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The Trap

Talk about the episodes of the original series here! (Seasons 1-4)

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So how did "Piege" grab you?

10. Nothing like an elevator filling with water for suspense.
No votes
9. XANA should make the machinery go wild more often.
8. Sissi? A nurse? Who knew.
7. Points for Aelita's sense of humor surfacing.
6. It's better than some, but kinda not. Sorta like Jeremie with math and gym..
No votes
5. Could've done without the broken arm.
No votes
4. Mhmm yay, more regurgitated animation. Goodie.
No votes
3. Lamer than Yumi's (vanishing) fear of heights.
No votes
2. Somehow I'm not surprised Sissi remembers when she got her make-up kit.
No votes
1. Odd stealing all the cake was the best part, and that isn't saying much.
No votes
0. "Bye-bye~" pretty much says it all.
No votes
Total votes : 5

The Trap

Postby Reploid CB » Wed Jul 04, 2007 2:10 am

Yes my poll sucks oh well.

It's an old episode, from the middle-ish of Season 1 but it needed a thread (as do three other episodes I plan on doing) it is xD

Synopsis: It's been a year since the team met Aelita, and they decide to do something to commemorate the occasion. But XANA traps Odd and Jeremie in one area of the factory with equipment trying to tear them apart, and traps Yumi and Ulrich in the elevator-- with Sissi no less --leaving Aelita alone in Lyoko to fend for herself, complete with a Krab stalking her every movement. Not to mention that Ulrich's got a broken arm from a sudden drop the elevator took (Tower of Terror anyone) and, to complicate matters with Odd and Jeremie, they've gotta pass through the boiler room, with the boiler set to explode any time..

This has always been my top favorite episode and remained as such until I saw "The Key" much, much later, and even now is in the top five. There are a number of good moments in it.. Although I think the most "famous" might be what Aelita did to the poor Krab, dropping out the ground right from under it xD. Not to mention that there were more "Sissi showing her nice side" moments. Overall, a pretty good one ^^ At my standards xD;
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Postby Carth » Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:12 am

First? xDDD Anyway, here we are. The Trap. If this were BKO I would probaby make a whole string of "it's a trap" jokes right now. I probably still will. But from what I remember of this episode, it has lots of cute, lots of aww, and lots of it screws up everyone's CL timelines forever.


The computer calllllsss to you, Jeremie...(I bet it does, too.)

"Are you connected?" Does she have anything else to do?

I'm cheering Aelita for taking an interest in affairs beyond Lyoko. Every bit that adds more to her thin personality is another point toward the real Aelita in my book.

"You have to show what you know in writing." "What a strange idea." Get used to it, Aelita. In a month or two you'll be taking plenty.

"ULRICH! ODD! TURN OFF THAT SOUND NOW!" I kinda want to know what they were doing to get Jim to yell at them xD What the hell's "universal time"? Does he mean like GMT?

AHAHAHA! The random musical montage! I think I can just skip this except to point out how storking ridiculous it is. From what I can tell, they go to class.

And now they're in another class. "I finished, ma'am." Was I the only one that saw kids glower at him?

"We met exactly a year ago today." BAWWWWW why did you have to do that? In XANA Awakens Jerbutt says he met Aelita "a few weeks" before October 9th, but La Touissant, which is in late October, happened eleven episodes ago. Maybe Lani's timeline is right, and all the episodes before "The Trap" happened in the year between XANA Awakens and this? No, wait, that couldn't be right, because Milly and Tamiya would have been too young for Kadic then. Or, he's talking about when the group first came together, the date of which was never precisely placed as October 9th/10th, but considering it concerns Aelita I doubt it. Still, it's the only solution that works. And it's more probable if he starts talking about the gang as a group.

Shouldn't like ten of them be in trouble for talking during a test?

Yeah, if Ulrich talks about it being a year, than his discovery happened a bit later. Keep in mind this is all an arsepull; I'm sure at this point in production they had no idea what they'd make the origin story into later. This could be assuming they all found it at the same time at a November-ish date.

Still, it's cute to see them treating her as a human! Birthdays and all that.

Sissi, you interloper. Can't you realize that he is not in any way attracted to you, love? Huh, Sissi's thoughts. Do we ever hear her thoughts any other time?

Oh. Pulsations. And we have XANA. I wonder if Aelita's aware it's her birthday.

Factory! It actually looks nicer in these office areas...I guess because they are, indeed, office areas. The factory floor is just a mess, though. And them tools look nasty.

Secret tunnel! Secret tunnel! Secret secret secret tunnel! Odd go YEAAH. I just noticed, his voice got a lot higher later too. I'm not sure if it's just Season 1, but even if it is Matt, he sounds...calm. He's not as screechy and wonderful as he gets. I want the screechy and wonderful...

