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Postby YDV » Fri Nov 25, 2005 2:54 pm

Reesane wrote:If you havent talked about this yet:

I think they shoulden't worrey about cell degeneration.

they should be more woryed about mutation.

A mutation is a mistake in coping DNA. If it's being done all at once but the computer, and a singel code is stored for their whole bodys, what hapens when there is a mistake?

There can't be a mistake. That's because of the backup file recorded upon the first scan ((see my chart)). On the first scan, everything's recorded meticulusly slower so nothing can be missed. Two files are created, one to be converted into vDNA, and another to be saved as a Backup. With every scan after that, the DNA is compared with the backup file before conversion, partly to make sure it's the right person, and to make sure there was no mistake in the recording. An error message would go off and the scanner would be shut down to avoid sending mutated data to Lyoko and thus data that will be turned into a mutated person upon de-virtualization.
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Postby animenologist » Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:09 pm

Your De-Virtualization wrote:
Reesane wrote:If you havent talked about this yet:

I think they shoulden't worrey about cell degeneration.

they should be more woryed about mutation.

A mutation is a mistake in coping DNA. If it's being done all at once but the computer, and a singel code is stored for their whole bodys, what hapens when there is a mistake?

There can't be a mistake. That's because of the backup file recorded upon the first scan ((see my chart)). On the first scan, everything's recorded meticulusly slower so nothing can be missed. Two files are created, one to be converted into vDNA, and another to be saved as a Backup. With every scan after that, the DNA is compared with the backup file before conversion, partly to make sure it's the right person, and to make sure there was no mistake in the recording. An error message would go off and the scanner would be shut down to avoid sending mutated data to Lyoko and thus data that will be turned into a mutated person upon de-virtualization.

Of course, that doesn't excuse other possible mistakes occurring. As "A Fine Mess" has shown us, the scanners and the virtualizing programs can and do make interesting mistakes. I'd consider switching consciousness to be a big mistake. And despite the effects of the anti-virus, causing her to go invisible and what not, the scanner still scanned her and virtualized her into her flawed form. So the scanner may have a few safe guards, but its not perfect technology.
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Postby Reesane » Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:49 pm

Always Remember:

If it can go wrong, it will!
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Postby animenologist » Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:56 pm

Murphy's Law can be a such a pain sometimes.
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Postby YDV » Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:02 pm

Reesane wrote:Always Remember:

If it can go wrong, it will!

Er.. not necessarily... ((try bouncing that against all the things in history that actually went right but could've gone wrong...)))
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Postby Reesane » Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:05 pm

Your De-Virtualization wrote:
Reesane wrote:Always Remember:

If it can go wrong, it will!

Er.. not necessarily... ((try bouncing that against all the things in history that actually went right but could've gone wrong...)))

Close, but not quite. this aplys to the "I'm invinceabel" thing. ;)
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Postby YDV » Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:12 pm

...what? That didn't make sense. And it's invincible.
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Postby Reesane » Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:22 pm

Ok..... never mind.

I think you nead to explane how the scaners work in layman's turms.

Also, I can't spell. but thanks for the corection.
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Postby YDV » Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:42 pm

TB3 wrote:Umm...I'm steering well clear of THAT argument.

Just saw 'Missing Link.'

In it, the Scyphazoa steals what Jeremie refers to as 'Yumi's DNA Sequence' - consequently she can't devirtualize. Aelita offers herself up for sacrifice by trying to transplant her own sequence to Yumi, but does not know this will leave her open to XANA.

Now, I have one big bone with this.

The DNA molecule is big - extremly big. In fact in reality you need hyper-powerful computers just to store a single DNA strand in digital form, let alone 4. Given it's size, I also think its crazy that the Scyphazoa could have taken it in a blink of an eye.

Also, it can't have been the DNA coding stolen if Aelita was offering her own up, as the two are unique.

Therefore, I think what was stolen was the codec for converting vDNA to DNA. This would be standard to each kid, and thus a transfer would be possible.

This however brings up some interesting points about the kids on Lyoko.

1. Their avatars function like folder-links, if XANA was able to acess Yumi's programming (held elsewhere in the system) through her avatar and steal the coding.

2. The 'tagging system' would appear to be linked to DNA within Lyoko, otherwise Yumi could have been fixed by a simple RTTP. Without the codec however, the link between Yumi and her DNA has been stripped, and she has become untraceable - her memories would not be sent back in time, but she WOULD remain on Lyoko.

Does this sound feasible?

Sounds good. Although I thought that whole thing was extremely simplified, bringing up the "Sci-Fi That Won't Make Little Kids' Brains Hurt" (aka, Mommy, what's a space-time continuum?! ;__; ) clause again.

And yes, technically the Lyoko avatars form a sort of "folder" for all their programming.. without the graphics, they're nothing more than essentially packets of data swimming through a bunch of computer code.
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Postby Reesane » Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:56 pm

I think Lyoko isn't a wepon. I think it is for creating AIs!

The scaners could have been used for bolth transporting the people working on the project two and fro, and for scaning a "Base" model for an AI. The Sectors would enable an AI to develop in a 3D enviorment. the towers are so the AI can manipulat (SP) data. the reson it becomes a wepon is because XANA discovers a way to use the towers for... basicly what ever he wants to.

