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Postby Reesane » Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:43 pm

Hmmm.... never thought that XANA Could have been infected by a virus... I'm going to start looking through my phycolgy books to see if XANA is phycopath. ;)
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Postby Reesane » Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:50 pm

TB3 wrote:
Reesane wrote:Hmmm.... never thought that XANA Could have been infected by a virus... I'm going to start looking through my phycolgy books to see if XANA is phycopath. ;)

Probably he's just very practical - as a machine he is not human, so why should he respect human life?

You do have a point. but what I'm talking about goes with my thoery that XANA is the proto type AI, an atemt to create a vurtual humman. Only they messed up.
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Postby JeremyHopper » Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:56 pm

TB3 wrote:Ah! A Pensylvanian!

Yes, I am British and currently a student-in-residence at Lancaster University.

To be more specific, I am Welsh - which is interesting since Pensylvania started as a mainly Welsh colony if I'm right?

I dunno. I think I'm mainly Irish/Scottish on my dad's side.


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Postby DL » Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:49 pm

Reesane wrote:
TB3 wrote:
Reesane wrote:Hmmm.... never thought that XANA Could have been infected by a virus... I'm going to start looking through my phycolgy books to see if XANA is phycopath. ;)

Probably he's just very practical - as a machine he is not human, so why should he respect human life?

You do have a point. but what I'm talking about goes with my thoery that XANA is the proto type AI, an atemt to create a vurtual humman. Only they messed up.

I need to disagree with this. If XANA was a prototype AI then he would have a phisical from, because in Lyoko everyone else has one so it would make sense if he did. Also then he would have emotions which he does not. XANA is a cold and calculating computer who takes data and devises plans to beat the gang using his data and knowldge of human nature. He doesnot seem to get frustrated but instead he just gets right back up and goes back to what he was doing or make a new plan. He does seem smart but a prototype AI would not have the capeablilties that he does. A prototype AI would be very limited in it's descision making processes. For example science has not yet been able to replicate the abilities of the human brain so XANA as a prototype does not make much sense. Maybe he could be a final result but not a prototype.

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Postby lyokodude » Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:22 pm

I thought xana was a virus
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Postby animenologist » Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:19 pm

Xana being a virus is only one of multiple possibilities, but not the only possibility and has not been stated as a definite. Even has stated that Xana is the computer that houses Lyoko, but due to a bug, has went rogue and seeks dominance and independence over the human race. But there are certain misinformation that sometimes occurr on that site, so some of what they say should be taken with a grain of salt.
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Postby lyokodude » Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:20 pm

if he is the supercomputer he would have to be infected with a virus
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Postby animenologist » Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:22 pm

Not necessarily. He could of also just gotten tired of being a tool for what he considers inferiour beings and then lashed out against the humans. Rogue computers are not unheard of in the world of science fiction and not all of them are caused by a virus.
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Postby Activated Tower » Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:05 pm

How can XANA live in Sector 5 if he's the Super Computer? Unless he has some manifestation there, I don't see how that can work.
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Postby animenologist » Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:17 pm

Again, take what says with a grain of salt. Many of the major contributors to this thread have come to the conclusion that either Xana is Lyoko's OS, or that Xana is a program meant to operate Lyoko to perform tasks to expediate and make more efficient Lyoko's functions, whatever they may be. Not many of us consider Xana to be the actual, complete system.

Also to give out a solution to the question I posed earlier, I believe that for the most part, a digitally created human is almost as stable as a normal human born from the womb on Earth. But it still has some instability relating to the fact that it was just a bunch of latent atoms built together from the ground up, that when its virtualized, the body as it is contained in the capacitors, is unstable as it was not a natural creation. Because of which, forceful devirtualization places too much stress on the body that it can not recreate itself in the scanners when devirtualized in that manner. Its an idea to toss out as to why Aelita still has her weakness despite having a now human body. Though even I doubt its validity. Would like to hear other thoughts about it.
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Postby YDV » Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:20 pm

JeremyHopper wrote:I seriously doubt it. When your virtualized I think that the scanner basicly remembers all of your atoms and where they are in your body. When devirtualized I think it puts all of the atoms back together. You'd end up back out with serious injuries. But, if you'd maybe stay in lyoko, then you wouldn't die, until you devirtulize.

