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S5E5: Rivalry

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S5E5: Rivalry

Postby LyokoMan95 » Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:14 pm

Episode title - Rivalry
Air date - January 26th (TV, France)

Quentin had this to say:
A hint: Ulrich vs William. One warning: it is epic!
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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby TheAppleFreak » Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:19 pm

Just watched the episode in French. Not too bad, Lyoko action was pretty good, and I'm happy that
Spoiler: show
they've become a little more accepting of William. I'm also really happy to see something that isn't a Specter this time around, and finally seeing Code Lyoko on the tower terminals was definitely a relief.

What's bugging me the most, though, is that the Tarantulas now shoot out of their eyes. I saw it in Spectromania and now here. It's really, really annoying.
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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby TheTsunamix » Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:45 pm

TheAppleFreak wrote:What's bugging me the most, though, is that the Tarantulas now shoot out of their eyes. I saw it in Spectromania and now here. It's really, really annoying.

They did that in Spectromania? I can't seem to recall that part, I must've missed it.
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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby TheAppleFreak » Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:10 pm

TheTsunamix wrote:
TheAppleFreak wrote:What's bugging me the most, though, is that the Tarantulas now shoot out of their eyes. I saw it in Spectromania and now here. It's really, really annoying.

They did that in Spectromania? I can't seem to recall that part, I must've missed it.

It was there maybe once, when Ulrich is fighting the first Tarantula. I was hoping it was just an animator goof. Evidently not.
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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby TheTsunamix » Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:17 pm

TheAppleFreak wrote:
TheTsunamix wrote:
TheAppleFreak wrote:What's bugging me the most, though, is that the Tarantulas now shoot out of their eyes. I saw it in Spectromania and now here. It's really, really annoying.

They did that in Spectromania? I can't seem to recall that part, I must've missed it.

It was there maybe once, when Ulrich is fighting the first Tarantula. I was hoping it was just an animator goof. Evidently not.

Ah, you're right. Don't know why I didn't see that before.
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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby penguin30 » Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:10 pm

At least this spectre could hug hard enough not to be pushed off easily. And congrats for breaking down a door, even if it was offscreen.

Good, now we're over this "shun William" bit. Onto Laura and whatever role she'll play. And Alan Meyer whenever he decides to figure out who's messing with his supercomputer (at least, I'd bet it's his computer).

More wrong math. Lyoko Warriors lose 42 points, XANA gets 5. By that ratio, Xana will need another 210 points, leaving 100 points behind so they don't have to die.

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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby LyokoMan95 » Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:39 am

I thought of a solution to the math problem...
On Sundays, XANA creates a clone of Yumi. Then William and the clone hug it out.
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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby Cassius335 » Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:18 am

penguin30 wrote:More wrong math. Lyoko Warriors lose 42 points, XANA gets 5. By that ratio, Xana will need another 210 points, leaving 100 points behind so they don't have to die.

Presumeably the other 37 points represents code Xana already had...

EDIT: Interesting... So Aelita and Odd couldn't go back to Lyoko the second time?
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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby penguin30 » Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:28 pm

They established an episode or two ago that virtualization has a 12 hour wait period between trips.

Also considered the missing points, but he had 70 last time, so that 37 isn't accounted for.

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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby juejue » Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:42 pm

I really loved this episode. I think it's my favourite so far.
Yay for William!^-^
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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby Cassius335 » Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:52 pm

penguin30 wrote:They established an episode or two ago that virtualization has a 12 hour wait period between trips.

Ah, I hadn't seen the subs for 2-4. That's a new detail then.

penguin30 wrote:Also considered the missing points, but he had 70 last time, so that 37 isn't accounted for.

You appear to miss my point. 42 points gained, of which only 5 points were useful. 42-5=37 points, data which I theorise XANA already had as part of the 70 from before (though part of it could have been corrupted in transfer, of course. XANA needs a better data transfer method than hugging, as has been established prior...)
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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby penguin30 » Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:56 pm

That would make more sense, but then it brings the implication that he might need to drain all four of them completely. Of course, the chances of that happening are practically 100% from a narrative standpoint, at least for one of them.

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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby Cassius335 » Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:21 pm

penguin30 wrote:That would make more sense, but then it brings the implication that he might need to drain all four of them completely. Of course, the chances of that happening are practically 100% from a narrative standpoint, at least for one of them.

I don't think so. If I understand correctly each Lyoko Warrior has a copy of XANA'S code. Between the four of them, depending on what data he gets from who (and in what order) it's entirely possible he won't have to completely drain anybody. Well, unless they want to add another death to Aelita's tally...
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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby penguin30 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:42 am

Aelita got away with a temporary death once, I'm sure they could pull it with another character. This show also has a pretty good track record of "mention bad thing, bad thing happens" (destroyed Lyoko, lost memories, Hopper, etc.). We'll see if they break the mold here.

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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby Cassius335 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:06 am

penguin30 wrote:This show also has a pretty good track record of "mention bad thing, bad thing happens" (destroyed Lyoko, lost memories, Hopper, etc.). We'll see if they break the mold here.

True. Whether or not anyone "dies", I'd be shocked if XANA doesn't hit 100%, it's just a matter of which odd-numbered episode it happens in (since so far even numbers have been busy dealing with the Cortex instead).
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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby TheAppleFreak » Thu Feb 28, 2013 2:06 pm

The special preview episode that Kabillion showed was Rivalry, not XANA 2.0 like we all would have thought, and the same dubbers that they used for that initial English trailer are back. Spoiler'd for those who don't want to be spoiled.

Spoiler: show
What the hell did they do with Odd’s voice? And maybe it was just the fact that I was watching fansubs, but I don’t remember Odd being so narcissistic in the original episode. He kept on bragging about himself and Elody, and really came off as a whiny flirt. I’ll need to rewatch my subbed copy to see if this is the case.

William sounded like too much of an ass. I know in this episode he was to supposed to act smug, but they coated it on too heavily to his delivery.

Speaking of delivery, Jeremy’s voice was far too loud for his character and the lines were delivered horribly. He sounded far too American for what it’s worth.

Ulrich was very good, but he caused a bit of unintentional narm when he said “She needs me!” *dramatic bag throw* I laughed harder at that line than I should have.

Yumi sounded at times to be too loud, but when she was quieter, her voice was pretty good.

Aelita sounded a little mannish, but I don’t mind that too much. I need to hear more of her before I can make an opinion.

In terms of the technical aspects, I’m happy that they removed the reverb effect from speech on Lyoko and added it on to cross-dimension voice instead. That bugged me in the French version of the show. Personally, I think making the voice a little more tinny would have been a better idea (to better suit the Bluetooth earpiece that he's using), but to each his own.

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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby penguin30 » Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:21 pm

Dubbing sounds even weirder attached to real actors. At least when it's animated the lip syncing works better.

They added a little code drain graphic to Yumi and William spectre's "hug".

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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby Cassius335 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:12 am

penguin30 wrote:They added a little code drain graphic to Yumi and William spectre's "hug".

Nice to know the dub improved something...
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Re: S5E5: Rivalry

Postby AngelBolt » Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:22 am

Hi, Everyone! The next fortnight for me is finals (my school has a compressed schedule), so obviously this is the best time to start making in-depth analyses on the success of my favorite childhood cartoon's reboots!

So, if you want a peek at how crazy-deep I look into things nowadays (thanks to this show), feel free to read the whole thing over HERE on my Tumblr!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to run around the city going to a meeting about mini-comics, and my route takes me right past a Starbucks!
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