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Postby Rail Runner » Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:00 pm

Yeah, I get aggravated when people mistake me for someone else, so I do know how she felt...but that snobbish attitude is what turned me off about her....even I have a hard time being that rude to people.
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Postby Mewberries151 » Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:22 pm

LucyMcGonagle wrote:I agree. Her reaction was justified....but she didn't have to be such a snot about it... :arg:

Virtualized STI wrote:Yeah, I get aggravated when people mistake me for someone else, so I do know how she felt...but that snobbish attitude is what turned me off about her....even I have a hard time being that rude to people.

But when exactly was she rude? What quote from her or action occured to either of you as rude? Brushing Odd off can't be it, as all the girls in the school kind of seem to be doing that now (as he has a reputation), and calling Jeremie crazy can't really be it either as...well, he kind of was acting crazy, whichever angle you want to look from it (the gang's or hers).

I'm just curious as to what it was about her that stuck others as being rude (as opposed to simply, unfriendly or distant).
"Hey, make up your mind. Am I a genius or a creep?"
"You're a creepy genius."

-Odd and Jeremie; "Cruel Dilemma", Code Lyoko

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Postby Rail Runner » Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:27 pm was just her demeanor..maybe rude was a bit of an overused I said..I understand how she felt, and could definitely understand her reactions..but maybe its just the way she told the whole gang off...without really giving any of them the chance to explain..of course they were a bit nuts at that point..I agree with that
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Postby Mewberries151 » Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:39 pm

Virtualized STI was just her demeanor..maybe rude was a bit of an overused I said..I understand how she felt, and could definitely understand her reactions..but maybe its just the way she told the whole gang off...without really giving any of them the chance to explain..of course they were a bit nuts at that point..I agree with that

True...true. ^^ I completely agree that she wasn't the most friendly of people. In a way, she's ironically the complete opposite of Aelita: Introverted, slightly sarcastic, kind of street-wise whereas Aelita's more innocent/'s rather amusing how completely different they wonder Odd and Ulrich kept telling Jeremie he was nuts. *sweatdrop*

Which, on second thought, makes the final line Jeremie says kind of all the more amusing. He notes her physical differences (not exactly sure how he could tell really) but doesn't dare go near the differences in personality really. Silly guy. X)
"Hey, make up your mind. Am I a genius or a creep?"
"You're a creepy genius."

-Odd and Jeremie; "Cruel Dilemma", Code Lyoko

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Postby Rail Runner » Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:44 pm

He was just embarrassed...thats all there is to it..he was trying to play it off like he was all cool. haha.
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Postby mitchmcmichael » Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:20 pm

It was a pretty awesome episode.
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Postby Overcaffeinated Sloth » Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:19 pm

And that's a necropost.

Come on... It really doesn't do much if you just have a one sentence entry like that. All it'll do is annoy people...

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Postby MY85 » Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:02 pm

AngelBolt wrote:And that's a necropost.

Come on... It really doesn't do much if you just have a one sentence entry like that. All it'll do is annoy people...

Sadly, that's what a good amount of Code Lyoko fans post when it comes to discussion of episodes (the shortness of the post, not if it ruled or sucked).
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Postby mitchmcmichael » Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:31 pm

I haven't watched the episode in a while so I couldn't type too much.
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Postby Taelia » Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:13 pm

I'm not sure what ever became of Taelia.
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Postby Malkmusian » Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:02 pm

Taelia wrote:I'm not sure what ever became of Taelia.

She was a one-off character made for that episode. She disappears from the show completely because they don't need her. Many loved characters are one-off characters, like Frank Grimes and James Finson. In fact, Disco Stu of the Simpsons was supposed to be a one-off character and so was the Greased Up Deaf Guy from Family Guy, but they have followings, causing the creators of the shows to bring them back in many, many ways.
The creator, Carth, had never experienced autism until she read my story.
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Postby timekitten » Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:01 am

Perhaps my least favorite episode of Code Lyoko. It fights Swarm for the title. Anyway, if I wanted to see Taelia again, it would be for a pink hair battle royal. Cat fiiiight!
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Postby Carth » Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:27 pm

Carth wrote:I imagine Taelia will return...yet mysteriously remember...stuff...