That might be the case. But.. I heard someone (was it TB3?) mention that it was just DNA that was scanned in the virtualization process-- I don't think that so. In my original theory, I said that the scan records -everything- about your body, your DNA being only a part of it. It also records things like biofeedback-- heartrate, body temperature, blood pressure, stuff like that. It's necessary so the trip to Lyoko doesn't really "feel" like you're being reconstructed, so naturally it would do the same for de-virtualization. If that was so, the scan being so comprehensive, it'd probably "notice" something wrong, based on your last set of data from the most recent scan-- the best example of this was the Specter that XANA sent in the scanner to screw with Odd's virtualization in some S1 episode. If it just scanned for DNA and nothing else, how would it "notice" or even make a difference? Specters, which I believe to be nothing more than clouds of smoke with tiny sparks of electrical discharge going off in a manner similar to the "on-off" method of binary to simulate a program and give it instructions, have no biological DNA.

Let me better explain my idea of the virtualization process and the vDNA packet (with a diagram, of course.. we Lyoko Theorists like our diagrams :D)

Scan------> Biofeedback, Non-Bio Data, DNA-c-o-n-v-e-r-s-i-o-n-> vDNA + Backup*
|______________ v______________v________________________v
|______________ v ______________-------->_________________ v
|___(stored in DeVirt program**)_________v_________________ v
|_____________________________Sent to Capacitor Banks_____ v
|______________________________________________________ v
|_______________________Lyoko powers, instinct -----> vDNA packet
Transfer----> Consciousness and brain patterns -----> Lyoko Player Card
____________________v < ------------------v___________________v
_____________Personality Data*_____________________________v
____________________v--------> Lyoko Avatar -----> Ready for Virt "file"

*= First Scan Only
**= Not necessary on Lyoko

((Okay, hope that isn't too confusing. Just follow the dotted lines and down arrows-- the underscores are there for structural integrity.))


JeremyHopper wrote:It almost seems like that's actually happening to them. Hmm. That would be a twist in the plot.

No, no, no. That's not what I meant. Well, it was, but I meant it on a larger scale.. let me explain. If they were simply being hurled back in time a lot like they're doing now, they would still age-- bit by bit. Like the frog climbing up the wall of a well, going two feet per day and sliding back down one. If their bodies kept being materialized/de-virtualized as the same ones from the original scan, only "updated" with new mental patterns, they would never age. And then those being hurled back in time. It's like the frog goes up one foot per day and slides down one.

I agree with your "a" ideas on what XANA is, JeremyHopper.

TB3, I like your 1 & 2 possibilities the best. I also think that he had something to do with the team working on the Carthage Project's disappearance. Here's what I think happened:

XANA was created as an AI to aide Aelita in watching over Lyoko, mostly looking out for bugs in programs, though. He also had a human-interfacable side for utilizing the Specter Approach-- hacking into military networks (I really like that idea, btw.. I mean, really. It made me change my previous theory of him being an OS.) Hopper and Co, however, created XANA far more powerful than he should've been. Noticing this and not wanting to start completely over, they gave Aelita a special power-- the ability to counter-act anything that XANA might do (accessable only by a Tower authorizing it as her and entering the Code "Lyoko".)

It worked out fine for a while-- XANA was docile and Aelita never had to use the Code. Until... a super-virus wormed its' way into the system. It infected XANA and caused him to go berserk, using the Specter Approach to access the real world and kill Hopper and Company.

*exhales* GAH! I'm finally done! Jesus. It took me like an HOUR to type all that. -___-;
Last edited by YDV on Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby YDV » Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:23 pm

Sorry to double post, but I didn't want to make the first post exceptionally long...

Activated Tower wrote:How can XANA live in Sector 5 if he's the Super Computer? Unless he has some manifestation there, I don't see how that can work.

Excactly. According to my above theory, Sector 5 was where the XANA artificial intelligence program was contained, so he could only access Lyoko through towers. That's why he doesn't have a "Lyoko Form". I guess it was another precautionary action once the Carthage Team figured out he might grow too powerful.

Or perhaps he WAS on Lyoko, and right after he was infected with the super virus they locked it up there before he could kill Aelita (they didn't know he could create monsters yet.. :P)

Okay, y'all, I've got a question. Why was XANA dormant for so long? The Carthage Project was in '74! Aelita was probably 12 when she was scanned (you don't age on Lyoko)... um... I'm not good with CL Chronology, I'll have to check back with the threads about the credits pictures and Mr. Schaeffer and whatnot... but anyway it must've been a while before he re-awakened and/or the gang turned the supercomputer back on.
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Postby Odd22 » Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:24 pm

wow your guy's theories are awesome, i have one of my own but i cant seem to put in words
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Postby Activated Tower » Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:31 pm

Does it ever say they turned it back on? I suppose they could've, but I don't remember it being said.

