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Laughing Fit

Talk about the episodes of the original series here! (Seasons 1-4)

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If you remember the episode, vote:

10 - Perfectly hilarious!
9 - Great episode!
No votes
8 - Code Lyoko was great back then and is still awesome.
7 - Fun episode.
6 - Above the average.
5 - Meh...
4 - Not so fun to watch.
No votes
3 - Laughing Fit? What the heck is so funny about it?
No votes
2 - Appaling.
No votes
1 - A disgrace to television.
No votes
0 - It's such a tragedy to watch this episode.
No votes
Total votes : 7

Laughing Fit

Postby MY85 » Sat Jun 30, 2007 1:21 am

I wanted to post a review on it, but there's no thread about Laughing Fit. I decided to make one myself, however. You can view it on Youtube.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Summary: Xana decides to pull an attack via NO2 to kill 'em warrirors by laughter. Only way to stop the laughter is by using water. Meanwhile, there's a Romeo/Juliet play going on at Kadic and Yumi's parents seem to have problems on their marriage.

My opinion: I feel like I wasted a part of my life by watching this episode again. Only interesting parts were the Ishiyamas having problems (the highlight of the show IMO), the Ulrich-Yumi moment in her bedroom, Odd feeling stoned and his Julia Roberts line. Lyoko scenes were meh and the only cool thing was Odd being able to crawl below the surface. The rest of the episode was pretty much "meh" IMO. Ulrich's a sh*tty theater actor, painful to watch. The excessive laughter is pretty retarded.

Lani wrote:Eh, in the end, people (real or cartoon) are naked and having a good time. What's wrong with that?
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Postby Malkmusian » Sat Jun 30, 2007 1:46 am

That's what made the episode dramatic. Excessive laughter can kill you.
The creator, Carth, had never experienced autism until she read my story.
Sorry I was gone.
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Postby Ghost Guest » Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:42 pm

This episode tells you how much the show has changed. The pace is totally different (much slower), the animation can't even be compared to that of the later seasons and there's a display of emotion that is somewhat lacking nowadays. Scientifically speaking, the episode is incacurrate, but watcha gonna do.

Not one of my favorites, but still decent from my point of view. Although the supercomputer spoke, and that was weird.

Anyway, it has two of my favorite Ulrich's quotes:

Herve: I wonder why I don't just slug you.
Ulrich: Fear, maybe?

Sissi: Don't worry, Ulrich. Not all the girls are like Yumi.
Ulrich. Yeah, that's a shame.
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Postby Carth » Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:59 pm

I'm not sure what I think of this episode. There are points that are good and points that are bad and points that are just strange. And I'm going to have to see it all. I'm looking forward to the Yumi drama, though, cause that's really all I remember.

I've decided that instead of a NaNo I'm going to try and churn out one of these every day. It will be wooonderful.

Code: Lyoko will reset it all.

Mrs. Hertz's laughter is terrifying. Probably for reasons Odd just stated- "I've never seen her laugh at all."

And I'm sure every dentist in the audience is now headdesking. Or scientist. Or person with half a mind. As Ghost Guest said, NO2 does not actually make you giggle like an idiot. I guess you can, but it really only creates a sort of loopy fog. Not sure about the "water cancels it". I'm sure it doesn't, because otherwise dentists would just douse you afterward and we wouldn't have so many entertaining YouTube videos. But too much can kill you, I know that can happen if you inhale it directly and don't take it with oxygen. Not sure about the other stuff she's spouting. I'm finding this scene painful to watch...

"Enough of that. Get out a sheet of paper for a surprise quiz." In conjunction with all that laughing, that joke DID work.

I hear the "this scene will be sad" music! Yep, there's Yumi...I'm kinda sad to find this scene sorta loses its punch in conjunction with the laughing gas scene. "I'd rather go and talk to her." As in, he'd rather get the attachment and affection~

"Yeah, sure as Julia Roberts is going to call me up and invite me out to dinner." Huh, he references her in the French too. Though I think a pithy "no" would've been ten times funnier. I don't really like it when they name and brand-drop this blatantly and randomly...

"If you like talking so much, talk to yourself, kay?" This, Ulrich, means that she really wants you to follow her. So do it!

"Not all girls are like Yumi." Sissi, you insensitive clod. She's clearly upset! "Getting upset sometimes" is not a negative personality trait. "Sissi Delmas, circa this scene" is.

"Yeah, that's a shame!" OOOOHHHH! You want some ice for that burn, Sissi? Or maybe a glacier or two?

"Yeah, I'll be there, but it's not for you, it's for Odd." Okay...I never was a fan of the school play subplot here. It was a little cooler in Temporary Insanity when it also showed a spot of French culture by being Cyrano (and created lulz by having Ulrich and Odd go nutsoface), but here, when it's bleedin' Romeo and Juliet...and also, knowing the kind of practices my school plays have gone through, why would anyone involved in Lyoko want to be heavily involved in a play? Especially a Shakespearean one? And about half of them end up in it too...(Well, I suppose at this point, when they RTTP everything, time would not be an object strictly speaking. But in Temporary Insanity...)

