Lyoko Freak: 2005 - 2015. Return to the past now....

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General original series discussion (Seasons 1-4)

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Postby Jeremified » Wed May 03, 2006 8:38 pm

TB3 wrote:
mooshie wrote:
your-devirtualization wrote: the "bubble" which you referred to is actually what we think is the universe/reality itself being erased as the gang's memories are being sent back in time.
interesting theorybut one slight alteration might make a little more sense, the universe isn't being erased, that particular branch of time is being erased, to explain, scientists now believe that time may branch off due to the endless possibilities of all scenarios and as three dimentional creatures we may only travel in a ray of time as we are not conscious of even moving through the fourth dimention (time), so to sum up, what may be happening is the STM traverses time in the second dimension (side to side) and deletes that branch of time, and while doing so sends the brains on a certain list (the gang) to the branch of time in which XANA never attacked

The problem is that the 'multiverse' theory raises a few problems which might have become apparent in the show by now, such as the group noticing differences between realities - also it implies the unpleasant notion that they thus abandon that time-line to it's fate, and everyone within it - also Franz used the RTTP over 2000 times to save himself with the specific intention of saving Aelita, I doubt he would willingly allow any version of his daughter to be erased, which being the genius and Projenitor of Hopperian Physics that he is, would have known would occur in the 'multiverse' theory.

Therefore, in the show Time is clearly a linear quanity, artistically supported by the phrase 'Return to the past'. Therefore:



A>====================---------NEVER OCCURS-------------B


\==========NEW FLOW OF EVENTS===========>C

The main problem of course is the 'paradox' of that, if the original timeline no-longer exists, how do the kids or computer retain memory of it - and if they don't remember, then XANA will attack again, they will RTTP, repeat ad infinitum stuck in a loop.

The best explanation is the concept of the 'self-healing' timeline - that there is enough 'flux' in space-time to allow paradox without distructive consequence.

Hope this helps, and thanks to all the guys who posted. :)

Oh, and to officially Knight Lani as a Lyokologist :)

And now, for Jerfied to join in! :D

Okay, I have something to add to TB3's comment. I noticed in your 3rd diagram that timeline AB changed to AC. I have an addition to this:

A.......O=============B (O = universal point in timeline, periods = already happened, "=" = future timeline)

A....................OX======B (X = RTTP)

A-v...................X------------B (dashes = never happen)

A-------v...........X------------B (The "v" stands for the memories: it would be continuously flowing from the previous timeline and re-entering the time stream)


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Postby TB3 » Wed May 03, 2006 8:42 pm

BRAVO! I'm not sure entirely of the flow of memories as I have a theory they actually enter the recipient mind several hours prior to Jeremie's entered coindinates and only reintegrate at the coindinates (supported by 'Ghost Channel'), but 10/10 for effort! You also get a Knighthood! :) - feel free to paste the badge into your signature! :thumbs up:

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Postby Jeremified » Wed May 03, 2006 9:01 pm

YAY FOR ME!!! *hugs self* Uh... where's the b- OH, the Lyokologists pic! Ok! Thanks again! *Goes to profile, feeling all fuzzy and happy inside*
thank you all for the good memories <3
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Postby TB3 » Wed May 03, 2006 9:01 pm

Jeremified wrote:YAY FOR ME!!! *hugs self* Uh... where's the b- OH, the Lyokologists pic! Ok! Thanks again! *Goes to profile, feeling all fuzzy and happy inside*

Hehe, welcome to the fold :)

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Postby Jazzy Josh » Wed May 03, 2006 11:38 pm

Not sure if this was in the Original LTT, but always in the scanners, the hair is lifted from the subjects going under the virtualization process before they are scanned..... ZPE particles could be deflected/absorbed by O2, CO2 particles...could there be some sort of vacuum mechnasim that takes out 95%-97% of air (if you took it all out, they would be killed as in space (or so they say)). Now usually, because of the vacuum process, all of the air would be drawn to the top of the scanner, and there would be room to compensate for the particles between the top of the scanners and the subjetc, however, there could be an air particle trapped between the subject and the ZPE particles, and that would form a skewed result...also, in Final Mix, I noticed a discoloration under Ulrich's feet, could that be a platform designed to raise the subject for scanning?

