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The New Dawn

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The New Dawn

Postby optimus304 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:23 am

After 8 months of constant worry and dread. And many cans of Soda later. I have finally posted the first chapter of my fan fic entitled. "The New Dawn."

it is a proposed Season 5. When i saw the finale of Season 4, I thought to my self how the series might pick up after what occured. I started to get ideas for plots, fight scenes, and characters. Eventually i wrote all these ideas down and have since begun to write a story around those ideas.

After 7 months of Peace, Aelita starts to have Nightmares about Jeremy's death. Eventually the gang blows it off as just a bad dream. mean while half way across the globe. The group responsible for Kidnapping Antea is closing in on Aelita and Jeremy, they Create thier own A.I. from the remains of Xana's code. named Xervix, the beast begins to work on its own agenda, rather than to aid its master's. At the same time, 2 Fbi agents begin to uncover the trail that Franz Hopper created. A trail that will lead them to the gang. After deciding to work together to end Xervix and the agency, The group discovers the secret to Aelita, Franz, And Antea. also as to why Lyoko was created in the first place, and what its really hidiing.

So thier you go. i have already posted a prolouge and the first chapter, and plan to post number 2 on the 14th. maybe sooner.

I wanna personally thank DJ Sakurame for being an excellent Beta Reader. With out her, none of this could of happend.
I also had help from Son-Neko, Smclppp. And most importantly
Its on 2 diffrent websites. the first is fan
Link here

And most importantly on Deviant.
Its on my profile

I wrote this not for me, or for my amusment. Or bcause i thought i could do better than the show. I worte this for you guys. I wrote this for all the great and wonderful fans i met on here and other forums.

Thank You All
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Postby optimus304 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:35 am

Updated with new chapters and everything. let me know what you guys think.
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Postby optimus304 » Wed Jul 30, 2008 2:02 am

I just added this to lyokofreaks fan fiction section. its just the first chapter for right now but I'll post more tomorrow. Please let me know what you guys think.
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Postby optimus304 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:52 am

Updated finally with some new chapters.

Ok so i know this is extremly late. But like the song says. Its never too late.

If Aelita always has nightmares. why not a good dream fro once. Why not something that gives her hope. And so i worte it into that scene. In the scene, pictured children singing in like a choir of some type. And when you read it, you'll understaind. Plus the Symbol has a name!!!! No longer the Xana symbol. And maybe a few cryptic messages in the first half?

If any one reads this, please leave a comment, A fellow fanfic once said that comments are like medals of Honor. the more the better. So review or Achmed the dead terroist will KEEEL YOU!!!!!!!
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Postby dobermutt » Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:48 pm

Awesome! Great job so far! :D
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Postby optimus304 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:21 am

ok. I know i havent been on in a while. mostly because my computer is dead. but i am still writing the ff. for any one who is interasted in it. its on the appropriate links above. im getting a lot of good reviews. some people even say its just as good as the show ever was.

you guys should give it a try. but make sure you post your comments on here
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Postby Phoenix Wolf » Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:26 pm

Impressive Optimus, great job you should be proud of it. It is a very well written story... Two thumbs up...
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Postby optimus304 » Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:32 am

im back.

i have updated the chapter twice since i loss my comp.

both are on deviant and fan fiction. net

one is where Aelita decides to face Xervix.

another is where William is finally looking for redemption.

Leave some reviews on here please
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Postby emoBillâ„¢ » Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:35 pm

4 posts in a row = FAIL

Anyhoo, very good story. *claps*
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Postby optimus304 » Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:35 pm

Well here at long last is chapter 16. this is where the story will take a hard turn and blow you guys away.

First off. Frank morse is the original FBI agent who helped put the schaffers into the protective serviecs. Also the part with the FBI helps set up for a future scene in the story.

