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Episode Ideas

General original series discussion (Seasons 1-4)

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Postby Overcaffeinated Sloth » Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:02 pm

Speaking as a member, no, not really... The gang is still NOT Jim and Suzanne's surrogate kids.

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Postby Astro-Xana » Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:57 pm

When the Lyoko gang explores all the way down below the Network (which is creepy empty black space with demonic cosmic whirling energy which resembles shooting stars), this would be the theme music that starts when the gang goes below the Network:

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Postby TheAppleFreak » Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:01 pm

By miraculous chance, XANA manages to put a limited copy of himself on a flash drive unbeknownst to the owner, and finally remanifests himself in Lyoko. Then, he activates a tower, causing whoever he decides to become a certain monster. Then, when XANA infects those close and dear to themselves, they have to make a choice to let them live or die...
I really gotta fix up this theme
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Postby Astro-Xana » Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:37 am

Throughout this entire show, there has been a major lack which is that Aelita has been without her father for so long and that in the end, Franz sacrificed himself. Therefore, have Franz be brought back to life in Season 5 for one, and as far as father and daughter connection goes, have angel Aelita be possessed by Franz Hopper's holy essence which would result in her having bright white Xana symbols in her eyes along with immense spiritual white energy force of power to fight against Xana. But however, that wouldn't be enough to make up for the lack of emotional relationship between Aelita and Franz in the previous seasons. Therefore, have a very touching piece of music to go along in expressing Aelita's holy possession by her father, such as this piece of music here would have a lot of emotional depth:

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Postby Sithking Zero » Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:26 am

Aaahhh... Astro-X, I missed you :D
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Postby Rho » Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:58 pm

-100th Episode Idea: Xana tries to end the world. Fire shooting from the sky and whatnot.
-A feral cat and her kittens are found living in the factory, get posessed by XANA, Yumi adopts them
-Barack Obama guest stars?
-More teleportation locations, ex. New York City, San Fransisco, Italy, etc.

Here's a good idea. Brynja is back for another visit, Odd is excited. Samantha comes for a visit at the same time.
You can figure out the rest, right?

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Postby SearchingLyoko » Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:11 pm

Hi... I'm new... and fairly unique... but... you'll hear about me later.

Here are a few of my own Ideas:

-Aelita had to have made contact with some people before she was sent to Lyoko, right? My idea is, someone from Aelita's past, maybe a friend or something, runs into her, whether it be at Kadic or somewhere, and... well... what would you think if your childhood friend disappeared over 10 years ago and now you run into someone who looks EXACTLY alike, has the same exact name, and is still how they look when you last saw them over a decade ago? It would be especially good if this person was naturally inquisitive, like a detective or a reporter. They're going to want to know what's going on.

-Milly and Tamia, who are naturally very inquisive, start wondering where in the world the Lyoko Gang goes every time. And so they follow them. Soon they discover that... well, something's up, and they report it (within 24 hours). Soon, the news, and the police, of course, get a whiff of this and the police are swarming the factory, Reporters are also (imagine the bridge completely crowded with reporters). Now of course the police are going to destroy the supercomputer. XANA sees this as opportune... if they can't get on Lyoko, he wins. So he possesses a police officer (or police officers) And the Lyoko Gang must get inside the factory, bypass the police, and the XANAfied police, and the news reporters to deactivate the tower and launch a return to the past before it's too late. Milly and Tamia also offer assistance (maybe as a distraction) because they are mad since they discovered the story first and they are getting no credit for it.

-Halloween. It's not a BIG french holiday... but it's catching popularity there. Sissi, of course, wanting ANY excuse for a holiday, persuades her father to celebrate Halloween at Kadic. There will be a big dance, a costume contest (another reason Sissi wanted this halloween), etc. Now... Halloween. Scary, creepy, and spooky things. Take that and add a XANA possesion... It would be fun to watch, and you can't argue that.

-This is based on the real story of the Renault Factory.... The Factory is abandoned, right? And it's on prime Real-Estate, right? Well, logic dictates that SOMEONE is going to want it, maybe a big company or something. And XANA, of course, is going to try to assist them. The Lyoko Gang will have to find out how to get them to leave the factory alone.

-XANA comes to his senses. If the Authorities find out about the Factory, they will shut it down, and he will win. So... he tries to get their attention. And very naturally, the Lyoko gang tries to stop him.

