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False Start

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False Start

Postby Mewberries151 » Wed Jul 04, 2007 2:03 am

^^; How could we not have an official episode thread for the Season 1 finale?

XANA's first trump card is revealed, and the discovery of Aelita's "virus" is made.

Although, on the brighter side of things...there's an awful lot of J/A fluff to be found in this episode. :)

Post your thoughts on it below.
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Postby Malkmusian » Sat Jul 07, 2007 3:46 pm

I liked it on how Aelita was so naive on Earth (due to her erased mind) and thought that Earth was worse than Lyoko because they fight all of the time and how we saw her in full Earth form, but only for 16 minutes.

Definitely, this is the biggest cliffhanger I've ever experienced in my life.
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Postby zex marquise » Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:07 pm

When I found out about the virus, I got so PO'd at XANA. I wanted him to DIE right then.
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Postby jeremy0818 » Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:27 pm

definitely a good end to the first season, and definitely a cliffhanger.
but i also thought it was kinda weird that they did one extra episode
afterwards which officially ended the season. oh well.
still a good season's end.

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Postby Taelia » Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:24 pm

I loved how Jim was nice, and how he wanted to protect the children. I also loved how he called himself the gang's friend. On a down note, Jim should have been scanned in so his kindness would be remembered by him. I am so :cussout: that the kids want nothing to do with him now. My friend Elizabeth and I loved this sweet, fatherly side to Jim, and we still do very much.

Also, I loved Aelita's first-season design MUCH better than her current look and fourth-season outfit. She looks more like a Princess and a Lyokian than her current body. And the J/A fluff also made my day.

This episode, if you exclude the return trip at the end, gets a 9/10 from me! :D Everyone, even David Gasman, did an awesome job!
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Postby HiddenWatcher » Fri May 16, 2008 5:35 pm

That sequence was the most adorable montage in the entire series. Smelling flowers by the moonlight, taking pictures in a photobooth, a goodnight kiss-they're off to a nice start. Even if it is a false one. ;)
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Postby TheLQ » Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:48 pm

Forgot to post after stream

This episode was a bit of a let down. It was interesting in some respects, but just plain boring in others. Things didn't add up. And at the end Aelita says she must stay but at the very beginning of S2 she's out walking around earth.

I will say thats its so funny with Jeremie and Aelita. Jeremie is just like that extremely nerdy guy in school that's awkward around girls. Its kinda funny

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Postby Carth » Sun May 09, 2010 6:41 pm

Huh. The season finale and only a few posts here? We hafta fix that, don't we? C: Anyvey. Here it is, good ol' False Start. Time to find some Aelitas!

Guess we better say goodbye to Season 1's theme song, because this is the last time we'll be seeing it...8<

Code: Earth epic summary montage. We know all this already...but it's good to know that it's finally happened, and miss Aelita is on Earth. Okay, while she's onscreen: her old outfit is...rather immodest. One would think eyebrows would be raised that she just happened to have an outfit to come out in...though it might have been assumed to be a random output thing like the Lyoko outfits. Anyway. Aelita! Yay!

And now it's the next day or a few days later. And yuri fanboys cry as we do NOT get to see what Aelita did at Yumi's house. Aelita is...very tall. It is definitely a lot later, given the level of calm that Jeremie and Ulrich are exhibiting.

"That's why you're here, to learn." And boy will she...her hair looks strange in these first few episodes. Here, it's cropped shorter to her head, more like her Lyoko form, but it gets shaggier looking in S2...

Why are Milly and Tamiya in this class? Someone submitted the wrong class list again. Are Herb and Nicolas googly-eyeing Aelita? I'm finding myself wishing this had stayed, if only for the lulz.

"Just who does that new girl think she is?" Well, my dear, I think she's Aelita <s>Stones</s> Lyoko. "Acting frail and helpless works every time!" What does Sissi have to hate on, anyway? Does she feel threatened? C: And if so, why is she always forceful?

