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[COMPLETE] Code Lyoko Remixed: Supernova

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[COMPLETE] Code Lyoko Remixed: Supernova

Postby ccbtimewiz » Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:56 pm

Code Lyoko Remixed Project: Supernova

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After fully watching the entire Code Lyoko series, and not one soundtrack being released yet, I decided that we should create our own collection of Code Lyoko remixes! Lyoko Geniuses is proud to present the very first ever Code Lyoko Remixed Album, Code Lyoko Remixed Project: Supernova!

Apr�s tout, en regardant l'ensemble de la s�rie Code Lyoko, et non pas une bande-son d'�tre lib�r� encore, j'ai d�cid� que nous devions cr�er notre propre collection de remixes Code Lyoko! Lyoko G�nies est fier de pr�senter la toute premi�re jamais Code Lyoko Remixed album, Code Lyoko Remixed Project: Supernova !

Po zapozananiu się z całą serią Code Lyoko, niejeden soundtrack ujrzał światło dzienne. Zdecydowałem by stworzyć naszą własną kolekcję remiks�w CL ! Lyoko Geniuses jest dumne z możliwości zaprezentowania pierwszej wersji Albumu Code Lyoko: Supernova.


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Lycoris Server (Individual Songs)

[English Track Listing]
1. S'Envoler / Break Away by Rhys Davies
2. The Carthage Spot by ccbtimewiz
3. A World Without Danger Techno English Mix by CodeLyokoDreamer
4. A World Without Danger English/French Mix by QuinSeperable
5. Aelita's Beat by ccbtimewiz
6. Memories of the Fallen by Astro-XANA
7. Emergency ripped by ccbtimewiz
8. Transfer! Scanner! Virtualization! by ccbtimewiz
9. Valentines Day by YHChaosBdon
10. XANA's Theme by SeanKing
11. To The Factory! ripped by ccbtimewiz
12. Remembrance of Tech Links *
13. Memory Feat; Yumi Ishiyama by The Pop-Rock Progressives
14. A World Without Danger Polish Version contributed by Omasz
15. Generique Fin Techno Remix by Kikou
16. A World Without Danger Instrumental (Herman and Serge)
17. A World Without Danger Trance Mix by YHChaosBdon
18. A World Without Danger Piano Mix performed by Mylinda Antoinette
19. The Hermitage ripped by ccbtimewiz
20. Happy Kadic Mix ripped by ccbtimewiz
21. Generique Fin (Herman and Serge)

* = This song was in memory of Tech Links, a Code Lyoko community built in 2005 by Lyoko Computer, nhjm449, Lotho and Wartonchan. The forum became inactive about 3 months ago due to the end of Code Lyoko and the staff decided to close shop. The song's origins was a short demo in Lyoko Computer's forum signature, which he has had for as long as I can remember. Whenever this song is played, I think of him and TL. This is reason to why I decided to put the full version for you all to listen to.

[French Track Listing]
1. S'Envoler / Break Away par Rhys Davies
2. Spot de Carthage par ccbtimewiz
3. Un monde sans danger Anglais Techno Mix par CodeLyokoDreamer
4. Un monde sans danger Anglais / fran�ais Mix par QuinSeperable
5. Aelita's Beat par ccbtimewiz
6. Memories of the Fallen par Astro-XANA
7. Urgence d�chir�s par ccbtimewiz
8. Transfert! Scanner! Virtualisation! Par ccbtimewiz
9. Valentines Day par YHChaosBdon
10. XANA's Theme par SeanKing
11. � l'usine! D�chir�s par ccbtimewiz
12. Liens souvenir de Tech *
13. M�moire feat; Yumi Ishiyama par le pop-rock progressistes
14. Un monde sans danger version polonaise contribu� par Omasz
15. Generique fin remix techno par kikou
16. Un monde sans danger instrumental (Herman et Serge)
17. Un monde sans danger Trance Mix by YHChaosBdon
18. Un monde sans danger piano mix effectu� par Mylinda Antoinette
19. L'Ermitage d�chir�s par ccbtimewiz
20. Happy Mix Kadic d�chir�s par ccbtimewiz
21. Fin generique (Herman et Serge)

* = Cette chanson a �t� � la m�moire de Tech Links, une communaut� Code Lyoko construite en 2005 par Lyoko Computer, nhjm449, Lotho et Wartonchan. Le forum est devenu inactif il ya environ 3 mois en raison de la fin de Code Lyoko, et le personnel a d�cid� de fermer boutique. Les origines de la chanson est une courte d�mo en Lyoko Computer signature du forum, dont il a eu tant et aussi longtemps que je me souvienne. Chaque fois que cette chanson est jou�e, je pense � lui et TL. C'est une raison pour expliquer pourquoi j'ai d�cid� de mettre la version compl�te pour vous tous � l'�coute.

