Date: Feb 27, 2009 05:05 PM Title: Heart of a Warrior: An overview
Awesome! The first two were good as well. ;D Nice job!
Date: Feb 08, 2007 06:04 AM Title: Heart of a Warrior: An overview
Woohoo, backstory! :) Always useful.
Excellently done, as always. XD By the way... I see what you meant about the ratings. I was driven nuts by all the cursing in K/K+ stories until I figured out what T was made out as... The thing is, I'm technically not, being "only" 11 (I'm generally rather mature for my age, though)-I'm not supposed to read HotW II because of the rating. Then again, I always have had a certain disregard for rules... *coughcough* I just don't get caught. Not that I ever do stuff that could get me in major trouble, and besides only if I have a good reason. In this case, I loved the first one too much to pay attention to the rating system.
I'm rambling again... Shutting up now.
Author's Response:
Bah, it's okay. besides, you're what, twelve, thirteen now? You can totally read those stories now! It's okay!
By the way, you're about seventeen chapters behind... so... could you review more? I'd like your input!