When was that? 2005? Dear god.

I...never actually saw this episode. I don't know why. Did I just not like the idea of a not-Aelita? Anyway...Taelia! This insignificant little doppelganger gave us generous helpings of confusion, thousands of fan theories, and a catchy username. Let's give her a well-deserved revisit, ne?

This theme is devoid of type-y-sounds for the first part. Interesting.

And now it's time for The Girl of The WAIT A MINUTE. You'd think someone that knew English would've spotted that and corrected it before it made it to the screen. Oh well. Thankfully that's the only time it happened.

Jeremie's voice is cracking! Kind of like his materialization program! LOL I made a funny. Poor bub, though...thinking he's useless. It occurs to me he's probably had that mindset his whole live, with the "genius" moniker floating uselessly, like lip service. Take it from someone that knows.

"I'm not so sure I'd like to have a best friend who's useless." Yay Aelita! And as for her "do we get along" comment...well, you two bubs certainly have a much deeper relationship. I think this is one of the first points where the subtext clearly shows an interest in Aelita. "Is it that late already"- has he been up the whole night?

Is this the first time we've seen the Mountains? I think it is~ Aelita sitting in the mountains looks neet. And then Aelita screaming while getting captured by a Guardian? Not so neet.

<s>SAMURAI SUIT</s> OPTIMUS PRIME! Hundreds of years? Them Ishiyamas are ancient. (And probably were pretty important...I mean, if they were just some farmers or something for most of that time, they wouldn't have a giant resplendent samurai suit hanging around, would they?)

Milly and Tamiya, you interlopers.

"What I like about you most is your rich vocabulary!" You forgot to mention you love every facet of his soul, dear.

Love, sneaking in to see something someone wants to keep secret is not a scoop. It's being annoying.

Seventh grade? Putting these guys in grades is smegging 6th grade or the equivalent part of elementary school in France?

Like I was saying, that thing is FAN-CY. If the Ishiyamas weren't of some importance they would've hawked it years ago.

Love, don't leave Optimus Prime out where XANA can activate him.

"You know, Jeremie, most people use the night hours to sleep." Those in love never sleep, love.

"You never knew how to talk to a girl!" "With Aelita, it's not the same!" Because you think she's a blank slate entirely devoted to you. Time to wake up and smell the sexual reproduction.

Let's totally distract you from Taelia's entrance by pointing out that we have CLONES in the room! Tristan Brossard's here in both a green and orange sweater.

And then things got crazy for Jeremie. Hey, Taelia! You look like someone I know.

So I looked at that kid with the green sweater and was like OMG ALEX but then I checked the roster and was like "oh, Pierre." I seriously cannot find Alex Pepin anywhere in the show. It frustrates me.

Jeremie's a stalker~ And a bit too desperate to think that his materalization program worked. But seriously. He stares at her for a good half minute. He isn't even BLINKING.

Apparently though he's more comfortable with love from a distance. LOL @ Odd and Ulrich pulling him along.

Nice avoidance of a Freudian slip. I'm liking this ep- it makes SENSE!

Okay. Now, if you all were smart, the first thing you would've done when you heard Taelia or Aelita at this point say anything like that would be to run and get Aelita out of the Guardian. Because Aelita does not have that 'tude. Though apparently Taelia does.

Odd, have you not considered that this girl already hates you, let alone that she's not Aelita?

Poor Taelia, being subjected to this. Really, they're being insensitive. Poor stupid tinies.

Yes, good, we've gotten to the point where we've realized it's clearly not Aelita. Wouldn't this be a top priority, though? Lends credit to my idea that they consider Aelita a lesser lifeform...

Yumi, do remember to move your mouf.

TO THE INFIRMARY~ These teachers are either gullible or germophobic.

Storm? Snowbound? These are interesting things, too bad we never get to see them. Kind of like Guardians. You always have to expect the impossible.

