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Forum-Specific Rules; Read Before Posting

For fanfic writers/readers. Post your fics, or recommend one that you thought was good!

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Forum-Specific Rules; Read Before Posting

Postby Star Way » Sat Apr 23, 2005 4:26 pm

The rules of this forum are pretty simple and straight-forward, though they are probably a little different from other forums that have a section for fanfic (which is why it's important that you read these rules.)

1. All fanfics must be linked to and not posted directly to the forum. This is for a number of reasons; the main one being size-consumption. (When a person just wants to see the latest post, but has to scroll past a huge fanfic just to do so, it's kind of annoying.) Another reason has to do with the rating. Because this forum is open to anyone for viewing, posting a fanfic directly onto the board that contains things that children shouldn't look at is as much against the rules as cussing in a normal post. NOTE: All thread-authors that do not comply with this rule will be given a warning to edit their posts; if they go for two days without doing as such, the thread will be locked. Two-time offenders will not be allowed to post fanfiction anymore.

2. Despite rule number 1, you can post mature fanfics! You just have to include the rating of your fanfic with your link, and specify what the rating is for/etc. (For example, you might say that your fanfic is rated PG-13 for cussing and sexual themes.)

3. Your fanfics don't have to just be for Code Lyoko, though you'll be much more likely to get readers if they are.

Good sites to host fics:
LiveJournal (Note: this site is not primarily a fanfiction website, but it works well all the same.)
LyokoFreaker'sFanfiction (Note: For Code Lyoko Fanfiction only)
Don't bother sending me messages or anything, I'm not in charge of the site anymore.

But I do love dancing.
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