Poor Aelita. She's getting hated on and she doesn't even know what she's doing. Is Odd glaring at Sissi? I hope he is.

"You fight a lot here. There are wars all the time." That's so...sad. Even as a joke. <s>Especially in France.</s> And they do look embarassed...

I can hardly imagine what it's like to be in Aelita's place...though I think she still needs a little more time to soak it in. She still feels wooden to me. Supercomputer deactivation time. Oooooh. Show's over, kids.

Jim! Reading Sumo magazines! They must be popular here because they're everywhere. He's a happy bub now. "From now on, call me Jimbo, eh?" Sure, Jimbo.

Elevator. I'll continue this later. Seriously.
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Postby Taelia » Sun May 09, 2010 7:14 pm

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Postby Carth » Mon May 10, 2010 7:29 pm

Ohlol. Glad you see it that way...anyway, time to watch the rest of this episode. Why is it that whenever I watch CL I'm reminded of why I liked it so much, and that I can never seem to recall what that reason is?

So when we left off, everyone was going down in the the supercomputer room, ooh! Wonder why we only ever went down here twice in the first season. After that they practically live down here...I love all the shiny white-ness when the supercomputer comes up. It's so pretty and ethereal. Though I do wonder what that white stuff is. Is it submerged in coolant or something?

Shocked at what your home really was, Aelita? When she turns her head you can tell that it's more Lyoko hairstyle than S2 hairstyle. Aelita gets scared...Jeremie gets intense...supercomputer go bye-bye...and Aelita is down. Ohdearieme.

"Let's hope XANA doesn't rear his ugly head!" Oh Odd, you do love to tempt fate.

Instant nighttime! What a sweet scene. It's kind of strange how Aelita has green eyes sometimes and not others. "I liked the way it felt." Only you would say that, Aelita. (That's what she said. 8P)

"Do you mind if I examine you?" 83c. The serious look on his face makes this line.

It always puzzled me how they seem to be floating in the scanner... And Jim, that's why you're a PE teacher and not a Lyoko Warrior.

Loud Beeping Noise, you were not invited to this party. Except you extend the plot, so maybe you were. Aelita has brown hair now. Odd lighting down here...

LOL VIRUS. Several months of pointless grievance, here we come...Aelita, think you could've mentioned this presence in the first place? One wonders if they'd come up with the real story behind the virus at this point...

So it looks like the plot isn't over. Poor Jeremie. Yay us.

"But it could take a long time." Uh, yeah.

"I'll take you back to Yumi's. It's kinda late." YES! Cuteness begins now! And I don't just mean Jim's aww-dat-so-cute look on his face. Though maybe. I never noticed it before. It's lolarious.

So cute so cute! How she's so clueless and he's teaching her everything. Only Jeremie would tell someone how plants breathe. He's the happiest kid alive right now I can tell. Except maybe Aelita. "It's so good to be alive!"

"What's that? A scanner?" These pictures :3 I love when she's wearing his glasses. That is one of the milestones of a relationship, I think: wearing the other's glasses.

"The most wonderful night of my life" Yeah, probably. <s>OHO</s> And aww, this kiss! I love how Jeremie sorta disengages and his glasses fall over. And then he's all excited and then he walks away with this whole "I'm so much cooler than you cause a girl kissed me on the cheek" look. It's okay, Jer, we still love you. Even if you are an insufferable dork.

Oh, so THAT was her first night on Earth! Oops. "Sleeping is really wonderful." (It keeps people from griping 24 hours a day, instead of 16.) And still the fans are cheesed that we didn't get to see it. Oh well. They're gal pals now. "Sleeping in class isn't too bad either!" Lol.

Activated towah. Scanners. Scanners are opening. Jim cleans up the kids' leftovers.

For some reason class amuses me more than Lyoko. Especially this. Beard Maybe Math Teacher Guy has not erased Ms. Hertz's y=ax+b lesson. For Sissi's credit, that's probably the answer I would've given. Thomas Jolivet lol'd.

