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Episode Ideas

General original series discussion (Seasons 1-4)

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Postby SearchingLyoko » Tue Dec 01, 2009 11:48 pm

yes... but why stop at Season 5?

My next idea: Everyone's memory of Team Lyoko is totally wiped out... except for them. Not even their parents remember them.... problems ensue when the Kadicians see these strange kids just sitting around...
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Postby SearchingLyoko » Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:39 pm

Episode Idea:

Lightning storm... XANA controlling lightning... Have fun.
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Postby Slayer » Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:33 am

SearchingLyoko wrote:Episode Idea:

Lightning storm... XANA controlling lightning... Have fun.

na i think XANA controlling any form of electrisity is a bit old now, but if he did i can think of ways for him to mess up bad.
Lightning only goes for the tallest object that can conduct electricity so it can ground its self.

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Postby SearchingLyoko » Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:40 am

But maybe not XANA lightning...

Just imagine. Attacks of lightning from the sky!

So fast you'd never see it coming.

Personally, I think XANA's electricity legacy should be preserved, but spaced out more as to not become overly stale.
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Postby Astro-Xana » Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:48 pm

Below the Network (the red city) represents hell and above in the virtual world represents heaven. Below the Network is nothing but pitch black empty space with demonic warping energy (a sector where Xana is reborn stronger than ever). Xana now possesses new abilites and takes on his own virtual form. He has the ability of warping time and space and modifying gravity. He can create black holes (the result of warping time and space) and modify gravity in any given direction. Also, he has the ability of recreating sectors in a dark form (eg. he can recreate Sector 5 in a gothic looking way in which everything is black and purple). He can also create demon-looking monsters as well.

However, Franz Hopper is reborn in a sector far above (a sector that consists of bright white light and sparkling energy). Though, Franz Hopper still does not have a virtual form yet, he is in the form of a voice and is able to talk to Aelita in this new sector. Aelita is sent to this new sector above and Franz takes complete control of Aelita. Franzified Aelita takes on a new heavenly form and has bright white electric energy surrounding her and she can fire immensely powerful bright white shining electric orbs. She also has bright white Xana symbols in the palms of her hands and she can now travel through the Digital Sea without the Skid. In other words, she is immune to the Digital Sea in her Franzified form.

Franzified Aelita and Xana (who is now in a virtual form) as well as his new demon monsters battle to the finish. Franzified Aelita wins and Jeremy manages to materialize Franz Hopper into the real world where Aelita and her father can finally live together happily.

Side Note: Since Xana has now taken on a human form, he enrolls at Kadic with the name "Goth." Also, the Subdigitals is a hinting word in Season 5. It means that the Subdigitals will become the new Lyoko warriors and travel below the digital sea (hence the word 'subdigitals'). They will explore the creepy Sub-Replikas below the red city. Ulrich, Yumi, and Odd are gone, but Jeremy and Aelita still remain. They wish to defeat Xana once and for all and bring back Franz, so they recruit the Subdigitals as the new Lyoko gang.
Last edited by Astro-Xana on Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby SearchingLyoko » Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:55 am

Episode Idea: The captive.

A government program manages to hack into Lyoko... and now it's messing with XANA and Lyoko. XANA still needs towers to attack, right. So he kidnaps the Lyoko gang (except for Aelita and Jeremy) and delivers Jeremy with an Ultimatum... rid Lyoko of the government hack... or else.
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Postby Astro-Xana » Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:10 pm

That Hyper Flash Torque that Xana created as the Skid's opposite (which is that giant drill contained in a new garage Xana created), it drills into Jeremy's and Franz Hopper's Replikas and creates a giant flash that disintegrates the Replikas into virtual particles. As these virtual particles are floating around, the Torque then sucks them all in, and the Torque then spits them all out. The particles are now Xanafied (since they've entered Xana's Torque) and they form into entirely new Replikas (since the data of the particles have been completely modified into something new). The Nav-Torques can accomplish this process as well.

Also, the music that expresses the Torque in the garage is a hard-core slow buzzing techno piece of music. The buzzing sort of sounds like this in the very beginning of this song (the song "Raikiri" from Naruto):

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Postby SearchingLyoko » Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:27 pm

Idea: A magician comes to Kadic to perform. During his show, he needs a helper for a vanishing act. Aelita is chosen. So, the magician makes her... dissapear! Soon after he dissapears himself. He was XANAfied and has now kidnapped Aelita! The Lyoko gang must now find and rescue Aelita, before XANA's latest attack is achieved.
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Postby Rho » Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:31 pm

An idea I heard about elsewhere:

Jeremie gets in a feud with the rest of the group, then gets frozen alive somehow and next awakens 25 years later or so, and XANA is still on a rampage, and the entire planet is in chaos. Crime is everywhere, all world leaders had been killed, etc.

Odd, now a hobo, finds Jeremie and lets him know about everything else: Yumi was put in a lunatic asylum, Ulrich is highly depressed and constantly tries suicide, William is dead, and Aelita has been missing for a long time.

I think that'd make a great 100th episode.
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Postby SearchingLyoko » Sat Dec 19, 2009 1:14 am

In theory yes. In reality... no thank you.

Unless of course it was a dream.

100 I refuse to stop at.

Aelita stumbles upon a forged thing in Sector 5 which leads her to believe that she can bring back her father... if she sacrifices herself. So she goes to Lyoko on her own with the intention of doing this, knowing that none of the other Team Lyoko members would allow her. However they find out, and they know that it is a trap. Now they must save Aelita, even with her working against them thinking it's to save her father, before she falls for XANA's trap!
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Postby Rho » Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:36 am

This could make for a pretty intense episode that might have to be rated TV-PG in the USA...