And XANA may not have been dormant that long. Another one of the pictures has 1994 on the back, and that's probably around when Hopper worked at Kadic. He probably made the passageways from the school to the factory and then somehow got trapped in Lyoko. So XANA may have only been dormant 11 years.
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Postby YDV » Tue Nov 22, 2005 11:02 pm

Thanks, man! :D

Okay, I've added the sections to my diagram. It's not the adding that takes the longest.. it's manipulating those underscores and spaces to make it look just right. ^-^;

Hmm.. I like this Capacitor Bank idea. It does compensate for what exactly happens to your body after a virtualization is completed-- (energy can't be created or destroyed.. matter is made of, when you get right down to it, energy... thus they are convertable, etc)

That might be so with how XANA got re-activated.. Jeremie -did- say "we turned the super calculator back on together" in Franz Hopper... but if so, how in the WORLD did they get to it? It's not like they accidentally went to the abandoned Renault factory, got in the freight elevator, entered a code, and by some chance went to the exact room they were supposed to..

I suppose this is where the Aelita's Distress Signal and Turn Back On theories clash... Oh dear.
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Postby animenologist » Tue Nov 22, 2005 11:23 pm

Why not pass acolades all around. I'd like to thank YDV for the theories that make up the main body of our virtualization thought, Jh for the loads of information he gave out concerning time travel and his thoughts on Lyoko's OS, DL for providing multiple ideas for thought before us and creating new ideas that acted as inspiration to us all (I especially liked his IOS idea), the various people who enter and post on this thread to add to the melting pot, and of course TB3 for starting this thread and putting forth the starting knowledge from which everything branched out. The combined effort of all you guys have led to one enjoyable thread :thumbs up: .

Also I'd like to put this out for thought. I'm thinking prior to its finding, Lyoko was never actually shut down. Just made dormant and inactive, but still running as when I leave my computer running and the screen saver runs. Franz Hopper could have forced Xana into dormancy as a last act before he was taken when Xana went rogue. If the supercomputer was shut down, than it seems odd that Jeremie would not shut down the supercomputer except for times when he needs to talk to Aelita about his virtualization. Also it goes against "A Girl of the Dreams", where Odd and Ulrich were quite frantic about turning off the supercomputer, especially if all that would need to make things right is to turn it back on. How I think things transpired is that after finding the supercomputer, they somehow released Xana from his dormant state. After realizing the malevolence they let loose, they decided to shut him down. I would think Jeremie pleaded his case of keeping it on, since he grown accustomed to Aelita and asked them to turn it back on for him. After the gang heard him out, they agreed, and turned him back on together.

Also I'd like to say that the extra material such as the temporary batter and capacitors are held below the supercomputer probably in the cavity where it pops up from. Looking at the diagram of the factory, there is no floor between the console and the scanner. It seems like a bunch of wires that seems to connect the console and the holosphere to the scanners. And would make sense to have the spare power next to what its powering. Since the console shut down immediately while Lyoko was still barely standing in "Common Interest", I would think the battery would be at the supercomputer since it was powering it, but not the console. Seemed like efficient design to me.
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Postby animenologist » Tue Nov 22, 2005 11:44 pm

Ahhh, I misread your description of the Anciliaries. I thought you placed it between the console and the scanner room, instead of the scanners and super calculator room. Yes, this makes perfect sense. Would explain why you need to use the hatch and a harness to get to the superomputer when the elevators out of order, instead of creating a normal ladder. Seems like the hatch was a forethought, after the complete system was made.

Though should we be bragging when most of the posts have been between 5 people? I actually would like to hear from more people besides the 5 of us. More ideas, more thoughts, more debating, even if the theories themselves aren't quite as robust as ours. Than again, is it so wrong to toot your own horn? :D


Also, I suggested for the name of our article to be "Hopper's Principles of Lyoko: A Detailed Look at the Carthage Project". Seems like you created a combination of yours and mines. And actually it has a very nice ring to it. I like it.
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Postby Activated Tower » Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:27 pm

That's a very good idea, and it seems like something Jeremie might have done too since he made the Lyoko Travel Logbook (it's something like that, but what I have might be wrong). It's a great start for one, too.
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