
Code Lyoko:
Code Lyoko is © Moonscoop Productions.

This site:
This site, including the layout, text, and graphics, are all mine (Erynn). EXCLUDING the screen captures from the show, you may not take, use, and/or alter any of them. (For avatars, see the avatars page for more information.) Site converted to PHP and minor fixes by nhjm449.

All fanfiction linked to in the fanfic section do not belong to me or anyone other than their rightful owners, who have been credited and linked to. You may link to these fictions unless otherwise noted. You may not, however, take them and claim them as your own.

If we missed anything, tell us about it and we'll put it up ASAP. =)




CL at TV.com

LFF -- Retiring soon

CL Fanfic at FFN

Cartoon Network

Please upload these images to your own server if you want to use them. Hotlinkers will be forced to date Herb for an extended period of time.

Use the following code with your own image URL to put it on your website:

Donate towards our web hosting bill!