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Postby mooshie » Wed May 03, 2006 11:51 pm

this question was answered (in inference) in the beginning of the thread
the reason they are lifted in because at the is a "bitter" magnet
which has already been used to levitate small animals
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Postby TB3 » Thu May 04, 2006 5:08 am

Like Mooshie pointed out, the initial burst of 'hair-floating' can be attributed to the Bitter Electromagnet under the floor. As the field powers up the hair and clothes begin to float - as the field stabilises however every portion of the body floats in synchony.

When the hair buffets unwards however (virtualisation) is more interesting - at this point not only is there a sudden upward magnetic field triggered to elevate the scanner ring quickly, but also the ZPS portal has been opened and not only the human body, but also all the air molecules are being shunted into ZPS - this would by all rights trigger a massive decompression in the scanner with structural compromise and leathal consequence to the subject, so the scanners automatically inject compressed air into the chamber to compensate.

So the second burst of hair is caused by the injection of air, coupled with a sudden magnetic field not strong enough to effect the body, but certainly lighter materials such as hair.

As for the 'platform', well that's a case where you have conflicting evidence - in some cases they are shown to be levitating - others, there's a platform.

In my mind, levitation makes more sense as it allows for more thorough scanning, and it's backed up by 'Just in Time' when we actually saw the test-tube containing Aelita's hair-strand lift up off the floor of the scanner when Jeremie scanned it.

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Postby YDV » Thu May 04, 2006 4:23 pm

....Indeed. And yes, welcome to LTT, Jeremiefied!

Honestly, I thought your diagrams were a little confusing. I understood them, though, and that's the important thing. ^^
TB3 wrote:The main problem of course is the 'paradox' of that, if the original timeline no-longer exists, how do the kids or computer retain memory of it - and if they don't remember, then XANA will attack again, they will RTTP, repeat ad infinitum stuck in a loop.

I actually believe that this is because once something has left a certain point in a timeline, it gains a sort of temporal integrity that protects it from anything else that may occur in that time. For example, let's say a dog's memories got sent back in time. If the mechanism of erasing the alternate timeline never occurs (which it would ultimately have to), and the next day in that alternate timeline the dog gets run over in a car accident, would the other version of the dog drop dead on the floor? No, of course not, because in the timeline the dog is residing in, the accident never happened, and possible will never happen.

I think that's sort of a dodgy analogy though, because if the alternate timeline never existed, how would the dog have gotten run over in the first place?

I suppose it's better to just assume the Temporal Integrity of memories and any sort of information/energy/matter that is sent through time rather than mess with the idea of its falsehood, because we have no evidence that it's NOT true, and tons of evidence that it is (because they DON'T go through the infinite loop of XANA attacking the same way over and over again.)

Hm.. on second thought.

Suppose if the erasure of the alternate timeline doesn't happen, and time continues to flow as par normal, only the object sent back in time is in another temporal position. This would not work with memories, because eventually the person would suddenly remember himself being sent back in time, and it defeats the purpose. It would require actually physically transferring someone's body, memories and all, to the past. We have no evidence that this is possible, however, and according to our theory it's not possible to RTTP any other way than through memory transfusion via TAP/SAP. But for a moment, let's assume it is.

In which case. Let's go back to the dog analogy. Doggie was sent back through time somehow. In doing so, assuming the properties of Temporal Integrity, the "other" past version of himself continues living. It would be near impossible for this self to become the future self, because any point at which the dog existed and the "future" self was brought back to, they would be running coexistantly through the stream of time.

