
Quick facts:
Full name: Emily Leduc
Age: 14
Grade: 8th (Year 9)
Estimated height: 5'5
Estimated weight: 105lbs
Nationality: Assumed French
Hair color: Dark brown

Emily is a stronger contender for Ulrich's affections than Sissi. Normally demure and understated, she has a rather nasty temper when riled, as Odd has learned to his cost. In "Swarming Attack", Odd speculated that Emily would be interested in Ulrich. To hide this speculation from Yumi, he inadvertently started the rumour that Emily was in love with Jim, which earned him a righteous slap in the face and a threat of even greater violence.

Emily (Thanks for the pic, Doggiegal!)

Later, in "Routine", Ulrich started to hang out with Emily, much to the unease of Yumi and Sissi. Toward the end of "Routine", it seemed as if Emily was resigned to Ulrich and Yumi being together. But one never can tell...

Thanks go to SamBlob for contributing this!


  • Though she is a year older than Ulrich and Odd, she is still in the 8th grade with them.
  • Emily has long brown hair and glasses. She's a little taller than Ulrich (I think).





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