Also, if I am ignorent sounding, it is because phisics isn't my thing. I'm more skilled at phycology and genetics.
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Postby animenologist » Fri Nov 25, 2005 5:36 pm

Not to mention Xana's way of attacking, his spectres, would make him the ultimate weapon on Earth. He is capable of penetrating any electronic device, no system or electronic defenses can hold him off forever or for that long for that matter. And anything he took hold of would can be used as weapons, teddy bears, laughing gas, weather, he could turn a cities electrical system into a giant magnet and repel everyone in the city off the face of the Earth. And his only weakness is at his base of operation itself, and even doing that can be a bit of a handful sometimes. Really, to give something that supposedly has peaceful applications such potential for mass destruction, seems suspect, but than again, even Alfred Nobel meant TNT for mining operations and not as a weapon. But either way, Xana definately has military applications and it seems the operations he's most fit for, so its be logical to believe he is created as a weapon of some sort.
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Postby Reesane » Fri Nov 25, 2005 5:43 pm

What I ment was that lyoko wasn't always that way.

Also, XANA could have had a comand like this:

You can't fix it unles there is a mistake.

If He/It inturprits the comand has a mistake because the comand makes the mistake of not preventing Him/It from intupreting the comand as a mistake. So XANA deleats the comand.
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Postby YDV » Fri Nov 25, 2005 8:03 pm

New question-- in "The Chips Are Down", how come when Nicolas closed the windows Jeremie had open, Yumi and Odd felt real pain? They shouldn't feel anything at all, they're just code!

And "Temptation" sure raises a whole lot of questions... and so does "Contact"... I'll talk about them whenever a mod decides to unlock the threads *COUGH COUGH HINT HINT*
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Postby animenologist » Fri Nov 25, 2005 8:15 pm

Well, Temptation and Contact has just passed and they both were definately a mindful. Gonna need to rewatch again to fully absorb it, but here is what I got from first glance. In Temptation, Jeremie basically used technology that seems to be a copy of the technology that allows Xana to gain power, though it has adverse side effects when used on humans. Its possible that it also caused Xana to go rogue, if it can adverse effects on Jeremie, its possible to have adverse effects on Xana.

From Contact, I guess it adds more ammo to Franz Hopper being on Lyoko, as stated in Franz Hopper. Seeing how Franz had much better success than Jeremie when activating a tower, common sense dictates that he knows better how to activate a tower and maintain it from his end than Jeremie. Thats understandable since he created Lyoko. This of course means for Xana to sever control, he needs to do it manually. Begs the question how he managed to get break whatever control Xana has on him to be able to activate the tower and hold it without problems, if he is contained by Xana on Lyoko.

EDIT: And yeah, Xana got rid of the pain dampeners so they were able to feel realistic pain. Also he deactivated the scanners from the console, so after all their life points are gone, I'm guessing the capacitors would discharge their bodies, but without the scanners, they wouldn't be rebuilt. It makes them ineffective, and thus easier to kill, and this time their deaths would be permanent. It's sorta a refined version of his plan in Routine, like how A Bad Turn is a refined plan of False Start.

Also I thought it kinda interesting that Ulrich didn't know how to activate the RTTP in Temptation, when he did it in The Chips are Down, 3 episodes back. Guess just because you can follow a manual, doesn't mean you can do it on your own.
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Postby YDV » Fri Nov 25, 2005 11:58 pm

Yeah, Contact definitely screamed "Hopper is on Lyoko somewhere." And you know what I got from it? That activating Towers is actually the main vehicle by which you're supposed to do things using Lyoko. I mean, think about it-- you can do so much more with that as opposed to just using the quantum computer's processing power to create programs and stuff. Number one you can actually manipulate things in the real world by using the Specter Approach.. not to mention doing things within Lyoko (creating monsters etc)
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Postby animenologist » Sat Nov 26, 2005 1:28 am

Yeah, the spectre approach is the most effective and the most efficient, but given the super calculators immense power, it also makes a great hacking tool. Like how Jeremie was able to re-route the electrical grid to slow down Xana's attack in Zero Gravity Zone, or how Aelita was able to cause that explosion in Ghost Channel. It's no major substitute for the spectre approach, but for the longest time until Tip-Top Shape, activating towers was an unknown process, so the only way to get better is to program from the console.

EDIT: I also wanted to place out a weird anomoly that happened in "Contact". When Hopper activated his tower to contact Jeremie, Jeremie stated that Xana could not have been behind it, because the scan didn't pick up anything. I found it strange that scan didn't pick it up, since even when Jeremie activated his own tower, the super scan picked it up, so the scan can't only be picking up Xana activity. I'm guessing Franz activated the tower in a way that doesn't leave a normal activation signature that identifies it as such on the super scan, but I'm left wondering what he did.
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Postby Reesane » Sat Nov 26, 2005 8:48 am

If anyone wants to hear it, I think I have figgured out why Aelita's hair is naturly pink.
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Postby DL » Sat Nov 26, 2005 2:29 pm

well Franz did create Lyoko (to the best of our knloedge) so he would obviously be able to evade the superscan...but the most likely thing in my mind is that: when Jeremy and XANA activate towers to posses people they both used very large "clouds" to do so. When Franz possesed Sissy he used a very small "cloud" well smaller than XANA or Jeremy used so we can assume that the cloud used a very small amount of data. We can also assume that the scan picks up the transfer of large amounts of data to the towers and since Franz used a small amount he would not be picked up as easily.

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