XANA possesses a criminal again, this time a murderer, who has not been caught by police, and still has weapons. and sends him to Kadic.

I'd only want an episode like this if they didn't censor it to death in America.
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Postby smiller » Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:11 pm

This is actually going to be part of a fanfic I am writing, but I was thinking that the kids could begin to lose their DNA structure from all the transfers in their Lyoko form... and begin to get Lyoko powers. Kind of like Garage Kids, Yumi would have her Telekinesis, Ulrich would have Super Sprint, and Odd would be able to see into the future. However, this increases over time, and they eventually would lose their genetic code after too many Lyoko transfers.
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Postby SearchingLyoko » Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:34 am

XND's avatar gave me a good idea.

It's a Dr. Jeckell, Mr. Hyde thing...

When they're virtualized, XANA implants a virus that's meant to possess them. Fortunately, he messes up and they're only half possessed. Now, they're switching back and forth between evil and good, and trying to fight off the evil.

Now they must not only battle XANA, but each other and themselves.

And they must make it to the tower before the virus consumes them completely...
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Jim awakens his Warrior powers.

Postby Taelia » Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:30 pm

Jim sits by himself on the riverbank, staring thoughtfully at the water. As he rises to his feet again, several of XANA's monsters suddenly appear. Jim calls the others for help, then transforms into the Lightning Warrior and begins to fight the monsters. He gets rid of most of them, leaving only the largest one.

He chases the last of the monsters into a wooded area and they begin to fight. When he tries to use Thunder of Zeus, the monster absorbs the attack and seems unaffected.

As the children run through the city with Suzanne, they are suddenly confronted by several monsters. Sissi is surprised to see so many, and Jeremie observes that they are fairly weak. The lot of them transform anyway and proceed to fight the monsters. When one of them starts to sneak up behind the Gravity Warrior, Elder Luna suddenly appears and destroys it.

Jim's fight is not going well, but he realizes that he has to defeat him on his own. He thinks that, for his whole life up until now, he has managed to get by. As the monster backs him up against a tree, he suddenly seems to hear something in the sound of the wind through the leaves. He closes his eyes and concentrates, and a thunderstorm rolls in. His friends and Mr. Delmas arrive just then and are concerned, but Elder Luna tells them that his power is awakening. Jim draws down lightning from the clouds overhead, and uses it for a powered-up version of Thunder of Zeus, which this time sends the monster back to the virtual realm.

The other Warriors rush up and congratulate him, and Jean asks what happened. Jim replies that he realized that it was necessary for him to be protector of the children at Kadic, that it was decided when he was chosen as a Warrior (when he first came to the Factory). He assures the others that it doesn't mean he won't have friends in the children, and he can't explain it very well, but he has realized that the present is being influenced by their past. Jeremie seems to be the only one who understands what he means.
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Postby Rho » Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:28 am

An idea for a rather intense episode should CL get more "mature":

XANA gets his hands on some nuclear missiles. What does he do? Of course, he has a tea party with them! No, he launches them at Paris as well as several other locations. Alert sirens, people are panicking. Once Jeremie, Aelita, and whoever else are able to escape the shelter, it's a race against time as they have to deactivate the tower before the nukes strike.

That would be an incredibly intense and edge-of-the-seat episode, especially if the tower was deactivated right before the nukes detonated.
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Postby Tigerlily » Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:52 pm

I've got a episode idea

Confusing Love

Sam is a new student at Kadic, mush to the groups surprise. She brought her two friends: Sabrina and Lena with her, who flirt and get friendly with Jeremie and Ulrich, mush to their surprise (they are surprisingly a lot like Aelita to Jeremie and Yumi to Ulrich.) The boys are very blinded by love, and begin to start neglecting Aelita and Yumi, even Jeremie, making the girls very mad and jealous, They try to remind them of X.A.N.A but they didn't have any luck with them listening. So Aelita and Yumi decide to keep Jeremie's laptop with them to check out WHAT X.A.N.A's up to themselves. Aelita and Yumi decide to spy on them a lot determind to get to the bottom of this. During that time, the scan picks up an activated tower. Unfortunetly, all 3 of the couples hear the beeping of Jeremie's laptop and they spot Aelita and Yumi. A huge fight breaks out, and eventually the girls decide to go to the factory to deactivate the tower. With the couples however, Sam, Sabrina, and Lena are X.A.N.A clones who lead the boys to the Hermatige with one idea in their minds: to defeat them once and for all. Back at the factory, the girls are on Lyoko fighting their way to the activated tower. The boys in the meantime learn that the girls are X.A.N.A clones and try to escape but it's too late: they trap them in the Hermitage and begin to fight them. Aelita manages to deactivate the tower just in time. (They launch a Return to the Past.) The 5 friends make up in the end of the episode.
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Postby Taelia » Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:38 pm

XANA organizes a beauty pageant in order to choose a bride for his wedding. Sissi can barely contain her excitement for the “Miss Princessâ€
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Re: Episode Ideas

Postby Soul Jelly » Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:05 am

"Day in the Life of the Kadic Faculty" episode - featuring the Suzanne-Jim-Yolanda love triangle, Suzanne's crazy experiments in the chemistry department and other off-the-wall shenanigans.

Also a XANA attack from the staff's point of view, that'd be cool.
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Re: Episode Ideas

Postby TheLQ » Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:02 pm

Soul Jelly wrote:"Day in the Life of the Kadic Faculty" episode - featuring the Suzanne-Jim-Yolanda love triangle, Suzanne's crazy experiments in the chemistry department and other off-the-wall shenanigans.

Also a XANA attack from the staff's point of view, that'd be cool.

lol, that would be awesome.
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