The look on Jeremie's face here makes me go DAWWWW. He's, like, tripping balls, pardon my French. And Odd's creeped out. Cause Jer's grabbin his shoulders again.

I just realized I never finished this. May as well get myself back in the mood. JAPAN! That little red thing with the face is creeepy. This is all really neat stuff though. Is it just me, or does that equally creepy mask look like the face on the back of Ulrich's first Lyoko form?

"I'm not sure you're all ready to put up with me for that long, right?" No one likes you, Yumi.

Optimus Prime be walkin.

"What kind of a costume is that?" Earth to Jim- never, EVER criticize XANA's fashion sense. In a less discerning show, Jim would be ribbons by now.

And what would some random kids do with a samurai suit? (Hawk it?)

Look at Taelia, eating all alone. The least they could do is be nice to her rather than drill her about things she doesn't recognize.

"Let's not go overboard, huh?" Oh Odd ilu.

Hey, it's the inspector guy from Ultimatum! We're calling in the big guns! And...oooh. Was I the only one who saw Taelia's eyebrows fly up?

Jeremie, you're being pretty loud. Aelita in danger means Jerbutt's brains go thpbtttt.

Lol, when he said "miss" I totally thought he was talking to Odd. Nostalgia from when we all first thought Odd was a girl, amirite?

JEREMIE, YOUR HEAD IS AS THICK AS A SACK OF BRICKS. And that explains this whole scene.

Taelia is one...strange orphan. She's interpreted everything the group's told her as pickup lines. Does she expect to be hit on...?

I think Odd's right about Jeremie being inexperienced with girls. You don't just shake a girl's shoulders when she clearly doesn't trust you! (And if she screams, your education is over.)

Well, let's hope Taelia believes some of this crazy stuff now she's seen ol'Optimus Prime...


Detective Whatever, why do you have to interrogate her?

Chair go spin.

"If he's so dangerous, then why not just destroy Lyoko?" I'm sure there were a lot of long arguments about this. I can't believe he's that set on it, that he'd rule out all other possibilities...

Months? So when exactly is this happening if the first anniversary is in four episodes? Wait, what about the timeline were we supposed to disregard again?

Are they finally showing some affection for Aelita? YAY!

"Do you see anything?" "Yes. Mountains. Lots of em." Yes, Ulrich, we know.

Uh oh. Taelia escaped. Though I see where she's coming from. If it seems like they're putting the world in danger just for one girl who may or may not be there anymore, I'd assume it was in the hands of crazies and call the police too.

You take the high road, and I'll take the low road, and I'll get to victory before you.

FUTURE FLASH~! Looks like there's four of them actually! Ohay izza Guardian and an Aelita. Can they not trace Guardians? Cause both times Jeremie couldn't find em.


Way to place the keys to your demise far apart, XANA.


Ulrich, that didn't work last time, so what makes you think it'd work now?

That's it, Jerbutt, work your magic and fix your mistakes!

It's Chuck Norris vs. Optimus Prime! I just realized no one will understand what I'm talking about. Bleh.

All of a sudden Jeremie's very willing to distance himself from Taelia. And this is why you don't make rash decisions.

And that's what you get for bringing cellphones to school!

It's an Aelita! Yay now we gotta save the world.

Wow, those showers are even MORE immodest! Do they even have curtains?

Odd, why are you talking about the Guardian like you've never seen it? And I think this is the- wait no nevermind, the prequel was the first time anyone but Aelita was in a tower. Get out your seat and jump around.

Yay, the towers are the right color!

BLOKS! Odd's favorite monsters? I guess cause they're funny lookin.

Ohhh no.

You think they could make something to help them get to the towers a little faster? Some sort of...vehicle?

Blok go splode. Ulrich go splode.

Aelita SPEED THE HELL UP. I actually think this is the most tense ending yet, cause Yumi's in trouble, Jeremie's in trouble, and AELITA'S JUST STANDING THERE, STARING AT THE TOWER. At least Taelia's quicker to act.

And now the big suspenseful ending. But, as always, tower deactivated. Does Jeremie really need to yell that all the time?