Digital birthday cake would actually be amazing. Anticlimactic. Truly anticlimactic. And Sissi, he sees a lot more intelligence than you have. For once I'm not arguing against interlopery here, because it leads to brilliance.

"I forgot what this place looked like!" So they were digging about back here were they?

Aww he helped Yumi up. "I'm gonna beat you to the elevator!" That's so cute!

Great timing, Sissi. "Private love nest". Because dirty elevators are just so romantic. Strike that. Dirty XANA-fied elevators. About how far down is the factory anyway?

This scene terrifies me. I am TERRIFIED of heights and falling elevators so right now I'm just like O____O. Guys, NEVER check ANYTHING out.

"IT'S A TRAP!" Where?


Can you be knocked out in an elevator fall? Maybe.

That's noble of Ulrich, staying with Sissi. Though he must be happy that broken arms are reversed by RTTPs.

Odd vs. Machine! Odd wins!

Aelita seems awful calm. Though I guess she can't really process what goes on on the outside.

They have lots of little trapdoors, don't they? And I thought it was Ulrich that had the fear of heights. I guess for him it's easier said than done. Sissi must be going mad by now; she gets to be Ulrich's hurt/comfort fic!


Odd, a twisted metal pole isn't as useless...unless of course it proves the possibility that that tool could do that to you.

"No kidding, genius!" At that point Odd sounded more like himself. Conveyor belts. Now THIS scene is cool, the way he just sorta scrambled up the metal thingy. Though Jeremie's a little less numble and thus gets a face full of Oddbutt.

So Jeremie says for the benefit of the audience that there is a boiler room entrance.

Krabe is a ninja. Seriously, that is the sneakiest Krabe I have ever seen.

Boiler gon' splode mama! And there's their big action scene, with the boiler asploding! (Is that what makes the water...?)

Where'd Sissi get that cloth to tie up his arm? Neither of them have any torn clothes. I couldn't help but go aww when she snuck a caress at his face. And yeah I'm pretty sure the boiler explosion caused the water.

YESS THIS SCENE! I love this place on Lyoko, the one with all the big buttes. The Krabe is outright comical.

YEAH AELITA!!!! Kill it dead! "Bye bye!" Adorable, me newfound respect for her.

Seriously, you guys. Stop it with the awkward Jeremie/Yumi moments.

"Lyoko connection. Please wait." Whose voice is that? Is that Aelita's voice? Or is it some sort of voice program Franzy-o got?

Water o____o I guess it would make more sense for Sissi to hold Ulrich than for Ulrich to hoist Sissi with one arm...

More sneaky Krabes.

"And to think I dreamed of being alone with you for such a long time!" It's okay, Sissi, I know how you feel about your Parcheesi games...

"I swear, if we get out of here alive, I promise to be nicer to you in the future." Well, to the best of my memory he doesn't play any more evil pranks on her. So, I think he keeps his promise.

Scanners. I noticed from Jeremie's dialogue- he's kinda become jaded to what's on the outside as long as they're good to go on Lyoko.

HEY! They're right in front of the tower! (You know, if you hadn't done the montage, you could've shoved a minute of running in here.)

Odd's starting to sound a little more active. And those are some compotent Krabes! I think that's why they're so easily devirtualized. AELITA!

One krabe to go? Come on, Aelita, tough it out. YEAH!

And now for the nail biter minute. I mean seriously. YAY! Aelita, you win.

The Lyoko Warriors are pretty amazing people if they can make cake that isn't a lie. And Aelita, this cake is for comprehension. And also for them to view you as a human. But, loves, don't leave the door open. You have interlopers.

"I don't get it." Perfect timing. I love how Ulrich is just like >.> and then winks at her.

Is this the first Odd food joke? I think this is the first Odd food joke! And- his voice sounds like it should! This scene's surprisingly high-quality!

"To celebrate the birthday of my makeup kit!" Sissi, clearly you want to be in there celebrating the computer birthday too. Though, wait, if she clearly heard Aelita's name and then gets to know her later...whatever.

And in conclusion-

"Odd, you're eating all the cake, stop!"

- Funny, plot worked well
- Threatening XANA attack
- Good Ulrich/Sissi plot development
- Aelita kicked arse
- Aelita got lots of lines and an actual presence as a character
- Aelita got the respect of the other Warriors finally
- Krabe ninjas
- Cake!

- It makes the time line go asdfghjkl
- Not sure how effective the XANA attack was

- The beginning of the Odd food jokes.

Overall, a solid episode, and a real step ahead. Not the most exciting, but it had lots of the characteristics of the best CL eps.
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