Aelita's answer is hilarious if only for its thoroughness. And the fact that it showed Sissi up like damn. Also love the look Jeremie's got on his face there. I see he hasn't recovered from that kiss. And everyone else looks exasperated. "Oh, ANOTHER genius?"

Don't you hate it when a scream interrupts your class? And don't you hate it when a Kankrelat interrupts your Lyoko-free life? Don't you hate it when Ulrich shoves his bum in your face?

"You know very well that if there's a victim, going back in time won't bring them back to life." Well, now that's maintained. I never went through LTT; why did you guys figure they didn't come back? My best guess is something to do with the soul ceasing to exist at a certain fixed point in time, but that requires the existence of the concept of a soul...

I never noticed the huddle of terrified kids in the back of the classroom. They must be even more scared by Jeremie and co. totally knowing what's going on...

More screaming. More Kanks. Ow! You shot me, you A-hole!

Army of Kanks. Almost forgot this was in this episode...

Yeah, Yumi! "What would you do without me?" Ah, Yumi, that's for next episode I'm afraid.

There are, like, over nine thousand Kankrelats. Nail gun!

Lul at them lookin' in the shed for weapons. It's like it's zombie killin' time. HOLY CRAP I WROTE THAT BEFORE HE PICKED UP THE CHAINSAW. EPIC. But it cuts away before we totally get to see Ulrich and Yumi massacre Kankrelats with a chainsaw and an axe. NOT SO EPIC.

Instead we get Jim beating at Kanks with a metal rod. There seem to be a lot of those around the factory. Disappointing, Odd, I thought you were supposed to be the sharpshooter!

Jeremie, when did you ever think taking Aelita to Lyoko wouldn't be necessary? Dumbface. She still isn't used to not being a tower deactivator bot...poor dear.

I love how this feels more like a story than an episode. And also love how Odd just popped that one. Glacier region? Really?

And off Jimbo goes to be a Big Damn Hero. Virtualization time. Well isn't this strange...virtualizing Aelita.

Welcome home, Aelita! "I miss the real world already." Once you've gone real, you can't go back. 8]

So, what. Yumi and Ulrich can't beat them with an axe and a chainsaw, and Jim can with a loud yell and a nail gun? Huh. That's the plot for you. "Say your prayers!" LOL religion.

"My friends call me" Nice try, dear.

Lyoko fighting. So. HeadforthetowerI'llholdemoff.

Kankrelats walk sideways? Huh. Jim's a good asset. Too bad that their deal is just incompleteable.

"20 points is enough for him!" Indeed it is. "I'm out of arrows!" WOW. So for all it's worth, his running out of arrows happened, what, twice? I think? Yeah. G'bye, arrows-running-out-of. I'll see you when Future Flash comes back.

OHGOD AELITA A HORNET. Nice sort of ice sliding. Dubbing singing over the singing is tacky.

Oh no, Jim's out of arrows. Or...not?

Lyoko. Aelita go slide down the ice tunnel. I like the ice tunnel. Time to be friendsy and save the world.

More Jim. More tower. Nail biter minute...Jim dies? No! Of course not.

CODE: LYOKO will reset the last two days.

And now, all is well. Right? Right? "Maybe you can be treated here on Earth!" Yeah, I doubt that.

"We could materialize you for an hour or two, so you could pay us a little visit." I don't see why the virus has to keep her on Earth- no, wait, now I do! Because the old tower scan was manual, they couldn't instantly know whether there was a tower activated- Aelita was their best tower finder. So they still needed her on Lyoko to find towers. However, when Jeremie went and developed the super scan, which is automatic, Aelita didn't need to be on Lyoko 24/7 and could go to school and all. Yay! I figured it out! Poor kids. Them so sad. But they'll be happier later.