A represents temporal point of origin or moment from which existence occured for the dog

B represents future, and is constantly moving

==== represents the dog's record of existence, or timeline.

A=======Past Doggie==============Future Doggie=B

A=====Future Doggie==============Future Doggie=B

Here, since Future Doggie is still within his timeline of existence, he is automatically coexisting with one version of himself. The second "Future Doggie" must then, therefore, represent himself after the trip, and cannot be the Past Doggie having moved forward to the future.

Future Doggie______A======="Past" Doggie============Future Doggie=B

Here, since Future Doggie was brought back to a point BEFORE he "came into existence," he CAN exist while, theoretically, another "version" of himself does not exist. But time is linear, so technically speaking, both versions would still be existing at the same time, but one exists in the past and one exists in the future.

...And so... what was my point again? xD; Oh yeah. Let's assume that "Past" Doggie becomes roadkill. What would happen to Future Doggie? Because of Temporal Integrity, theoretically nothing. Because it would create a SEPARATE timeline.
____________________A============="Past" Doggie diesB
Future Doggie_______A==="Past Doggie"^

Hokay. The second that "Past" doggie dies, it creates an alternate timeline, one in which he's... dead. However, becuase FUTURE Doggie still exists, just in another temporal position, the first timeline isn't completely erased and the "flow of time" shifts, so slightly that it isn't even registered, so that the second timeline is the only one that ever existed. Sort of like a bump.

Anyway. The Future Doggie does not drop dead, because of Temporal Integrity, which pretty much states that it never happened to him in the first place, so he remains fine.

And NOW, for how this correlates with CL. xD;; If this principle of Temporal Integrity exists, that would explain why the gang retains their memories.

I guess it could be defined as: The property in which things that "never happened" don't happen again, in any point in time. Plain and simple. So was it really necessary for me to type all that stuff and nearly confuse myself? Probably not. xD;;
Last edited by YDV on Thu May 04, 2006 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby JeremyHopper » Thu May 04, 2006 4:34 pm

I'm still not convinced of any of the ZPE stuff. If it's okay I'd like a link to an article on Zero-point-energy space and how it relates to anything you are talking about. yeah I know though, it's all hypothetical. But still, you say ZPE space "has been proven to exsist" so I'd like for you to follow up on that. I like theoretical ideas but if you're gonna pass 'em up as fact then I'd like some practical means of proof. That's all. Thanks.


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Postby mooshie » Thu May 04, 2006 4:55 pm

well I would have to go with the the explanation that space/time has enough flux to prevent paradoxes from happening, and to (kind of) answer the other paradox question the pre-existing time-line was/is still part of the same universe, and the memories (memory cells) are a type of matter, and because of the law of conservation of matter (matter cannot be created or destroyed) all the matter has to go somewhere, if the memory cells were not transfered they would go into a sort of limbo (for anyone who has read the "Young Wizards" series outside of time, much like the Powers) outside of any timeline but still part of the universe so for all intents and purposes we'll just call it Z-space (Z being for zero) as it has 0 existance in any timeline
x=end of timeline
/=begining of timeline or transfer of timeline
everything elso is z-space
++++++++=boundary of the universe
+ +
+ /_______________x /______________x +
+________/_____________________________________/_________________________________________ +
+ +
+ +

as shown in the diagram the ended timelines are still within the boundaries of the universe, just cut off from the main timeline, now I know this has already been explained, but I suggest rather than the globe being the deltion of the timeline, why not have it be the removal of it from the main stream of time, that way we're not conflicting with the main laws of physics, just inventing some new ones based on the evidence of a cartoon, well that's my two cents, regard or disregard it as you will
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Postby YDV » Thu May 04, 2006 5:05 pm