Plus hope you guys like the gag i used in this chapter as well

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Postby optimus304 » Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:07 pm

well im not sure if anyone on here cares or not but i posted 2 new chapters. chapter 17 and 18.

thier on my profiles 17 gives more backstory to whats been going on and what xervix is and 18 draws the FBI story into the gang story plus som UxY FLuff

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Postby Fluffy » Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:25 am

:umm: okay i'll go review, just don't shout at me!
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Postby optimus304 » Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:31 am

Fluffy wrote::umm: okay i'll go review, just don't shout at me!

are you the guy who reviewd it on fanfiction?

because if so then i just got that joke
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Postby Fluffy » Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:40 am

optimus304 wrote:
Fluffy wrote::umm: okay i'll go review, just don't shout at me!

are you the guy who reviewd it on fanfiction?

because if so then i just got that joke

yep, I have a fanfic account but hate to :comp: type so i doubt i'll post any thing soon.
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Postby optimus304 » Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:35 pm

Here it is CHapter 19

before you read, i noticed a lot of people are adding songs to thier fanfics. like songs you should read either before or while you read it. this chapters song will be Paradise lot by symphony x

First off Yes you read it right, Aelita lives with Jeremy and his parents. and il explain why and how in future chapters.

Second, if your wondering what is happening to Aelita, you will have to wait and see. then thier is of course Taliea. she had to come in somewhere didnt she?

Odds comments on the gang being Smash Bros i put in because i have had a super smash bros fix latley.

And the next sector to visit is the cave sector. where Xervix has sent some...friends to wait for them.

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Postby Slayer » Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:56 am

i like it, it would be a great opener if they were going to make a season 5.
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Postby optimus304 » Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:49 pm

man it is hard to create a new sector, harder then the story, harder then the monsters. harder then.....getting a girlfriend!

but i did it.

Inspiration for the sector came from gears of war 2. metroid prime, resistance 2, and god of war.

pluse i had to get the Titans thier debut

And come on. the gang has to play video games, and i think Aelita would more then likely be the best one of them.

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Postby Slayer » Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:13 am

Nice work :) although i did see a couple of spelling and grammar mistakes.
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Postby optimus304 » Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:47 pm

Well here it is. just in time for my bday

chapter 21.

Sorry this took so long to put up. school and work are driving me nuts.

So thier still in the cave sector. and i wanted William and Tartarus to fight each other first. i based Tartarus off Dark William. Also hope you guys like the original name for the a.i. Muffin 2. it was a good friend of mines idea.

Sissi to me seemed like the type to have her mother killed when she was young. its also setting her up for her future roles in the story.

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Postby optimus304 » Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:46 pm

Well here is the long awaited Chapter 22, Its been a rough couple of weeks, finals, christmas, Back issues which might need a little surgery, Work. and the dam cold. But here it is, i hope to get another up before years end.

I went into more detail with the Cave sector, i pretty much took everything about a cave and added it on here. Plus I figured Odd need'd a good fight scene since he lost the last one. Plus Ulrich need'd a hero moment as well. OH and we gots two new monsters..HOW FUN!!!!

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Postby optimus304 » Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:18 pm

Well here is the finale to the Cave Sector. Sorry it took so long to put up. busy with work school and relationships.

the giant bird was something i thought could of been a great monster to fight on lyoko. better then the colossus thing....much better.

Also the upgrades are based of a variety of games.

Odd: Metroid

Yumi: god of war

Aelita: Smash bros.

And finally JXA shippers....your date is coming

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Postby Slayer » Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:50 am

Haha i love it, well not the part bout Ulrich's dad but the Jeremy freezing up and Aelita finishing his sentence for him :P
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Postby optimus304 » Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:26 pm

Well im sure a lot of people are wondering why new dawn is taking so long. well we have had a issue. one of my beta readers who was also my girlfriend left me. so now im down a beta. also my other beta reader is to busy with work and school as am i. so its taken a while but i think where about to get back under way.

April 26th. a new chapter will emerge
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Postby optimus304 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:40 am

Well here you go. at long last a new chapter.

first off im going with a little backstory into the schaffer family and why Aelita is so Valuable. also a little back story on Maltech..

And yes Sissi is now friends with the group...will she join? no one knows

review or no one will know!!!
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Postby Taelia » Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:14 pm

Who's Tannel? :umm:
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