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Postby Doggiegal » Fri Aug 12, 2005 4:26 pm

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Postby MY85 » Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:50 pm

Barely see it. Not my favourite (but some chicks are hot and slutty), but I did saw The Real World: The Lost Season movie...
Lani wrote:Eh, in the end, people (real or cartoon) are naked and having a good time. What's wrong with that?
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Postby Little Vili » Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:04 am

Enki wrote:I was even more hurt by the comment Vili made about nobody should watch reality TV when he should realize that there is a fanbase for reality TV and that I am part of it.

I feel sorry for all those viewers who are wasting their life away in front of something that they think they're getting entertainment from.

Enki aslo wrote:Its like telling Vili he shouldnt watch anime or read manga since nobody should.

Im guessing you think you could use my flame/rant of reality tv against me (most people try to). Whenever I bring up reality tv, someone always counters by attacking anime. Well, just let me set this whole thing straight (be prepared for a big rant).

Although many people seem to think that anime and manga has no point to it, little do they realize it actually is good for you (not just anime, anything that has an "unrealistic" sense to it). Why is this you ask? Simple, we as humans wish to possese the abilities to do supernatural things (such as fly, or do cool ninja stuff like run up walls...ext.) When we watch anime (or anything with a sense of fantasy) we get to experience that indirectly, thus or minds are getting a daily dose of it's "fantasy pills" (corny I know...but I lack a better term at the moment). So you see, anime, and other things that dwell in the relm (sp?) of fantasy, help expand the imagination of the mind.

But I do ask what do we get from reality tv? We sit there and watch other people b*tch and moan as they fight (a lot) over stupid little things and its all for a cash prize for them. We get nothing out of it what so ever. In fact, I think it takes away from out mind. We sit there as reality is done for us, letting the mind go into a relaxed state, meaning it wont try to expand, because it doesnt have mental "push" it needs to. I personally dont see how other people arguing (sp?) for a half hour or more is called entertainment. I may actually sit down and watch it (I have before), and at one point I realize "hey, Im not getting a d*mn thing out of it" so I get up and leave to go do something that is worth my life (such as drawing, or writing).
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Postby GOGOLINIICHAN! » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:57 pm

You miss a key element in this, Vili.

People enjoy watching other people interact with each other. They enjoy seeing what goes on in others' lives; watching them fight and act stupid and fall in love and mock each other and act certain ways when presented with certain challenges. People enjoy it.

If you don't believe me, look at everyday life. Car accident. Every single person that drives by has to look and see what happens. A fight in the middle of the cafeteria at a school. Every single person has to watch. A couple is kissing on the sidewalk. How many people do you think take a peek just to see what's happening? Pretty much everyone.

For some unknown reason, others peoples' lives are entertaining to us--to some degree or another, in a negative or positive sense. So if presented with a television program where viewers can watch what everyone in a certain situation is doing and how they're interacting, people are going to be interested. Maybe it's just because people are nosy. Maybe they wish their lives had more excitement like that. Who knows?

And taking a look at your anime example, perhaps it does offer us a chance to think about the fictional but then again, if anime wasn't made very realistic, we wouldn't wanna watch it. Sure there are supernatural powers and things of the like but if the character's didn't react humanely in certain situations and there wasn't the same basic human emotions and values in it, people wouldn't wanna watch.

I guess it just comes down to what you like to watch and what you don't like to watch. Simple as that. Yes there are people that waste their life with Reality TV but there are also others who simply enjoy it, for one unknown reason or another. Like me for instance. =)
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Postby Little Vili » Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:08 pm

Erynn wrote:And taking a look at your anime example, perhaps it does offer us a chance to think about the fictional but then again, if anime wasn't made very realistic, we wouldn't wanna watch it. Sure there are supernatural powers and things of the like but if the character's didn't react humanely in certain situations and there wasn't the same basic human emotions and values in it, people wouldn't wanna watch.

A very interesting point indeed, and a very important one. I for one like anime a lot because of the romance (hence why I liked CL so much). I suppose you may be right though about humans naturally wanting to experience and (indirectly) "interact" with those in the reality tv...but as expected, my opinions of reality tv remain the same...just with a new thought in mind.

This seems to be the end of the argument...unless one of us missed something, and someone would like to bring it up.
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Postby SamBlob » Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:56 pm

I am absolutely amazed to see Vili showing an interest in the expansion of the mind! :omg:

Then again, maybe it's like how I am with the forgiveness of sins; I know I should do it, but I don't do anything about it... :D
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Postby Little Vili » Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:41 am comment...dont want to get banned.
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Postby GOGOLINIICHAN! » Sun Aug 14, 2005 1:56 am

Little Vili wrote:
Erynn wrote:And taking a look at your anime example, perhaps it does offer us a chance to think about the fictional but then again, if anime wasn't made very realistic, we wouldn't wanna watch it. Sure there are supernatural powers and things of the like but if the character's didn't react humanely in certain situations and there wasn't the same basic human emotions and values in it, people wouldn't wanna watch.

That was me, not Erynn! >.<#
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Postby Dummo Marx » Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:36 am

...I think something was forgotten there...and it was the second reason as to why Reality TV is not only boring (personally) but also can have negative effect on tender minds...much more negative than the effect delivered by DBZ's fights or Saint Seiya's beatifully violent strikes...

Even when there's violence up to wazoo on most commercial anime, you gotta think about why there's violence...think about the values as to why such a fight occured...if you're a brat and are obsesed with the show the answer is simple: "Because he luvs her and the bad guy is going to take her away if he doesn't stop him"

Now...that has an epical structure...those found in knight's tales and fantastic stories...