I see your point. Yeah, that does make sense, but I'm kinda shying away from the idea that multiple timelines can exist at the same time without a sort of paradox, because that suggests that time is not linear (not like a stream or river, but like a lake with a slow current). And... that pretty much bunks our other theory, which sounded pretty darn good to me. So I don't want to bunk it just yet. xD;
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Postby mooshie » Thu May 04, 2006 5:22 pm

well in response to your hesitance, two of the exact same thing, for instance tin cans can exist, in different places, say one is two inches to the left, if the tin can to the left were dented, would the tin can to the right, which was the exact same thing, also be dented, no, because as long as things are seperate entities, what happens to one does not nescesarily happen to the other, time is the same thing, to explain, dimensions are directions, the first is front and back, the second is left and right, and the third is up and down, time is the fourth dimension, meaning it is just another direction, only one we are not aware of as we are 3-dimensional creatures, to conclude my long drawn out shpeal as long as the two thing are seperate entities, the outcome of one does not affect the other, well you may ask where does the matter for all these seperate entities come from, they come from zpe-space (in my previous post I called it z-space after the term in "animorphs") which has unlimited energy and because of relativity (matter is just energy not moving at the speed of ligh and vice-versa) endless alternate timelines can be produced
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Postby JeremyHopper » Thu May 04, 2006 5:40 pm

Zero-point-energy is defined as being the bottom line of energy. All energy (sound, light, heat) is Zero-point-energy acting in a different way sort-of. Zero-point-energy exists at the quantum level. Machines were devised (they were all friggin' hoaxes hahahaha!) that supposedly harnessed this zero-point-energy and used it as a perpetual energy source. Ehhhhh... to bad it didn't work. My point is I don't see how there can be a "zero-point-energy space", if you just mean quantum space, well then it's not nesscesarily parralel to our reality, in fact, it is within it. Adressing the 4th demension, it is my belief that the 4th dememnsion exists in some ways in our reality, I mean, how can there be time in the third dememnsion without the 4th? Mainly I think that they didn't think very thouroughly on how the RTTP works or the virtualization, they didn't say "okay, so, ZPE space is where the lyoko gangs memories go, but because of the space time flux of the hyperbolic frequencing into time itself overlapping what we call blah blah blah blah blah okay so I havn't been listening to every singal thing you guys have been saying", instead they probobly said "okay, how can we make it so everyone goes 'hey, remember yesterday when the neucular powerplant blew up?'" "I got it!" "What?" "They can retunr to the past!" "whatever" so that's my point. but I have to honestly say that all the things you guys have thougt up really should be sent to moonscoop, they could use some of it in the show. seriously.

If you think I'm mindlessly rambling on then just ignore the 261 words above. :guitar:


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Postby TB3 » Thu May 04, 2006 5:46 pm

JeremyHopper wrote:I'm still not convinced of any of the ZPE stuff. If it's okay I'd like a link to an article on Zero-point-energy space and how it relates to anything you are talking about. yeah I know though, it's all hypothetical. But still, you say ZPE space "has been proven to exsist" so I'd like for you to follow up on that. I like theoretical ideas but if you're gonna pass 'em up as fact then I'd like some practical means of proof. That's all. Thanks.

What has been proven is that ZPE (which is real) emenates from an infinite energy level that is on a slightly different planar existance to our own.

Now, another 'mathmatically proven' concept is The Dirac Sea, which postualtes on a paralell reality comprised of electrons - combine these two real concepts and you get ZPS, a semi-fictional concept that I told to the Physics Professors at my University and got the thumbs-up for.

The 'proof' in the show is that Jeremie noted three scientists who Hopper had books by in 'Uncharted Territory' - Schrodinger, Planck, Heisenburg - all of these guys feature in the paralell development of Zero-Point-Energy and The Dirac Sea - in fact it was 'Schrodinger's Equation' which led to both BG Casimir's discovery of Zero-Point-Energy, and Paul Dirac's concept of the Dirac Sea.

From these elements, why not suggest that the Schrodinger Equation spawned off a third arm, Franz's concept of ZPS, which led to EVERYTHING hereafter.

