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New Contest for LF!

For the wonderful fan artists of Code Lyoko.

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New Contest for LF!

Postby Overcaffeinated Sloth » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:09 pm

Hello everyone! This is AngelBolt, your friendly armed moderator. I'm here to talk to you about a contest I'm organizing for the Lyoko Freak Fanbase. More specifically, the Artists and av/sig makers!

That's right, I need you to come up with pairings avatars and signatures!

Ohhh, but not any special pairings, oh no. for I wish this to be a challenge!
It has to be an obsucre, weird, and occasionally just drugged pairing.
And no, OddXSissy does NOT count.
Such a pairing would be the growing BUSHXROCK pairing, or XANAXWindowsXP, or something really cracked up. The point is to add a little corn to the fandom, seing as how CL seems to have none. And hey, there's a lot of oportunitities.

-Must be 100X100 or smaller
-.jpg or .gif
-hosted on an image site such as Photobucket (preferred) ImageShack, or Deviantart (If nothing else is available)

-Must not stretch out the page. Now, since most monitor sizes are different, or resolutions can be diferent, I reccomend nothing bigger than 500 for width, that seems to work well. As for leingth, skinny ones can be from 75 to 100, medium from 125 to 175, and large, maybe 300 for a bulky look. But these aren't specs so much, just a few examples to give some ideas.
-Must have the text of the pairing somwhere on it.
-.jpg or .gif
-hosted on an image hosting site such as photobucket, imageshack, or deviantart.

-Keep it PG as much as possible. pleezepleezePLEEZE nothing too bad, I mean, technically anyone can view these. Would you want it to be plastered to your forehead for the rest of your life, completely visible for anyone to see? If so, then go ahead! If not, then try again.
-Do not take anything from anyone else. because we will find you. and you'll be in trouble. because even if we dismiss you, you'll still be shunned. SHUUUUUNED!
-... YOU MUST HAVE FUN! We commandeth it.
- If you want, you can enter more than once. And you can try your hand at your own pairs, or try someone elses. I don't think you can really copyright a pair, right?

-Create an av.sig, making sure it fitst the right standards and such.
-Upload it onto an Image Hosting Site, and check to make sure it's the right file, and not something else you clicked on by mistake.
-Copy the URL for the image, (hint hint, it should have the file type tag at then end, like .jpf for JPEGs, and .gif for GIFs) The reson PB is the preferred choice is because it has all these little boxes that say URL on it, and you just copy that.
-Create a post in THIS thread, with ENTRY in big capital letter at the top. So we don't miss it and all.
-Wait, smile, and check out the competition!

And for those who need it:



You will need
- 1 or more images. I suggest looking at for some good ones, and just searching around the guide d'eps and surfing the gallerie. There's some good ones from saison 1.
-An image editor. You can use anything from paint to photoshop. Now I know there's a very limited amount of things to do in paint, and we can't all use Photoshop, so there's an alternative! Just look for GIMP: a free image editor under the OpenSource Project. It's easy, free, and at times much easier to use thean PS. Plus, it has the capabilities to write in HUNDREDS of different image formats, which can prove useful later.
-Tidbits: Brushes, stamps, patterns, gradients, plugins, filters, and fonts. You can find a lot of these through deviantART that are free to download, and can have some really cool effects. This is where GIMP is useful again, because it's very customizable.
-Tutorials: I suggest looking at digik designs, and searhing through the affiliate's pages for some tutorials. They can give some very nice professional touches, and give instant learning to the reader. All you need is love! (Oh yeah, and practice.) They can aslo be found on dART, but they might be more for coloring/lineart there.
-Play around with layers. You can erase, fade, select, move, distort, twist, and modify layers individually in layer-based prorams such as PS and GIMP (Paint does work on it too, but you can't select them at all.It works on a top layer basis) If using an Image Editor, you can also play around with erasing layers for fade effects, or even playing around with the math of the image! Use multiply or burn for dark looks, or divide of dodge for lighter looks. Even play with opacity for some really killer ghosty looks.

So, the contest will end on November 26th, which is a Monday. So quick quick! Coz there's only a few weks left!

-Jackie, AKA AngelBolt

Overcaffeinated Sloth offline

Postby Kamekai » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:16 pm

w00t! Too bad I can't use BushxRock at this point, in order to mantain originality. But you and Carth go ahead and take a shot at it. I'll be here with something, sooner or later. ;)
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Postby matsumo itsu » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:21 pm

my sasuke/sharingan/itachi is my combo.

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Postby knifey » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:29 pm

Do the files <i>have</I> to be only jpeg or gif? Despite the fact I don't plan on entering the contest, jpeg tends to reduce the qualities of icons, and people usually save them in a png file.
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Postby Kamekai » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:31 pm

You know what, he's right? Can it be in PNG? PWETYE PWEEZE!!! *_*
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Postby Overcaffeinated Sloth » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:35 pm

PNGs are acceptable, if they're flattened to one layer.

The reason is there's still people who might not be able to view them, and they tend to be less compressed than other files. PNGs have a bad tendency to get very large. so compressing will also make it load faster. And it's not like it'll be resized, or anything. So if you're working on it between saves, save it as a PNG first,if you can, then compress as a JPEG or GIF, then post that.

Another little tip: if the image is photo quality, like a clip from Lyoko where there's a lot of colors, use a JPEG. if it's a pic from Kadic or the factory or the real world, use .gif. The only difference is qualiy control.

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