But...when you turn to Reality TV....the reason they fall in love is just so that you can see her pixelated bottom on night-time air TV.

The kids see in anime (for theri ages of course) an epic tale of love...while in reality TV you see not the actual world...but a grotesque parody...

What's become a child searching for love so that it may never leave him...or to become a child searching for sex...
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Postby GOGOLINIICHAN! » Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:45 am

The point wasn't that Reality TV is essentially bad or good, just to describe why people are drawn to it..

You're right; that just wasn't the main point. There are also different kinds of Reality TV, too.. for example, most of the things on MTV are horrible and exactly like you described, while some other things (Survivor, for example), while still maybe "boring" and "stupid" and "pointless", aren't really about that kind of stuff..
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Postby Dummo Marx » Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:49 am

The point wasn't that Reality TV is essentially bad or good, just to describe why people are drawn to it..

Sorry for going offtopic...a day of car playing left me wanting to post something with meaning :D

while still maybe "boring" and "stupid" and "pointless", aren't really about that kind of stuff..

*nods* still...think about the final prize for the winner...and the fact that there can "only be one"....
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Postby GOGOLINIICHAN! » Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:55 am

Werwek wrote:Sorry for going offtopic...a day of car playing left me wanting to post something with meaning :D

No problem.

*nods* still...think about the final prize for the winner...and the fact that there can "only be one"....

Technically, that or something similar to that can be applied to almost any type of game there is. Survivor, for one (as there are others that aren't), is really just one big game. Indeed, several people prove to have no integrity or morals while playing the game.. but essentially it's up to them to make that choice, as it is for everyone else in the world.

You can't really put philosophy into things like this because it's truly based on perspective.. some people see it as a game and therefore no morals apply.. others may not.
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Postby Dummo Marx » Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:01 am

Survivor, for one (as there are others that aren't), is really just one big game.

...I would've known that if I had seen any actual episodes of Survivor, thank for making it clear btw

You can't really put philosophy into things like this because it's truly based on perspective.. some people see it as a game and therefore no morals apply.. others may not.

...that's morals for unscrupulous, yet it is the 21st century...there's no need for morality when all you gotta do is win.

When you mentioned this however, I couldn't stop thinking that this IS the future of game shows...

The dating game has definetly evolved :D
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Postby GOGOLINIICHAN! » Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:13 am

Werwek wrote:...I would've known that if I had seen any actual episodes of Survivor, thank for making it clear btw


You can't really put philosophy into things like this because it's truly based on perspective.. some people see it as a game and therefore no morals apply.. others may not.

...that's morals for unscrupulous, yet it is the 21st century...there's no need for morality when all you gotta do is win.

When you mentioned this however, I couldn't stop thinking that this IS the future of game shows...

The dating game has definetly evolved :D

I'm not saying that they are correct for thinking morality doesn't apply.. just pointing out that it is the way some of the people on the shows think. And you're right.. the world is changing.. more and more people have less and less integrity..
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Postby Little Vili » Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:42 pm

Linii-chan wrote:
Little Vili wrote:
Erynn wrote:And taking a look at your anime example, perhaps it does offer us a chance to think about the fictional but then again, if anime wasn't made very realistic, we wouldn't wanna watch it. Sure there are supernatural powers and things of the like but if the character's didn't react humanely in certain situations and there wasn't the same basic human emotions and values in it, people wouldn't wanna watch.

That was me, not Erynn! >.<#

Srry...replied too fast for my own good...or something like that.... :*D
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Postby Paige » Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:59 am

I have. Its so interesting. But it's sorta lost it's interestingness to me. My older sister loves Laguna Beach. I HATE THAT SHOW!!!! It's so predictable it's not even funny. And you can so tell those kids are acting. And their bad actors too! Anyone agree with me?
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Postby Little Vili » Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:30 am

If it disses reality tv...I agree all the way.
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Postby Enki » Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:48 am

Although I love reality TV, i hate Laguna Beach cause just one look at the widescreen let me know it was fake.
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Postby Little Vili » Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:49 pm

yeah...that would do it.
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Postby DL » Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:56 pm

I have to agree with Vili about reality TV but then who am I to talk since I spend most of my time watching the discovery or history channels

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Postby MY85 » Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:10 pm

Darklord wrote:I have to agree with Vili about reality TV but then who am I to talk since I spend most of my time watching the discovery or history channels

Well, that's a useful way to use the tv...
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Postby SamBlob » Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:38 pm

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Postby Jellybean <33 » Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:51 pm

Enki Ishiyama wrote:One time, an Ozzfest topic was put up. I asked if anyone ever saw the show "Battle For Ozzfest" but no one answered. So has anyone seen that show? I really liked it because of all the unsigned bands competing for a spot at Ozzfest. 8) I still feel disappointed by the end because I still feel the wrong band won and that the runner up shouldve won. :arg:

ozzfest ruled, I like a couple of reality shows, I was totally unaware of this war and what villi said was kind of mean but you know, its all good right? I like The Surreal Life because that is so [edited] funny its unbelievable, lol. I used to watch survivor but it got a bit....well...about about season 4...^^ Anywho, I feel your suffering I recently put up a thread in BKO about the slash fandom and I've already got bets the thread will get locked within a week. see ya :peck:


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Postby Star Way » Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:01 pm

Morgan, just because you're my IRL friend doesn't mean you can cuss on my forum where it's not allowed. Get it through your head. XD
Don't bother sending me messages or anything, I'm not in charge of the site anymore.

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Postby Jellybean <33 » Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:09 pm

lol my bad ryn, i'm gonna start calling you that, ryn..., anyway sorry its a habit I really really REAALY need to break


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