Aelita's Choise by GarageKid
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As Jeremie, Aelita, Odd, adn Ulrich walked into their classroom and settled down, Mrs. Hurtz was intro ducing a new student to the class.

"Please welcome Tormund Luke."

Aelita's P.O.V

As soon as he walked in the door, my pencil dropped. He was a brown haired boy with blue jeans and a White shirt with a black wolf picture on it. He had a very athletic build and showed a white smile. Unlike Jeremie, who had his noise in the computer, My eyes were fixed on him all through out class. I need to tell Yumi about him. She could help me. As class ended Tormund walked up to me.

"Do you know were the soccer field is?" He asked with his brilliant smile.

"Yes, It's right near the gym. I'll show you." I said as I walked him around the school, he seemed very impressed with it.

"I'm Aelita by the way, Tormund." I said.

"Call me Tor." He said as I lead him to the field.

"Here it is Tor, I think a few people were planing on playing later, they wont mind if you join them." I said being nice. "I have to hurry, I promised to meet a friend in the dorms." He smiled and waved as I walked to my dorm where Yumi was waiting for me.

"Yumi! I met this really cute guy today. His name's Tormund and he is a super nice guy." I said. Yumi looked at me like I had three heads, and then smiled.

"Look's like you have a new crush." She said. "What 'bout Jeremie?"

"What about him? I know he likes me, but William likes you and your dating Ulrich." I point out before she gives me a hard time. I know she will, she would be all over it if I didn't give a good excuse.

"I mean, shouldn't you tell Jeremie you like this guy? I told William I liked Ulrich." God, she gave me a hard time! I hate it when she does that.

"I don't care what Jeremie says." I yell storming out to talk to Jeremie.

Jeremie's P.O.V

I was working in the super computer when Aelita walked into the room.

"Hey Aelita." I say happily. She frowned and walked over.

"Would you be mad if I liked another boy?" She asked. What was she talking about? What other guy? Who could she like?

"I guess not." I said unsure if that was the right anwser. She smiled an walked out. I diside to run into Yumi, Aelita must have told her. I walked out of the room and catch site of Yumi in the hallway and run up to her.

Yumi's P.O.V

Jeremie came running over. Aelita told him, I should have warned her.

"YUMI, who was Aelita talking about?" He asked me.

"Some guy named Tor. Aelita seemed to really like him." I said. Hi looked angry.

"Where are they?" He asked.

"In the soccer field." I tell him as he runs off. He must be VERY angry. I would know, he's never ran like that.

Aelita's P.O.V

Tor finished practice and walked around the school with me.

"Aelita, I know we just met and all, but would you like to catch a flick somtime?" He asked, his cute face turning red.

"I'd like that." I anwser sounding a little like Yumi.

"OK, I'll pick you up around six." He said I nod. As soon as I'm back in my dorm, Jeremie knocked loudly on the door. As I open it he walks in and looks around.

"Who?" He asked.

"Tormund." I said happily.

"Why?" He asked.

"Yumi, said it was OK for me to date anyone I want." I said in a happy voice. Jeremie glared.

"But Aelita" He begain but I cut him off.

"But nothing, I'm going out with my new boyfriend." I said as Tor walks by. I quickly catch up with him and we start talking, we had so much in commen.

Jeremie's P.O.V

I rush out to see Yumi with Odd and Ulrich in the school yard.

"Hey Jeremie, how's Aelita?" Odd asked.

"Yumi, why did you tell Aelita she could date whoever she wants?" I asked. Yumi gave me a confused look.

"She can Jeremie." She said.

"It's now like you could force somone to go out with you." Ulrich said. I turn to see Aelita with her "New" boyfriend laughing and talking around. I guess there's nothing I can do.

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