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It is currently Thu Mar 06, 2025 10:32 pm's new 404 page, and possible CLE spoilers

General Evolution discussion (Season 5)

Moderators: The Administrators, Moderators's new 404 page, and possible CLE spoilers

Postby TheAppleFreak » Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:20 pm

Well, after a fake announcement that got me seriously worried for a minute, apparently made a new 404 error page. While I thought that the announcement was in very bad taste seriously what were they thinking it wasn't funny at all, I'm intrigued by the actual image that they used. Since the midseason break is coming up soon in three weeks, I'm thinking that XANA will finally return to full strength and begin wreaking some havoc just like he used to.

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Re:'s new 404 page, and possible CLE spoilers

Postby Cassius335 » Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:58 am

For those of us that missed it, what was the fake announcement?

Despite all the Red (which does indeed suggest XANA), the alternative is that some component on the supercomputer fails in spectacular fashion...
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Re:'s new 404 page, and possible CLE spoilers

Postby TheAppleFreak » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:03 am

They said that one of the actors was gravely ill, and they purported to have a news story up on the site (which was the 404 page). They then claimed it was an April Fool's joke, and said it was a way to showcase their 404 page. At least in the Tumblrverse, no one found it funny.
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