"Yes, that's perfect casting, don't you think?" Did you have a hand in choosing the play too, Sissi? Cause this sounds like a bit of a Xanatos Gambit. I'm surprised you're considered smart enough at this point for that. Especially considering...well, Sissi, he burned you to your face at least three times in that conversation. Get it through your head that he doesn't like you!

XANA XANA XANA. XANA's got the giggles.

I remember this scene! I hope it's still good...aww, he brought her a flower :3

Mrs. Ishiyama's dialogue is...uncharacteristically cheesy. x/ "Darling" is just not a good word. Once again Hiroki is sitting in the imagination bin. He and William are probably playing vidya together.

And then something amazing happened. I liked this scene. It shows a level of emotional sophistication I would've liked to see in a few other choice CL eps. Or maybe I'm just saying that because it involves parental drama. Anyway, it's sweet to see these two come to a point of understanding. :)

Aelita only seems to have a black-and-white emotional understanding- people have to get along completely or not at all. And then once she gets that there can be a grey area, she wonders why it isn't more obvious. You don't need proof of these things, Aelita. Some <3 to the way Jeremie sort of changed the subject. I think he wants things to stay white with her. I also like how we're starting to see him have these heart-to-heart conversations with her. Even if they're a little lacking on her end. And Jeremie's voice is lowering to a Season 2 pitch...

Odd's a good guitar player. They need to show off his skillz more often. That set is terrible. He looks bored. Herb is an awful actor. I mean, how far away is the play, and he's still on script? A lot of script?

Wait, this is strange, and also kind of stupid. They're doing an adaptation? That they let Nicolas write? Um, SCHOOL. This guy's idea of spectacular romance is midnight fishing.

"Hey, keep all your bad jokes to yourself, huh?" But, Sissi, you love his bad jokes. You also love him.

It also appears they're only performing the balcony scene, considering absolutely no one else is in this play.

Evil gas. Odd's laughter is just a little more tolerable than Mrs. Hertz's. Actually, Herb, it was that bad.

Did Sissi know it was NO2? Or was she just pouring water on him to shut him up? Poor Odd, he didn't know what was going on!

I kinda feel sorry for Fred Perrin when I see these scenes that look really beautifully painted, but are only used once. Like all the Cold War scenes. But I digress- here we are at a guy's house to see Yumi's dad.

Ulrich and Yumi seem to be very close in this episode. There's some big cause to why they're not dating, I know it, I just can't figure it out.

Okay! Either I haven't heard Mr. Ishiyama's voice in a long time or his voice isn't totally developed yet, but he sounds way too much like William for me to take him seriously. D8 But the scene brings up an excellent point about relationships. The two of them aren't resolving things because neither of them is doing anything to resolve their problems. Still, I feel like the Ishiyama family tension was pulled off a lot more convincingly in Season 2.

Wow, did Jeremie's voice just jump down an octave while he was talking? And Jeremie, do you think it was a coinkydink that she happened to teach you that today? And why are the pulsations always late?

"If you've come to apologize, Odd, don't bother!" Meaning she was expecting him to come and apologize! I love imagined subtext!

I LOVE YOU ULRICH. Playing into the hands of this loony-face for the one you love is a terrible thing to do, and it takes a lot of courage to do it right.

"Aelita and me, we never fight. Is that normal?"
"How should I know?"
I like this exchange, because it not only delves into Jeremie and Aelita's relationship, but also goes into them treating her like a human. And also because that train of thought goes through the rest of the episodes- the only thing that does, considering this is a pretty filler-y ep.

Tomorrow? TOMORROW? (No, wait, that's another play.)

If you guys had gone right then and there, Aelita wouldn't have been chased across dangerous territory by Bloks!

"Communication refused." With Lyoko or with Aelita? Maybe she's too busy?

Aelita's very lucky there was more sector underneath her. The Mountain sector is gorgeous; its rock formations are more complex than the other sectors. And it's got widdle trees.

Transfer, scanner...uh oh! Have you noticed that whenever something hits the scanners at the same time as someone else, sh*t hits the fan? Laughing gas, Kiwi, bees in that one comic...?

EVIL LAUGHING GAS. I love how it has little eyes.

Odd's line was cheesy. Though I think this might be closer to the actual effects of laughing gas- foggy feelings and whatnot.

Uh oh! Where's Jerbutt? (And out of curiosity, does Aelita get a video feed of Jerbutt? Just so, you know, she knows what she's getting into lookswise?)

This must not be a very highbrow production if they think they can train a lead role THE DAY OF THE SHOW. "You do make the perfect Romeo." That line is strange.

