I have no idea if any one other than my self remembers this game in any way shape or form but I fell like I need to spread the nostalgia around.
What crazy game could I be referring to that makes remember such fond memories and tied me over till I can fix my main computer and play masseffect again?
I don't know how many remember this little game from 10 years ago, but what I'm referring to is none other than Mechwarrior 3
Now I'm sure some of you know the sequels made directly by Microsoft mechwarrior4 and the xbox games but I fell that mech 4 (least by its self) fell short to its predecessor especially in the Mech lab, and I haven't even played the xbox games so I can't comment there. Sure I'm looking forward to the mech 4 series being released for free if Microsoft ever get the act together and green lights it, but that's but why I'm talking today.
Mechwarrior 3 was a great game that introduced me TI the battletech universe and gave me my fix of giant robot fights with robotech and gundum wing on TV. I won't go into great detail at this point, just seeing who remembers this as I play it OB the laptop and now having gotten a hold of the expansion pirates moon I'll be going all the more nuts.
If any one else has fun memories they want to share from this little game or the series I'd love to hear them. Especially if its a funny moment or one of those little exploits that would pop up ruin or winning a mission. Always good for making a laugh or two