Nice how things can turn out huh? :)

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Postby TB3 » Thu May 04, 2006 6:18 pm

Double-post I know so sorry in advance.

Mooshie, I love your debating on the nature of time lol - the thing is, we have no evidence in the show to decide how the nature of time flows and (here's the rub), no quantative evidence in OUR reality to help us decide. Temporal physics as it stands, are all theoretical.

What to do eh? But I love the thought you put into it.

JeremyHopper - I'm on the verge of agreeing with you and saying that ZPS is a Quantum Universe, simply because that's how I've envisioned it but never really said it before, i.e. ZPS exists all around us, just slightly offset on the plane of existance.

Cheers guys, thanks for helping to give this thread a proper rebirth! :thumbs up:

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Postby JeremyHopper » Thu May 04, 2006 6:23 pm

TB3 wrote:JeremyHopper - I'm on the verge of agreeing with you and saying that ZPS is a Quantum Universe, simply because that's how I've envisioned it but never really said it before, i.e. ZPS exists all around us, just slightly offset on the plane of existance.

I see what yoour saying. I slightly agree, slightly don't. Like you said it's semi-fictional. It's all good stuff. Slightly offset on the plane of existance... that's how I envision the 4th dememnsion.


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Postby TB3 » Thu May 04, 2006 6:29 pm

JeremyHopper wrote:
TB3 wrote:JeremyHopper - I'm on the verge of agreeing with you and saying that ZPS is a Quantum Universe, simply because that's how I've envisioned it but never really said it before, i.e. ZPS exists all around us, just slightly offset on the plane of existance.

I see what yoour saying. I slightly agree, slightly don't. Like you said it's semi-fictional. It's all good stuff. Slightly offset on the plane of existance... that's how I envision the 4th dememnsion.

Hmm, ZPS is not 'technically' 4D because it would be pretty impossible for Franz to develop a 3D program to work in 4D in as short a time as he did. However 4D travel applies in ZPS because fast-than-light speeds can be achieved, so in this sense it is 4D in it's potential.

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Postby Lani » Thu May 04, 2006 7:17 pm

Well... I'm not good with theories and stuffs but I do have a question... They can't go back in time physically, right? Because then there'd be like 38+ of the kids running around which is like... a lot xD;; So what the supercompy would do is just transfer their consciouses back to their past selves to whatever time has been chosen and erase everything that happened after that, right?

So is just the earth affected? Or is the entire universe? 'Cause then if the earth is just affected then we're basically just bringing the apocalypse closer and closer to us... xD; Yeah. Tis all I have to say.
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Postby mooshie » Thu May 04, 2006 7:21 pm

well what we have determined is that what goes back in time replaces it's earlier version, but we're pretty sure that only the brain, or the memory cells are sent back in time
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Postby Cassius335 » Fri May 05, 2006 1:18 pm

Your De-Virtualization wrote:....Indeed. And yes, welcome to LTT, Jeremiefied!

Honestly, I thought your diagrams were a little confusing. I understood them, though, and that's the important thing. ^^
TB3 wrote:The main problem of course is the 'paradox' of that, if the original timeline no-longer exists, how do the kids or computer retain memory of it - and if they don't remember, then XANA will attack again, they will RTTP, repeat ad infinitum stuck in a loop.

I actually believe that this is because once something has left a certain point in a timeline, it gains a sort of temporal integrity that protects it from anything else that may occur in that time. For example, let's say a dog's memories got sent back in time. If the mechanism of erasing the alternate timeline never occurs (which it would ultimately have to), and the next day in that alternate timeline the dog gets run over in a car accident, would the other version of the dog drop dead on the floor? No, of course not, because in the timeline the dog is residing in, the accident never happened, and possible will never happen.

I think that's sort of a dodgy analogy though, because if the alternate timeline never existed, how would the dog have gotten run over in the first place?

