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Postby Reesane » Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:19 pm

I will now clarify what i sayed erlyer.

XANA was based off of a human brain. BUT: they undaboutably tried to increse eficensy. Thuse, XANA becomes a phyocpath, using purely logic to make dissions and ignoring morel values. Also, we don't know if XANA has a form or not because we have never seen him. Aileta (Please exuse if I misspell names) is verson 1.2, and by now they know bettor than to mess around with her.

on why Aileta has DNA

You get two doners and you put them in the scaners, scan their DNA, and make a new genome like that.
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Postby DL » Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:33 pm

XANA is an AI and we cannot argue about that but about Aileta being a virtually created person...well it seems to go against season two. Also making a new genome is seriously messing arround. That would be more than just a little bit of meeing arround and puts the first part of your idea down because trying to increase effiecne is no where near as bad as messing with DNA and besides people try to increase effience everyday. Also about XANA being a psycopath it also goes against your ideas as well. In order to increase effiency in the way you are thinking of you will need to take away emotion, which is the thing that makes people psychopaths.

I just want to say that the only reason I am pointing out the flaws in your ideas is so that you can develop them more. Dont take it personally. :D

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Postby Reesane » Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:42 pm

thanks! :D

My other theory would be shot full of holes, though.

And their is a way to make a new genome with the super computer, involving scaning an Invetro ball of stem cells.
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Postby Odd22 » Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:18 pm

hey, hey, hey i have a feeling either we are on to something or, that there is a way to merge most of these theories into one ansd it would be the truth.
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Postby YDV » Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:29 am

I think that's plausible.. but.. I don't think that's what actually happened. It goes against the show too much.
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Postby animenologist » Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:05 am

Very nice start on the forward. Though the actual article should be a manual probably in a similar manner to how Jeremie may write it, separated into neat sections and with a table of contents, and probably a bunch of foot notes, I hope. But still a very nice start. Maybe include some of their motivation for why they continued to fight this war. About their friendship and Jeremie's devotion to the mysterious girl named Aelita. How about about placing some items concerning the attitudes of the defenders concerning Lyoko. How Ulrich is under so much constant stress because of it, Odd feels its like a video game, Yumi feels she is distancing herself from her parents and tired of not being true to herself, and Jeremie feeling the constant weight of being the key to end it all, but at the same time, how this has brought him one who understands him at a deep level.

Also I would like to say this about Aelita's origins. I have a feeling that "The Key" will reveal for sure, what Aelita's true origins are. But for now, we can only guess. It could any multiple ideas and a lot of them are plausible.

1. Aelita could be a former human, who when virtualized, but due to problems with the scanners, either Xana induced or from faulty equipment had her vDna corrupted and was unable to be devirtualized and also gave her a case of amnesia.

2. The original Aelita could have been dying and was virtualized as a way to save her. Though because of her injuries or illness, her vDna was corrupted and again amnesia and unable to be deirtualized.

3. The original Aelita died, and the Aelita program was a virtual replication of the original, encrypted with the formers memories and made to think and to feel as the actual Aelita would. I believe this is the theory put forth at

4. She could be an original designed and programmed AI, but was encrypted with the memories of another, for some reason, such as safe keeping or in memory of a loved one who may not necessarily be identical to Aelita.

How she came to be will probably soon be upon us, but until then, we can never be too sure.
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Postby YDV » Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:31 am

I thought of #2 and #3 before, but I think #1 is the most likely to be used in the show (because it's the least likely to make little kids cry -___-; )

Thinking about Aelita's origins, though, gave me some insight on the scanners. Ever wonder why there were only three? One for Franz... one for Aelita.... and one for Mrs. Hopper. It's perfect. Now the reason WHY they built three I'm still not sure about. Perhaps the parents were working on Lyoko with the Carthage team and wanted to show their daughter the fruits of their efforts.. but here's where my theory splits:

1. The AI program for hacking into military networks got corrupted by a super virus from an unknown source, going rogue and killing the Carthage Project team as well as entrapping the Hoppers on Lyoko. Aelita was saved by running into a tower, but her memory was erased. Unknowingly, she deactivated the tower and set the program into motion that put XANA into a dormant mode.

2. Once the Hoppers were on Lyoko, a member of the Carthage Project team (most likely the one operating the super calculator) decided to exact his jealous revenge on his college rival, Franz, for either being more brilliant than him or stealing his woman (mrs. hopper). Anyway, he infected the Specter Approach AI (XANA) and it killed (or perhaps entrapped) both Franz and his wife. Aelita got away because she was protected by a Guardian. The other members of the CP team got the Operator away from the console and others went down to the supercomputer room and put it into dormant and/or standby mode. This could work because XANA wouldn't be able to do anything and Aelita would be protected by the Guardian.
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Postby Reesane » Thu Nov 24, 2005 1:08 pm

I think she IS Aileta

Also, can XANA exit the CP?
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Postby YDV » Thu Nov 24, 2005 1:27 pm

CP.. uh... you mean CPU? Well, technically, yes. By using the Specter Approach (sending digital impulses at rapid speeds through the computer networks so they gain enough energy to become physical form). But XANA himself cannot leave his almost prison-like state in Carthage.
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Postby Reesane » Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:13 pm

Here is a scary idea:

what if XANA becomes a self-contained entity? then woulden't he have to absorb energy from his seroundings?
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Postby animenologist » Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:22 pm

That's probably a question left until we find out what Xana actually is. Though this topic has made great strides in rationalizing a lot of the basic point on Lyoko, its technology, and its physics, we can't answer everything until we get more answers and more background. Whether Xana is something that can virtualize himself into creation or is an integral part of the supercalculator that doing so would be detrimental to him, or whether it is actually possible to be a self-sustaining entity, remains to be seen.

