'd say you are going through a situation I go through after playing a video game. I have a strong feeling of boredome at first, but then I have the desire to play it with my friends. The problem is, that I have a scarce amount of friends. About one to be exact.
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