[Polish Track Listing]
1. S'Envoler / Break Away przez Rhys Davies
2. Czo��wka Kartaginy przez ccbtimewiz
3. �wiat bez niebezpiecze�stw Techno Angielski Mix przez CodeLyokoDreamer
4. �wiat bez niebezpiecze�stw Angielski/Francuski Mix dzieki QuinSeperable
5. Bit Aelity dzieki ccbtimewiz
6. Memories of the Fallen by Astro-XANA
7. Na Ratunek zripowane przez ccbtimewiz
8. Transfer! Skan! Wirtualizacja! przez ccbtimewiz
9. Walentynki przez YHChaosBdon
10. XANA's motyw przez SeanKing
11. Do Fabryki! zripowane przez ccbtimewiz
12. Ku pamieci Tech Links *
13. Memory Feat; Yumi Ishiyama i przerobka pop rock ...
14. A World Without Danger Polish Version contributed przez Omasz
15. Generique Fin Techno Remix przez Kikou
16. �wiat bez niebezpiecze�stw wersja instrumentalna (Herman and Serge)
17. �wiat bez niebezpiecze�stw Trance Mix dzieki YHChaosBdon
18. �wiat bez niebezpiecze�stw mix na pianinie wykonany przez Mylinda Antoinette
19. The Hermitage ripped przez ccbtimewiz
20. Weso�e Kadix Mix ripped przez ccbtimewiz
21. Generique Fin (Herman i Serge)

* = Ta piosenka została napisana ku pamieci Tech Links , przez spolecznosc Code Lyoko w 2005 przez Lyoko Computer,nhjm449, Lotho i Wartonchan'a. Forum przestało być aktywne 3 miesiace temu. Rownoczesnie z zakonczeniem emisji serialu administracja zadecydowała by zwinać interes. Piosenka to małe demo z sygny Lyoko Computera ktora mial odkad pamietam. Gdziekolwiek jest grana mysle o nim i TL. Dlatego zadecydowałem by dodać ją całą specjalnie dla was.

[Change Log]

- Added a remix sent by Mylinda Antoinette.
- Added a remix sent by CodeLyokoDreamer.
- Received ( ... ersion.jpg) Album Art contribution from NTOWA.
- Received ( Album Art contribution from Steeveclm.
- Added a remix sent by QuinSeparable.
- Received ( Album Art contribution from Adrimarie.
- Added a remix sent by TB3.
- Added a remix by ccbtimewiz.
- Added a remix by YHChaosBdon
- Added a remix by ccbtimewiz
- Added a remix by Mylinda Antoinette
- Added Album Art contribution from Hakurei
- Released BETA tracks
- Added a remix by ccbtimewiz
- Added a remix by Astro-Xana
- Added CL DS remixes/extracts
- Added Multi Language AWWD Remixes
- Released Code Lyoko Remixed Project: Super Nova!

French - Ixam and Ericou
Polish - Omasz
English - ccbtimewiz
Last edited by ccbtimewiz on Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:38 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Postby ccbtimewiz » Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:45 am

Jeebers, not one post in here? =T

Anyways, I've updated the main post quite a number of times. I'm pleased to announce the release of a demo-album on March 16, 2008. This album will consist of the currently completed remixes, a few unfinished remixes, and a couple catchy CL themes.

I'll update this post when the time comes (which is one day).
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Postby ODDCHEEZY » Sun Mar 16, 2008 4:58 pm

I'd like to try to help but do you know where i could find free remixing software?
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Postby ccbtimewiz » Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:23 pm

Try using Mixcraft. Google it.

Anyways, the demo album is for LG-goers only seeing how I have no where else to upload the music too. ^^; My apologies.

Unless someone can offer me a bit of room to put the demo tracks on, I can't release them here.
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Postby ODDCHEEZY » Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:05 pm

OK then never mind. I'm not with LG so I have no way of getting it to you unless Email will work.
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Postby ccbtimewiz » Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:40 pm

Track 2 -- The Carthage Spot

This is so far completed. They are many more tracks obviously, but they won't be distributed out until the release of the album.

Let's just say that this track is...just to let you know things are actually progressing. =P
Last edited by ccbtimewiz on Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Son-Neko » Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:46 pm

I'm interested, just tell me when and where to download, heh.
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Postby ccbtimewiz » Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:00 pm

I can't make an accurate release date for the album as of yet, but I'd say we are at 70% completion.

I can, however, assure you the album will DEFINITELY be finished by the middle of April.

Anyways, new updates on top-most post.
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Postby ccbtimewiz » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:46 am

Sorry for the delay. But I am pleased to announce the arrival of the Code Lyoko Remixed Album: Super Nova!

