Summary: Aelita and Jeremie have been working for a very long time on restoring the Skidbladnir, and it's ready to start its construction. But as usual, Xana's around to give them a hard time.
Episode #05 of Un Monde Avec Xana.
Stay updated with news and info at The Carthage Spot .
Disclaimer: All material (excluding the actual story) does not belong to me, and is owned by MoonScoop.
Check the end notes of the last chapter for a sneak peek at the next episode's title picture.
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: Un Monde Avec Xana
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 7230
Read Count: 2120
Published: Sep 06, 2008 Updated: Sep 06, 2008
Summary: A track meet takes place at Kadic, but unknown to the Lyoko Warriors, Xana is slowly regaining his full power...and this time around, things are going to be MUCH more difficult.
Episode #06 of Un Monde Avec Xana.
Stay updated with news and info at The Carthage Spot .
Disclaimer: All material (excluding the actual story) does not belong to me, and is owned by MoonScoop.
Check the end notes for a sneak peek at the next episode's title picture.
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: Un Monde Avec Xana
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 6175
Read Count: 1837
Published: Sep 24, 2008 Updated: Sep 24, 2008
Summary: Tensions start to get higher within the group. And as Ulrich and Yumi finally renew their relationship, this causes someone to make a very bad decision...
Episode #07 of Un Monde Avec Xana.
Stay updated with news and info at The Carthage Spot .
Disclaimer: All material (excluding the actual story) does not belong to me, and is owned by MoonScoop.
Check the end notes for a sneak peek at the next episode's title picture.
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: Un Monde Avec Xana
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 6049
Read Count: 2690
Published: Sep 27, 2008 Updated: Sep 27, 2008
Summary: As the Lyoko Warriors reflect over the recent incident and decides what to do next, Odd screens his latest movie. But as usual, Xana's trying to achieve domination. Will he finally succeed this time in bringing the group to their knees?
Episode #08 of Un Monde Avec Xana.
Stay updated with news and info at The Carthage Spot .
Disclaimer: All material (excluding the actual story) does not belong to me, and is owned by MoonScoop.
Check the end notes for a sneak peek at the next episode's title picture.
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: Un Monde Avec Xana
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 6377
Read Count: 1826
Published: Oct 21, 2008 Updated: Oct 21, 2008
Summary: Aelita's memory has been piecing back together, haunting her now more than ever. Will a glimmer of hope be enough to push away her sorrow, or will defeat wash over the Lyoko Warriors like water?
Episode #09 of Un Monde Avec Xana.
Stay updated with news and info at The Carthage Spot .
Disclaimer: All material (excluding the actual story) does not belong to me, and is owned by MoonScoop.
Check the end notes for a sneak peek at the next episode's title picture.
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: Un Monde Avec Xana
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 8222
Read Count: 2913
Published: Oct 28, 2008 Updated: Oct 28, 2008
Summary: Mr. Delmas isn't convinced about William's absence, and the Lyoko Warriors must rush to stop their secret from being discovered. And as usual, Xana's there to interfere and make it that much harder for them.
Episode #10 of Un Monde Avec Xana.
Stay updated with news and info at The Carthage Spot .
Disclaimer: All material (excluding the actual story) does not belong to me, and is owned by MoonScoop.
Check the end notes for a sneak peek at the next episode's title picture.
If you would like to be on the mailing list to receive short newsletters and updates from me about UMAX, please contact me and give me your email.
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: Un Monde Avec Xana
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 8365
Read Count: 2779
Published: Nov 23, 2008 Updated: Nov 23, 2008
Summary: William's clone lands itself and Yumi in detention. But as Xana hacks a US military base and launches missiles at France, the Lyoko Warriors may find that Yumi's detention isn't the worst of their problems.
Episode #11 of Un Monde Avec Xana.
Original plot idea from soul of legonds.
Stay updated with news and info at The Carthage Spot .
Disclaimer: All material (excluding the actual story) does not belong to me, and is owned by MoonScoop.
Check the end notes of the last chapter for a sneak peek at the next episode's title picture.
If you would like to be on the mailing list to receive short newsletters and updates from me about UMAX, please contact me and give me your email.
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: Un Monde Avec Xana
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 4982
Read Count: 2428
Published: Dec 24, 2008 Updated: Dec 24, 2008
Summary: Aelita has been recollecting her past once more lately, and the Lyoko Warriors try to cheer her up with a surprise birthday party, but it doesn't seem to help much. And then, of course, Xana steps in once more to try and defeat the Lyoko Warriors, and it is revealed that Xana is using a virus to haunt Aelita with false memories. But will the Lyoko Warriors be able to save Aelita once she's Xanafied if the only way to save her is to complete an antivirus, or will Xana really win this time?
