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S5E10 - The Warrior Awakens

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S5E10 - The Warrior Awakens

Postby TheAppleFreak » Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:18 pm

Name: Le Réveil Du Guerrier (The Warrior Awakens)
Airdate: March 2nd, 2013
On the wiki


I have to say, I was actually impressed with this episode. For one,
ninjas! The Ninjas really make the show feel much more dynamic, and the potential for different and more varied action scenes really makes it feel like a much more intense show. As much as I had a few misgivings about how Season 4 had an overreliance on William appearing to fight the Warriors (that, and I was getting sick of DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH every episode), his fight scenes led to an intensity that CLE hasn't yet recaptured until now.

Additionally, I was intrigued about the fact that Ulrich was having nightmares about his first encounter with the Ninjas. It makes you wonder what type of stress these expeditions put on everyone.

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Re: S5E10 - The Warrior Awakens

Postby penguin30 » Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:09 pm

One other thing:
Taking that last scene at face value, the Ninjas are real people. No wonder they're so good.

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Re: S5E10 - The Warrior Awakens

Postby Cassius335 » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:16 am

One other other thing...

Apparantly Ulrich knows Karate now instead of Pen-Chak-Silat? Boring. Still, it means Ulrich can fight real-world after all, which may come in handy (am I the only one who's praying for an excuse for Translation to come back, just to see what the actor's would look like in the suits?)
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Re: S5E10 - The Warrior Awakens

Postby TheTsunamix » Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:17 pm

Cassius335 wrote:One other other thing...

Apparantly Ulrich knows Karate now instead of Pen-Chak-Silat? Boring. Still, it means Ulrich can fight real-world after all, which may come in handy (am I the only one who's praying for an excuse for Translation to come back, just to see what the actor's would look like in the suits?)

Well to be fair, they called it karate in one of the earlier episodes of the original show.

Ulrich Stern wrote:Look, can't I try beating you in something I'm good at? Like karate?
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Re: S5E10 - The Warrior Awakens

Postby TB3 » Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:54 pm

It must be said that CLE has some of the best virtual action the franchise has ever seen, and the addition of the Ninjas is superb - enemies that, unlike the monsters, are autonomous beings with individual strengths and traits - yes for the purposes of the show they're faceless mooks, but for the first time the kids are facing a threat that can outfight them.

Oh, and that one Ninja who was showboating with his sword? Class!

Yumi's response with the stick was equally magnificent however - she is easily one of the best combatants, and skewering that one guy THROUGH THE HEAD was brutally grim.

Back in the real world, we get an amusing glimpse at Jim's quarters, and one of the most tedious martial-arts tournaments ever - could they at least have set-dressed the gym with a touch more panache?

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