A great thank you to all the developers and arrangers who worked so hard in making this album possible, and to all of Lyoko Geniuses for your continued support. Look in the first post to find download mirrors.
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Re: [COMPLETE] Code Lyoko Remixed: Supernova

Postby ccbtimewiz » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:42 pm

[delete this?]
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Postby adrimarie » Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:07 pm

Congrats to everyone who contributed. It's an awesome compilation! (all for the love of CL ^^) :)
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Postby SilverPrince » Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:33 pm

I wished I could have done something, but I have no mixing software or skillz. I'm listening to the songs now, and they are awesome.

Stonecreek wrote:I miss the boob bots. At least they were peddling something I have interest in...
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Postby Nightsabre » Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:23 am

Excellent work! that is extended to everybody who worked on this collection. Keep up the good work, I look forward to whatever you plan to release next.
Thank to Tangent128 for the sig.

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Postby ccbtimewiz » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:01 pm

Thanks to Sirocyl, I was able to update the package.

You can now download it in RAR, ZIP, or 7z compression. As well to that, the track numbers have been added to the file names as well as a few bug fixes in tags.
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Postby ginolyoko12 » Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:39 pm

this is awesome!

i wish this was a real CD, I would buy it.
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Postby Taelia » Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:45 pm

Please post the Japanese theme song! Please!
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Postby adrimarie » Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:48 pm

Taelia wrote:Please post the Japanese theme song! Please!

If you could show us where we can find the Japanese version, then it would help. :)
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Postby Tangent128 » Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:04 am

I don't know of anybody who's found it, despite popular demand.
(yeah, the cool links in my old sig died. :( A few nerdy newish projects are here. )
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Postby Astro-Xana » Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:50 pm

Chris' crew is tired of not getting paid (obviously) and become threatening towards Chris. So Chris might, in the end, decide to keep the million dollars all for himself and decide to have a giant gilded Chris created to express his glory. As Chris is desperately running away with the case in his hand, the giant gilded Chris arrives, drops down, and crushes Chris. The crew then decides to take the case and split the money.

But it turns out the money is fake and that the Chris that was crushed wasn't the real Chris (it's an android) created by the real Chris in order to distract the crew--while the real Chris decides to take the real case of money and leave. He leaves on a speeding boat. But Owen decides to eat the entire giant gilded Chris and unleashes a giant fart that utterly destroys the entire set. But the giant fart also reaches Chris on the boat and he gets blown off the boat into the shark-infested waters. All the money goes into the water. However, these are friendly sharks that decide to take the money in their mouths and give it to Owen.
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Postby ccbtimewiz » Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:02 pm

Hrm, well, I was planning on releasing a sequel album in the summer. PM me with short demos of your "newer remix" and I'll see if I can add it in for the new soundtrack. =)
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Postby desincarnation » Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:43 pm

Awesome work! It's really enjoyable to listen to well-known sounds in new arrangements , especially "S'Envoler/Breakaway" mix :) Or my favourite theme "In Transfer" extended to "Transfer, Scanner , Virtualization!" I've been dreaming for ages to hear it. Thank you!
Of course , can't wait till summer for the sequel :)
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Postby ccbtimewiz » Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:22 pm

Nobody In Particular wrote:Awesome work! It's really enjoyable to listen to well-known sounds in new arrangements , especially "S'Envoler/Breakaway" mix :) Or my favourite theme "In Transfer" extended to "Transfer, Scanner , Virtualization!" I've been dreaming for ages to hear it. Thank you!
Of course , can't wait till summer for the sequel :)

Thank you for enjoying the soundtrack and giving us feedback. :)
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Postby KAiRO » Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:26 pm

Now this is great!

I love the first one with S'Envoler and Break Away. Its well mixed.
Of course the others are awesome too.

Memory Feat; Yumi Ishiyama is one of my favorites too.

Thumbs Up!

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Postby ccbtimewiz » Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:18 pm

XMenOfLyoko wrote:Now this is great!

I love the first one with S'Envoler and Break Away. Its well mixed.
Of course the others are awesome too.

Memory Feat; Yumi Ishiyama is one of my favorites too.

Thumbs Up!


Thanks for the feedback. :)
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Postby Lyokosui » Thu May 01, 2008 2:43 am

Awesome job on the album. All the tracks were wonderful to listen to especially the mood setting tracks from the show. That is something you can't find on the Subdigitals CD.
Fictional Conversation after the Episode "Routine:

Ulrich - "You couldn't wait, could you?"
Jeremy - "What are you talking about?"
*Ulrich grabs and lifts Jeremy by his collar.
Ulrich - "I was this close to tasting her porcelain lips. We weren't in any danger, but noooo! You had to return to the past anyway!"
*Jeremy sniffles as Aelita appears on screen and rolls her eyes
Aelita - Ulrich, put him down.

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