Episode #12 of Un Monde Avec Xana.
Stay updated with news and info at The Carthage Spot .
Disclaimer: All material (excluding the actual story) does not belong to me, and is owned by MoonScoop.
Check the end notes of the last chapter for a sneak peek at the next episode's title picture.
If you would like to be on the mailing list to receive short newsletters and updates from me about UMAX, please contact me and give me your email.
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: Un Monde Avec Xana
Chapters: 2
Completed: Yes
Word count: 12602
Read Count: 6744
Published: Feb 12, 2009 Updated: Feb 25, 2009
Summary: It's been a while since the supercomputer has been shut down; months in fact. But as the Lyoko Warriors take a reminiscent stroll around the old Factory, some contractors appear and attack them. Is Xana really back? And if so, how?
Episode #01 of Un Monde Avec Xana.
Stay updated with news and info at The Carthage Spot .
Disclaimer: All material (excluding the actual story) does not belong to me, and is owned by MoonScoop.
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: Un Monde Avec Xana
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 3663
Read Count: 3149
Published: Jul 30, 2008 Updated: Jul 30, 2008
Summary: Is he back or isn't he? The Lyoko Warriors finally find the answer to this question as Xana attacks for the first time in months.
Episode #02 of Un Monde Avec Xana.
Stay updated with news and info at The Carthage Spot .
Disclaimer: All material (excluding the actual story) does not belong to me, and is owned by MoonScoop
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: Un Monde Avec Xana
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 4648
Read Count: 2782
Published: Jul 30, 2008 Updated: Jul 30, 2008
Summary: A talent show takes place at Kadic, but the real show-stopper unfortunately proves to be Xana.
Episode #03 of Un Monde Avec Xana.
Stay updated with news and info at The Carthage Spot .
Disclaimer: All material (excluding the actual story) does not belong to me, and is owned by MoonScoop
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: Un Monde Avec Xana
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 4503
Read Count: 2372
Published: Jul 30, 2008 Updated: Jul 30, 2008
Summary: Will a tornado be enough to wipe the Lyoko Warriors off of their feet?
Episode #04 of Un Monde Avec Xana.
Original plot idea from Tangent128.
Stay updated with news and info at The Carthage Spot .
Disclaimer: All material (excluding the actual story) does not belong to me, and is owned by MoonScoop.
Check the end notes of the last chapter for a sneak peek at the next episode's title picture.
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: Un Monde Avec Xana
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 4238
Read Count: 2344
Published: Sep 01, 2008 Updated: Sep 01, 2008
Summary: An old friend of Odd comes to Kadic
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper,
Herb Pichon,
Hiroki Ishiyama,
Jeremie Belpois,
Milly Solovieff,
Nicholas Poliakoff,
Odd Della Robbia,
Sissi Delmas,
Tamiya Diop,
Ulrich Stern,
William Dunbar,
Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/AdventureWarnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9
Completed: Yes
Word count: 4605
Read Count: 66083
Published: May 27, 2008 Updated: May 27, 2008
Summary: Ulrich receives dreams from "a mysterious entity". A new Replika is discovered. And a Guardian is discovered in the Network, construced by and hosting a certain person...
There is a separate disclaimer for this. This portrays Ulrich and Aelita as siblings, twins, to be specific. I had to use this to get around some plot details, unfortunately. I myself do not deem this to be true. Please bear with me. I am working out this conflict in the third part of The End Trilogy, "Rebellion". I did take a poll in Tech Links, which showed me that most people wanted me to keep it, despite its total existence as carp. For those of you that don't like it, just wait.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper,
Jeremie Belpois,
Odd Della Robbia,
Ulrich Stern,
Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: The End Trilogy
Chapters: 9
Completed: Yes
Word count: 9188
Read Count: 137703
Published: Dec 02, 2007 Updated: Dec 02, 2007
Summary: The second part in The End Trilogy...
Please note that most of the epilogue from "The Miracle" was disregarded in writing this.
This and "Rebellion" could have been one fanfic, but I decided to post it in two fanfics mostly because of the terrible length of "Rebellion". And some irrelevancy.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Categories: Seasons >
Post-Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper,
Jeremie Belpois,
Odd Della Robbia,
Ulrich Stern,
William Dunbar,
Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: The End Trilogy
Chapters: 7
Completed: Yes
Word count: 6018
Read Count: 30943
Published: Dec 02, 2007 Updated: Dec 02, 2007