I suppose it's better to just assume the Temporal Integrity of memories and any sort of information/energy/matter that is sent through time rather than mess with the idea of its falsehood, because we have no evidence that it's NOT true, and tons of evidence that it is (because they DON'T go through the infinite loop of XANA attacking the same way over and over again.)

Hm.. on second thought.

Suppose if the erasure of the alternate timeline doesn't happen, and time continues to flow as par normal, only the object sent back in time is in another temporal position. This would not work with memories, because eventually the person would suddenly remember himself being sent back in time, and it defeats the purpose. It would require actually physically transferring someone's body, memories and all, to the past. We have no evidence that this is possible, however, and according to our theory it's not possible to RTTP any other way than through memory transfusion via TAP/SAP. But for a moment, let's assume it is.

In which case. Let's go back to the dog analogy. Doggie was sent back through time somehow. In doing so, assuming the properties of Temporal Integrity, the "other" past version of himself continues living. It would be near impossible for this self to become the future self, because any point at which the dog existed and the "future" self was brought back to, they would be running coexistantly through the stream of time.

A represents temporal point of origin or moment from which existence occured for the dog

B represents future, and is constantly moving

==== represents the dog's record of existence, or timeline.

A=======Past Doggie==============Future Doggie=B

A=====Future Doggie==============Future Doggie=B

Here, since Future Doggie is still within his timeline of existence, he is automatically coexisting with one version of himself. The second "Future Doggie" must then, therefore, represent himself after the trip, and cannot be the Past Doggie having moved forward to the future.

Future Doggie______A======="Past" Doggie============Future Doggie=B

Here, since Future Doggie was brought back to a point BEFORE he "came into existence," he CAN exist while, theoretically, another "version" of himself does not exist. But time is linear, so technically speaking, both versions would still be existing at the same time, but one exists in the past and one exists in the future.

...And so... what was my point again? xD; Oh yeah. Let's assume that "Past" Doggie becomes roadkill. What would happen to Future Doggie? Because of Temporal Integrity, theoretically nothing. Because it would create a SEPARATE timeline.
____________________A============="Past" Doggie diesB
Future Doggie_______A==="Past Doggie"^

Hokay. The second that "Past" doggie dies, it creates an alternate timeline, one in which he's... dead. However, becuase FUTURE Doggie still exists, just in another temporal position, the first timeline isn't completely erased and the "flow of time" shifts, so slightly that it isn't even registered, so that the second timeline is the only one that ever existed. Sort of like a bump.

Anyway. The Future Doggie does not drop dead, because of Temporal Integrity, which pretty much states that it never happened to him in the first place, so he remains fine.

And NOW, for how this correlates with CL. xD;; If this principle of Temporal Integrity exists, that would explain why the gang retains their memories.

I guess it could be defined as: The property in which things that "never happened" don't happen again, in any point in time. Plain and simple. So was it really necessary for me to type all that stuff and nearly confuse myself? Probably not. xD;;

Are you suggesting that Time keeps an Error Log?
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Postby TB3 » Fri May 05, 2006 4:20 pm

Cassius335 wrote:Are you suggesting that Time keeps an Error Log?

Pretty much - the basic concept is that when the guys RTTP what they leave behind is not destroyed, but instead 'shifted' out of the normal timeline and continues one, paralell to the new one developed.

This all works nicely, but it is unnerving, in that the ONLY people in the timeline who escape it are those who 'remember' - everyone else must caryy on in the world left behind, were XANA's attack suceeds, or people die etc.

Also, imagine how many different versions of June 6th 1994 would exist - 2456 of them, very untidy.

Also, this is kind of in 'opposition' to the ethics of the show, in that the RTTP was designed and is used to save lives, not just those who's memories are input into the computer. That said it might be that it works likes this and the kids simply don't know about it, but surely Franz and Jeremie would have twigged along the way that they are cheating in a sense.

The other theory is that time abhors a paradox just like nature abhors a vacuum - it this sense time would be somewhat 'elastic' - in that it allows contradictary events to take place just to ensure the continued existance and stability of the timeline. Threfore, the kids retain their memories, even though those events never transpired.