This is all I can think of for the present moment. I'll have some later too. I'm not including any ideas which include big plot-changes (like Franz back to life)...

But, like I said, you will learn more about me later.

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Postby JesusFreak » Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:09 pm

Have Odd learn how to use Hadoukens.


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Postby SearchingLyoko » Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:11 pm

What is Hadoukens?
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Postby JesusFreak » Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:12 pm

SearchingLyoko wrote:What is Hadoukens?

I should of said "shoot" Hadokens.


Avvy by Tangent, as well as the button

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Postby SearchingLyoko » Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:21 pm


I have other episode ideas... Some I just can't think of atm... and I don't post plot-changing ideas.
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Postby Astro-Xana » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:03 pm

I think it would be really cool to have this song as the new opening theme for Franz when he is brought to life (it's just like a heavenly version of the original opening theme song):

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Postby TB3 » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:32 pm

Astro-Xana wrote:I think it would be really cool to have this song as the new opening theme for Franz when he is brought to life (it's just like a heavenly version of the original opening theme song):

Erm, Astro, aside from plugging your own stuff - that's just the opening and closing stingers of UMSD with completely different music spliced in the middle - hardly 'heavenly' if it doesn't fit

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Postby Astro-Xana » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:42 pm

TB3 wrote:
Astro-Xana wrote:I think it would be really cool to have this song as the new opening theme for Franz when he is brought to life (it's just like a heavenly version of the original opening theme song):

Erm, Astro, aside from plugging your own stuff - that's just the opening and closing stingers of UMSD with completely different music spliced in the middle - hardly 'heavenly' if it doesn't fit

Actually, compare the two songs (and can you see where they actually sound similiar)? Aside from the violin playing in the UMSD?

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Postby TB3 » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:50 pm

Astro-Xana wrote:Actually, compare the two songs (and can you see where they actually sound similiar)? Aside from the violin playing in the UMSD?

Erm no, no I don't...and I've listened to a lot of UMSD remixes, I can't hear any parts of the song there

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Postby Astro-Xana » Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:15 pm

Actually, that is not a Code Lyoko remix--it's a completely different song just as you said (I just thought it would make a great song that's similar). But still, you can't hear where they're similar?

If you were to take out the violin playing in UMSD starting from 0:08-0:13 (where it ends) and then compare that to 0:17-24 (taking out the mystical humming) as well as 0:24-0:31 (taking out the beats), doesn't it sound similar? Sure, it's more fancy and roundabout than UMSD (UMSD sounds like a straightforward version of it).

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Postby SearchingLyoko » Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:51 pm

Episode Idea... though cruel to Odd:

XANA manages to get into a food preparation place. He manages to taint the food. Unfortunately for us, the company he tainted is the company that supplies Kadic's food. Soon everyone's getting really sick... and XANA is taking the opportunity to do... something. Jeremie, Ulrich and Aelita are a little sick (maybe there was a distraction that day from lunch for them) Yumi isn't sick... skipped lunch and ate at home... but Odd... who eat's like crazy, is very sick. Now the gang, excluding Odd, who would logically have eaten enough to have to be taken to the hospital, who are half sick, must get to Lyoko, shut down the tower, and launch a return in past to save the kids... and Odd.


WARNING: Slight spoiler alert to "Nobody In Particular (season 3)... though I doubt anybody here hasn't seen this.

I just watched "Nobody In particular" (the one with Ulrich... and the straight to Sector 5 expirament...) and it gave me the idea for this new episode:

Jeremy virtualizes the gang straight to Sector 5. However, there is a bug which causes their bodies to become seperate from their minds... and XANA posseses their bodies. Jeremy, then, finds a way to allow them to take over monster bodies. Now they have to possess monster bodies to stop their XANA controlled bodies before he manages to wreak havoc!

Personally, I think it would be one interesting role reversal.


I nickname this one "Night of the Living XANA"

The kids go on a field trip to a nearby museum to see a Mummy on display. Then later that evening... it's reported that the Mummy has dissapeared! Some claim it's associated with an ancient curse...

I think you know who's possessing that Mummy. And I think you know that would be one cool episode.
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Postby SearchingLyoko » Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:05 pm

I'm sorry to double post... but editing that same post get's annoying:

Episode Ideas III:

Sickness- Jeremy gets really sick. With XANA attacking and the world once again in danger, the Lyoko Warriors will have to try and stop XANA without him!