And now, just to confuse us a little more, Taelia still shows up. Did she ever leave? Is she still there? And insensitive pricks.

Oho Jeremie ilu. And I agree, the hair's different (it's red, rather than pink, closer to Milly than Aelita), but considering everyone has the same face...

I heard someone say "Yumi, she's so cool!" in the background. Awww.

And to end it, handcuffs on the samurai suit! That made me laugh a lot harder than it should.


- Wonderfully original plot, breaking out of the mold somewhat, and coherent too
- Samurai suit was awesome
- Handcuffs :3

- A whole lot of Jeremie stupid (though that might've been the point)

As much as it bugs me, I dug this episode. I don't know why I didn't see it before. ^____^
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Postby Stonecreek » Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:33 pm

Carth wrote:It's Chuck Norris vs. Optimus Prime! I just realized no one will understand what I'm talking about. Bleh.

I know, I know! But only the reference; I don't actually remember what moment in the episode you are talking about.

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

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Postby Carth » Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:54 pm

Stonecreek wrote:
Carth wrote:It's Chuck Norris vs. Optimus Prime! I just realized no one will understand what I'm talking about. Bleh.

I know, I know! But only the reference; I don't actually remember what moment in the episode you are talking about.

It's when Yumi fights the XANAfied samurai suit near the very end. I didn't remember it either till I saw it (actually I didn't know it existed) And just in case other people actually read this, it's from Knifey's Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny video-
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Postby TB3 » Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:26 pm

Carth wrote:
Stonecreek wrote:
Carth wrote:It's Chuck Norris vs. Optimus Prime! I just realized no one will understand what I'm talking about. Bleh.

I know, I know! But only the reference; I don't actually remember what moment in the episode you are talking about.

It's when Yumi fights the XANAfied samurai suit near the very end. I didn't remember it either till I saw it (actually I didn't know it existed) And just in case other people actually read this, it's from Knifey's Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny video-

That was...errr, I just did something embaressing ;)

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Postby Carth » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:02 pm

TB3 wrote:
Carth wrote:
Stonecreek wrote:
Carth wrote:It's Chuck Norris vs. Optimus Prime! I just realized no one will understand what I'm talking about. Bleh.

I know, I know! But only the reference; I don't actually remember what moment in the episode you are talking about.

It's when Yumi fights the XANAfied samurai suit near the very end. I didn't remember it either till I saw it (actually I didn't know it existed) And just in case other people actually read this, it's from Knifey's Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny video-

That was...errr, I just did something embaressing ;)

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Postby Tangent128 » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:38 pm

Nice find, there. :D

(Though it's hard to beat the Mario/Sonic catfight from the original...)
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Postby TB3 » Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:17 am

Carth wrote:Is this something we'd care to know, sir?

Probably no, lol, but I must complement you on another wonderful commentary Carth - a few of my own will be coming forthwith, so kudos on a brilliant idea! :)

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Postby Tangent128 » Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:17 pm

You could probably cross-post them to the Troper Fora, come to think of it, now that there's a Live Bloginations subforum.
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Postby TheLQ » Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:08 pm

Watched it yesterday in the stream, good old Season 1.


I gotta say this episode was actually alright. Jeremie is so funny thinking this one girl that looks different is Aelita. And I think the tactic of capture on lyoko and send polymorphic-spector-thing to the real world is pretty creative, a break from the overused plotline in the first few episodes.

Funny and I like it! 9.5/10
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Postby Taelia » Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:51 pm

This was a good episode. In the early drafts, Taelia had a family. Her father was supposed to be someone "very important" which convinced the officer to trust her. But they unfortunately scrapped that and made the girl an ORPHAN. :cussout:
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Postby TheLQ » Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:28 pm

I feel weird never noticing this before: You call yourself Taleia but have pictures of Sissy all over your post...
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Postby Taelia » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:03 pm

So what? ;)
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Postby smiller » Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:32 am

Wait, how in the heck did you find early drafts of the episodes? Am I missing like a huge Code Lyoko episode script dump somewhere?
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