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Episode 20 - Espionage

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Episode 20 - Espionage

Postby TheAppleFreak » Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:11 pm

Whee, new episode!

I watched it a little earlier today, and some things:
Clone Aelita was one of the better parts of this episode. I support any Clone Aelita x Clone William ships that might come out of this.

The Hungarian dub sounds... weird. I'm certainly more used to the French.

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Re: Episode 20 - Espionage

Postby Snickie » Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:39 pm

What, are we spoilering this? Ok.

Spoiler: show
I loved Clone!Aelita. XD Her general unresponsiveness, especially with Laura, I just found kind of hilarious. Hertz calls on clone, clone says nothing, Laura looks miffed, Odd fakes appendicitis and he and Ulrich use it to whisk clone out of there. XD Later clone is sitting at table, Laura comes over and says something that sounds patronizing, clone just stares. Clone and William's interaction was funny too lol.

I have so much fanfic plotbunny material too from when Aelita and Antea and Tyron were talking. I feel like Aelita and Antea made a serious mistake when Aelita revealed her true identity in front of Tyron and he was clearly listening to them, especially after he yelled at Antea. I mean, Tyron already knows what she looks like, has an idea within a 120 mile radius of where their supercomputer is located, and now knows her name. And she's on that social networking site. I really hope the next few episodes at least toy with this idea.
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Re: Episode 20 - Espionage

Postby TheAppleFreak » Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:56 pm

It's been such a long time that I've forgotten to be consistent. I usually try to spoil things out of respect for those who haven't seen it yet; it's just how I roll.
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