And while I agree with YDV that theory #1 is the most likely thing they're pointing in terms of Aelita's origins, I'm still not admitting anything until we get some definites. Mostly I hoping for #3 and #4, because I'm a sucker for plots that contain characters that are not human but are treated as human, like R. Dorathy Waynewright from Big O, Melfina from Outlaw Star, Bender from Futurama, and I always liked Pinochio. But just because I desire it, doesn't make it true. Oh well.
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Postby YDV » Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:41 pm

That would be awesome! And then Yumi asks:

"What's the Space-Time Manipulator?"
"It's this device located in the holomap that uses exertanium coils and zero point energy to open a TAP in the space-time continuum and--"
"Okay, you can stop now."

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Postby animenologist » Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:33 pm

Atleast one of the episodes being shown tomm. is "Contact", and if Franz Hopper is any indication, it should be a real treat and give us more to think about.

And why not have more moments like that? Jeremie doesn't get enough chances to flaunt his Lyoko knowledge. If anything, atleast we get another moment of Odd, Yumi, and Ulrich staring at him with vacant eyes and overloaded thoughts, while Aelita stands behind them chuckling. Though they definately should explain RTTP all at once, that will take 30 mins of explanation right there.
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Postby Reesane » Thu Nov 24, 2005 8:38 pm

On the RTTP:

Now, lets say that time natruly goes back and forth, regulerly reversing direction. But, we can only experence it in one direction. let's think of it as a many brancing river. What the RTTP would do is take people back threw the time stream on a reavers, and then sealing off all brances befor the designated point in time. the lyoko gang have been marked somehow, and they retain memorys they gained from the blocked-off section of time.
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Postby Reesane » Thu Nov 24, 2005 8:55 pm

TB3 wrote:Um...we've already worked out ths theory (more or less) independantly and agreed on it - though we currently think only the memories are shunted back in time, otherwise the kids would appear to be aging abnormally. We also think that the RTTP creates a wormhole back through a paralell dimenson along which those memories are fed.

Check back on the older posts to see for yourself.

Oh, and I hope you don't think I'm panning you, cos' we're really glad to have you here! :)

Oh... I'm sorry. it just that i like turning all problems on teir heads.

If my theory on XANA being based on a human brain is corect, than I'm going to nead to find out why he tured out the way he did. I still say he's a Phycopath, some one who feals nothing about killing people and/or has cirtan phobyas that would cause them to kill. ha... XANA afraide of humans...
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Postby Cassius335 » Fri Nov 25, 2005 6:35 am

Reesane wrote:Here is a scary idea:

what if XANA becomes a self-contained entity? then woulden't he have to absorb energy from his seroundings?

Depends on the form he takes when he becomes self-contained, I guess...

<b>Post merge point.</b>

Your De-Virtualization wrote:That would be awesome! And then Yumi asks:

"What's the Space-Time Manipulator?"

Aelita, deadpan: "it's a device for manipultating Space/Time."

(I'd have suggested the line for Odd, but he's too busy being freaked)

<b>Post merge point 2.</b>

Reesane wrote:
TB3 wrote:Um...we've already worked out ths theory (more or less) independantly and agreed on it - though we currently think only the memories are shunted back in time, otherwise the kids would appear to be aging abnormally. We also think that the RTTP creates a wormhole back through a paralell dimenson along which those memories are fed.

Check back on the older posts to see for yourself.

Oh, and I hope you don't think I'm panning you, cos' we're really glad to have you here! :)

Oh... I'm sorry. it just that i like turning all problems on teir heads.

If my theory on XANA being based on a human brain is corect, than I'm going to nead to find out why he tured out the way he did. I still say he's a Phycopath, some one who feals nothing about killing people and/or has cirtan phobyas that would cause them to kill. ha... XANA afraide of humans...

If I were a human brain trapped within a computer, without even my own body for company... I'd go a little crazy too.
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Postby Reesane » Fri Nov 25, 2005 12:27 pm

If you havent talked about this yet:

I think they shoulden't worrey about cell degeneration.

they should be more woryed about mutation.

A mutation is a mistake in coping DNA. If it's being done all at once but the computer, and a singel code is stored for their whole bodys, what hapens when there is a mistake?
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Postby Overcaffeinated Sloth » Fri Nov 25, 2005 1:43 pm

Been there. Done that. Made the fanfic.

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