"I wonder why I don't just slug you." "Fear, maybe?" Ulrich's just burning people all over the place. It's amazing. He needs to go up and burn Yumi's parents. No, wait. He needs to burn his own dad.

"Adults can be such children sometimes." Hey, these bubs are doing more than most of those adults ever did with their lives. Yumi's costume is...dated.

That is an ENORMOUS boiler! Sorry, just pointing that out.

Wait a minute. What is this music? I've never heard this music! This music is great! But again, who's this lady that keeps talking through the computer? It doesn't sound like Aelita's voice...

Yup, that's it, Jerbutt. You just have to stay underwater for the rest of your life.

Again. LAST MINUTE STUFF. THE NIGHT OF THE SHOW. Them some ugly parents come to see third-rate entertainment.

"Not feeling well". She's defending him sorta. Come on, Jean-Pierre, don't run the excellent plan! But still, he sat next to her. If he really didn't want to fix things, he wouldn't. But Yumi's mom...not only did she expect him to be the one to make a move, she turns up her nose at him. Wow.

Again, this music! And why are you saying you're too weak, Odd? You seem to be doing just fine. (This episode. Is going by. So slowly.)

This must be that underside-crawling thing MY85 mentioned. It is indeed fantastical.

Wait, how is Aelita gonna help him? I guess she is the only lifeline he has...

Ulrich's a terrible actor! Poor parents, having to be subjected to this. I see two people in the front that look like they could be Herb's father and Nicolas's mother. Could he make it any more obvious that he's reciting from a paper? If it's any consolation, the play itself also looks shoddy, especially as I think I've figured out that Sissi pretty much ran the whole thing singlehandedly.

"Enter Guard." I love it when people read stage directions. They're not laughing with you, Ulrich, they're laughing at you. Wait, is that Tiddlywinks Lady? o_o

"Boy, they're tough." No, you suck. Or did you mean Yumi's parents?

I don't see the logic of having stacks of lines when your play only has one scene.

Like I said, closer to actual laughing gas. Pulsations, finally! And I told you the Mountain sector had neat rock formations. Labyrinth? Labyrinth?

"You who is so fair, and, uh, fair." I love you Ulrich.

I love how Odd's sorta fuzzy as he walks through the Labyrinth...I wonder why we never saw this again. So we get treated to a minute of them wandering, do we? Poor Odd. The laughing gas actually seems to be depressing him.

We're just going from one dull and unentertaining thing to another..."You really were better." Nicolas was right. And Sissi isn't too stellar either. I'm starting to think Odd's guitar playing would have been the best thing about this play.

"What's so funny?" XANA! He's clearly hillarious. (What the hell's that guy wearing? The guy with the "5" on his sweater and a necklace thing?) I guess the audience just thinks that the kids finally realized their play sucked and the whole thing's just collapsed.

Sissi really is being unreasonable here. She saves Ulrich's life but refuses to give any help to Yumi?

STOP SAYING DARLING. I'm sorry, that word just bothers me. Gas gets worse.

This next scene reminds me of the babe.
(What babe?)
The babe with the power.
(What power?)
Power of voodoo.
(Who do?)
You do!
(Do what?)
Remind me of the babe! Whose power is actually Future Flash, used for the fourth and I think last time here.

I think I know why there's such a big OddAelita fanbase now. Odd's "Oh, I'm not worried" would have had me convinced...

This scene of Jeremie dying is...suggestive. Run, Aelita! Save Jeremie from erotic suffocation! Good, she actually ran into the tower. And the flipping foolishness hadn't started, that's good. Nail biter minute.

Wait, does she enact a RTTP without him? Yes, yes- wait. He said it clearly and then suffocated? How...noble.

Relax-o-vision~ Poor Yumi...thankfully Jeremie, who is not dead, has the solution.

"A nice laughing fit is good for you from time to time." So, in less polite words, "You suck b*lls, good buddy."

Yumi helping him even when he sucks is <3. Is the guard inherently funny? Even Odd is smiling. I admit this is a little better than it was.

Either I don't get the joke or this just isn't funny. Maybe because Romeo's in the bushes with a second girl? (Rosaline?) Or because she's feeding him lines?

"You don't understand drama!" Well, Sissi, if it's any consolation, you don't either.

But apparently this plan worked, because the Ishiyamas are all laughs and smiles and- do I see a hand around the shoulder? You go, Mr. I!

On another note, has anyone noticed that the movie ep and the play ep have both been lackluster?

- Jeremie/Aelita cute
- Labyrinth
- Good music on Lyoko
- The fact that the parent subplot was there, if not pulled off as well as it could be
- Good attempt at making a complex plot
- Ulrich burns everyone and their mother, literally

- Everything about the play was just...bad
- Blatant scientific inaccuracy
- It took me two hours to watch.

Kind of painful to watch, didn't add much...I guess you should watch it for completion's sake, but it's really not up to snuff. I could go as far as to say that this is what people who don't like CL think the whole show is like.
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