Cloak- On a routine mission to Lyoko, the gang discovers something... XANA has mastered a cloaking program and has cloaked several towers on Lyoko to prevent them from being scanned! With attacks now happening on earth, the Lyoko Warriors must go on a mad dash around lyoko searching all the towers before it's too late!

Feet- Odd's smelly feet get smellier then ever! It's driving people crazy! On a routine mission to Lyoko... Jeremy realizes the cause... Cell Degeneration... to Odd's feet. He discovers XANA has been doing this for a little while via a cloaked tower. Now they must stop the tower or risk losing Odd to Cell Degeneration!

Storm On Lyoko- Lyoko is a virtual world, right... so why not have virtual storms? There is a virtual storm on Lyoko. Deadly lightning shoots from the sky. There are earthquakes. The digital sea is coming up tsunami-like over the land... Hail... bad hail... and the Lyoko Warriors must get through the nasty storm and deactivate a tower... before it's too late!

Wow... I have enough ideas here to make another Season 3.
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Postby Rho » Fri Oct 16, 2009 1:23 am

Triangles - Sissi announces that Brynja is returning yet again, and Odd is thrilled. Unlucky for him, he gets an e-mail from Samantha that she is going to come to Kadic again and possibly enroll as a student. Odd tries to keep them apart, but they end up in a conflict, then they're both possessed by XANA and go after Odd. Meanwhile, The monsters on Lyoko have stolen Ulrich's "Triangulate" power.
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Postby SearchingLyoko » Sat Oct 17, 2009 1:27 am

^ Good one.

That was actually going to be similar to the idea I was about to post...

Samantha gets possessed by XANA. She then starts to, under XANA's control, get reeeal close to Odd (once again using the "cloaked tower" idea)... taking up most of his time and sort of seperating him from the group. This causes tensions between Odd and the group. Then, one time, when Sam and Odd are on a date, XANA launches an attack... and the group finally figures out that Sam is possessed by XANA... Now they must deactivate the tower... and stop Odd.

Hm.. more:

Yumi is off with her family on a vaction to Japan to visit relatives. During her flight, XANA possesses the plane. Now Yumi must try to stop XANA on the plane, and the group must deactivate the tower, before XANA takes Yumi down.


Jeremy gets sick. At the same time, the Lyoko Warriors go off on a field trip... where there is a trap set by XANA.... What will happen? Will Jeremy pull through, despite being sick... or will the Lyoko Warriors have to find a way by themselves to escape XANA's trap... and deactivate the tower... without the help of their technical genius.

I'll think of more later.
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Postby SearchingLyoko » Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:10 pm

Once again... sorry for not editing... but I can only allow myself so much type on a page...

Now it's time for my 75th Post (here I come BKO!) and some more Episode Ideas:

Magnetic---The gang, after coming across a bunch of powerful magnets in the factory, finds out that they can be used to seriously bring harm to XANA's ghosts (They are pixelated...) but there is one tiny little catch... (what thing in the Factory would you be worried about having magnets around?)

Blackmail- XANA kidnaps Kiwi and gives Odd an ultimatum... tell no one about the kidnapping and work for him... or else.

Father- Ulrich's grades are bad... yet again. And now his overly-strict father is considering extreme measures if he doesn't bring his grades up... Military School... Now, they must tutor Ulrich like crazy, as well as defend from a slew of XANA attacks.

Father II- Jeremy's father comes to Kadic. He wants to spend a nice day with his son... who he never gets to see much. So he and Jeremy go into town. Jeremy is having a great time... but back at Kadic... the Lyoko Warriors are frantic... they have just discovered that Jeremy's dad is possessed by none other then XANA.... They have to rescue him, before XANA strikes. (I imagine this ending up with a return to the past.... then Jeremy and his dad actually having a good day together.)
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Postby Rho » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:05 pm

Eiffel Tower Deactivated - The students have a field trip to the Eiffel Tower (hey, they are in a suburb of Paris, after all), when at the top, XANA launches an attack, stranding all of them at the top. Including Aelita.

Cleanup on Aisle Lyoko - Yumi and Hiroki are dragged to the supermarket, where XANA sees the chance to launch an attack and goes for it, doing a Tidal Wave-esque attack.

Wet Blizzard - XANA causes severe amounts of rain to fall over at Kadic, causing flooding.. and seeing as how the Factory is near a body of water, water starts leaking into the factory. Meanwhile, when virtualized onto Lyoko, they discover a new sector - The Aquatic Sector.