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Postby Jeremified » Fri May 05, 2006 8:17 pm

Okay, I have, actually, two things to talk about.

1) When XANA is attacking the school, Jeremie warns the team that they can't let any deaths occur because the RTTP won't return their lives. There are two sub-discussions in this: 1) What about natural deaths outside of XANA's attack? If it's true that 2 people die per second... that's a lot of lives lost in one day! Also, what happens to the people who died before the RTTP: do they just drop dead at the moment the RTTP returns to, or do they just spontaneously vanish into thin air?

2) I read the part about the air particles in the scanners. It makes sense why Ulrich, Yumi, Odd, and Jeremie's hair would blow upward, but why does Aelita's hair blow to the side? Is it something to do with Aelita's fragment, or was it something else?
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Postby TB3 » Fri May 05, 2006 8:27 pm

Jeremified wrote:Okay, I have, actually, two things to talk about.

1) When XANA is attacking the school, Jeremie warns the team that they can't let any deaths occur because the RTTP won't return their lives. There are two sub-discussions in this: 1) What about natural deaths outside of XANA's attack? If it's true that 2 people die per second... that's a lot of lives lost in one day! Also, what happens to the people who died before the RTTP: do they just drop dead at the moment the RTTP returns to, or do they just spontaneously vanish into thin air?

2) I read the part about the air particles in the scanners. It makes sense why Ulrich, Yumi, Odd, and Jeremie's hair would blow upward, but why does Aelita's hair blow to the side? Is it something to do with Aelita's fragment, or was it something else?

Aelita's hair is debateable - it might just be artistic license, maybe it's because she tips her head back while the others stay still, thus shifting the hair's position in the magnetic field.

As for the deaths, right now it's just conjecture but it seems likely that:

A: RTTP's only affect those who have become involved in an attack, those who have interacted with the program and thus been 'tagged' by the computer. Therefore if you died naturally without interacting with the program then after the RTTP you'd be restored back to your previous health, and then presumably die anyway.

B: It seems likely that the person would just drop dead rather than vanish, based on our current theories that is.

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Postby Lani » Fri May 05, 2006 8:33 pm

TB3 wrote:A: RTTP's only affect those who have become involved in an attack, those who have interacted with the program and thus been 'tagged' by the computer. Therefore if you died naturally without interacting with the program then after the RTTP you'd be restored back to your previous health, and then presumably die anyway.

But... why? Why are the people who died in a XANA attack 'tagged" and not brought back to life? Couldn't they be like not tagged and brought back to life after the RTTP? 'Cause it'd be kinda strange just sitting in math class one day then the girl that sits next to you just like... drops dead. o__O;

I dunno... maybe I'm thinking too hard? >>; I just don't get why...
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Postby TB3 » Fri May 05, 2006 8:39 pm

Lani wrote:
TB3 wrote:A: RTTP's only affect those who have become involved in an attack, those who have interacted with the program and thus been 'tagged' by the computer. Therefore if you died naturally without interacting with the program then after the RTTP you'd be restored back to your previous health, and then presumably die anyway.

But... why? Why are the people who died in a XANA attack 'tagged" and not brought back to life? Couldn't they be like not tagged and brought back to life after the RTTP? 'Cause it'd be kinda strange just sitting in math class one day then the girl that sits next to you just like... drops dead. o__O;

I dunno... maybe I'm thinking too hard? >>; I just don't get why...

Hehe - well when an RTTP is triggered, memories are returned to the kids. Now let's assume that the same occurs to all tagged people - i.e. the computer monitors their brain patterns and through the RTTP adds new data to their minds in the past.

Now the computer supresses the 'new' memories of most tagged people, allowing free access to those memories only to the team. However, if you die in the future, when an RTTP occurs your mind will be reconstructed in it's dead state in the past.

Hope this helps explain things.

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