Reviews For NO LYOKO?
Reviewer: trixter 93 Signed 

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Date: Jan 28, 2008 06:39 AM Title: Never found LYOKO

Date: Jan 28, 2008 06:39 AM Title: Never found LYOKO
its good, jarry? lol
Reviewer: Kiwi_R0x Signed 

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Date: Mar 17, 2007 07:03 PM Title: Chapter 2

Date: Mar 17, 2007 07:03 PM Title: Chapter 2
Very very good!
Sort, but sweet! ^^
Author's Response: Sorry about the length. Not all my stories are this short, though. I think this is my shortest.
Reviewer: Kite Chiaki Amaru Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 27, 2007 05:24 PM Title: Never found LYOKO
Date: Feb 27, 2007 05:24 PM Title: Never found LYOKO
Three for originality. However you could do better.
Author's Response: Your right I could do better, however, I'm not finished with this one so when I am, you could see a real diffrence. Oh don't forget to check out all the others I plan on writing! Thanks for the rating!