Game Over - Odd gets a game system, the Yess (parodying how "wii" sounds like "oui", the french for for "yes") and becomes addicted to it, prompting XANA to launch an attack where Odd's spirit is sucked into the game and his body is seemingly unresponsive. If they don't get Odd back, he'll vanish forever.

Factory Cats - After a while of no XANA attacks, the group goes to begin work on remaking the Teleportation process, and discover a foul odor, to discover a stray mother cat and her kittens have used the Factory as their home. XANA then possesses them and sends them to attack Odd and Jeremie, while Yumi, Ulrich, and Aelita discover another new sector - The Volcano sector.
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Postby SearchingLyoko » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:10 pm

Game Over - Odd gets a game system, the Yess (parodying how "wii" sounds like "oui", the french for for "yes") and becomes addicted to it, prompting XANA to launch an attack where Odd's spirit is sucked into the game and his body is seemingly unresponsive. If they don't get Odd back, he'll vanish forever.

^My own personal suggestion for that... I know this has been used before... but he actually has to complete the video game to escape... and if he dies, he dies for real.

Just a thought.

New Student- XANA takes the form of a new student (once again, using the idea of a "cloaked tower" meaning a scan won't detect it) and plays the part of a human well. As this new student, he quickly becomes affiliated with the gang and starts spreading rumors, lies, and other things between them in order to tear the group apart.
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Postby Rho » Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:35 pm

-Zoo: Another field trip, this time to the Zoo (do they have zoos in France?) To be expected, XANA possesses all the animals there.. And when you've got monkeys and tigers under XANA's control... DUN DUN DUN

-May I have this Dance?: The annual school prom is coming up, and Ulrich keeps trying to ask YUmi, but William keeps popping in the way, much to Yumi and Ulrich's mutual annoyance. Eventually, he ends up asking her and she accepts, leaving William outraged.. then XANA launches some attack at the dance, not like Teddygozilla, though.

-Jingle Bells: It's Christmas time, and Sissi wants to organize another dance before the break starts. Jim, however, denies Sissi permission to start it, and ends up dreaming that he's being visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future.. And then it turns out he was just angry because he felt it was insensitive to any Jewish (or any other religion) students at Kadic to not make it a "Holidays Dance" as opposed to just a "Christmas Dance"

-The XANA Attack before Christmas: It's Halloween time at Kadic, and several students are dressed up. Jeremie tries to figure out a way, while in his Tron costume, to possibly get costume versions of their Lyoko outfits into the real world, must like Teleportation. Meanwhile, Yumi ends up having to take Hiroki trick-or-treating, and XANA launches an attack to turn anyone in a costume into what it was they were.
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Postby SearchingLyoko » Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:01 pm

Halloween isn't extremely popular in france... so there would have to be some tweaks to that idea (like there could still be halloween, it just wouldn't be everywhere)...

I think I posted an idea related to that... maybe that will give you an idea.

And yes... they have zoo's in France.

-Emotional: XANA manages to do something...a virus something or something like that... but... anyways, it ends up messing with the personalities of Odd, William, and Yumi, making them totally different from what they really are.

Now, instead of their usual self, they're doing thing like:

-William:Now a goody-goody scaredy-cat (would be startled if a leaf fell on him) student. He'd probably end up being useless because... Jeremy: We have to go to Lyoko to fix your personalities... William: We can't now! We'll miss class!

-Odd: A big obnoxious tough guy. If you mention that he's scrawny, he'll just start trying to beat you up instead of "I'm not scrawny! I'm svelte!". I would imagine he'd try that "slick" kind of flirting with Aelita... probably including the word "Doll" and getting him tons of glares from Jeremy.

-Yumi: Now insanely girly-girl and... well... a big romance freak (about Ulrich)... very flirty... and pink... and fragile and the like.

So yeah... basically making them opposite from what they really are...

I really like this idea because AFTER the attack they'll be totally embarrased... Hiroki will make fun of Yumi to no end, Odd will probably have several people wanting to pick a fight with him, and William will be mocked.

Plus... their inter-group effects would be funny. Jeremy would just glare at odd... and I can only imagine the conversation between Ulrich and Yumi:

Ulrich: So... about all that stuff you said before...

*both blush... awww moment*

Just imagine it... that would be great
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