And he's Jimbo, all back to being a nosey-nose. Wait, he walks right into Jeremie's room and doesn't even notice Kiwi? This time he says "my eye." And crap is about to hit the fan...but they cover for him. Aww. I guess this is when Jim slides away from disciplinarian a bit.

I bet an actual trick on Herb by these kids would be awesome. Way to act sketchy to your gym teacher. Way to act REALLY sketchy, Yumi! I bet that was his first kiss, too...

And Jeremie is happy. And they walk off into the whiteness. And Season 1 is over!

- Aelita's on Earth! Yay!
- Aelita is lolarious
- As is Jeremie
- Jim's actually a pretty good asset to the team
- More story than formula, coherent

- We didn't get to see Yumi and Ulrich hacking at Kankrelats with a chainsaw and an axe
- Lyoko was pretty much blah (though in comparison with the real world this probably isn't a surprise)
- Aelita still can't figure out how to have a personality
- Jeremie's still walking on a mysteriously vanished sprained ankle.
- Ends on a bit of a sad note
- And we don't get any more CL for two years

Except I do, because I've got New Order beckoning to me from my hard drive. Well, rewatching Season 1 was rewarding- awkward and drafty at times, but definitely entertaining! If ever you get the time, watch one or two eps. Them's sexy.
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Postby Taelia » Mon May 10, 2010 8:22 pm

- Aelita's on Earth! Yay!
- Aelita is lolarious
- As is Jeremie
- Jim's actually a pretty good asset to the team
- More story than formula, coherent

Of COURSE he is! It's just that Jeremie is a piece of garbage and doesn't want him involved anymore!
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Postby Mewberries151 » Tue May 11, 2010 5:34 pm

Taelia wrote:
- Aelita's on Earth! Yay!
- Aelita is lolarious
- As is Jeremie
- Jim's actually a pretty good asset to the team
- More story than formula, coherent

Of COURSE he is! It's just that Jeremie is a piece of garbage and doesn't want him involved anymore! More like, Jim had to be fired from his <i>paying</i> job first to even have the time to help them.

Team Lyoko can't pay him or support him, nor is money going to just materialize out of nowhere so that he can buy food and other necessities. He needed to have his own job back. That's why he's not on the team.
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Postby Taelia » Tue May 11, 2010 7:40 pm

Yeah, but he still could have been the gang's friend.
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Postby Carth » Tue May 11, 2010 9:14 pm

Taelia, there is no reason to call a cartoon character "garbage" because something didn't go your way with a similarly cartoon character. Everyone, real or realistic, has their good points, bad points, and reasons for everything, as Mew just tried to explain. Jim is not as much a friend to the Lyoko Warriors as they will be to each other (though they do hold him in some measure of regard [size=0]for the love of God please do not blow this sentence out of proportion[/size]) because he is a teacher and thirty years older.

Both Jeremie (who, as you might remember, is one of the most hardworking and noble characters on the show within all human trappings) and Jim, as mentioned above, cannot function as characters if demonized or glorified. Just because the show's main focus is not on Jim does not mean the world is ending. There is so much more in the story to enjoy. Please don't fall to pieces every time something doesn't go your way; to be honest, I can't sympathize.

Back on topic...Aelita on Earth happy times, yes?
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Postby desincarnation » Wed May 12, 2010 10:35 am

Back on topic...Aelita on Earth happy times, yes?

YES. Photo booth+Romantic Theme.
"You fight a lot here. There are wars all the time."

That's really sad. Considering how bloody Europe's history is. Wars, Black Death, Holocaust, totalitarian regimes and so on... It's sad how many awful things she'll need to realize while living on Earth. I know that's something every child undergoes eventually, but for her it'd be a big shock. I wonder is she and Jeremie ever discussed that aspect of Earth life. But on the other hand, here is where Aelita's character development begins.

I love this episode for its JxA-ness. Jeremie is the happiest guy in the world in this episode. It was such a pain to see him cry at the end of it.

You know what, Carth? I can't wait to see your review of The Key The Epic.
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