What if? by lyokoman
Summary: Make a story about what would happen if the Code Lyoko gang never found Lyoko and how different their lives would be. You may add characters as long as you keep the listed characters below. You may use any Ships you would like.
Categories: Seasons, Ships
Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
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Summary: What did our heros do before they knew about lyoko, How'd their life go?
Categories: Seasons > Pre-Season 1 Characters: Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Challenges: What if?
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Completed: Yes Word count: 2202 Read Count: 11756
Published: Oct 03, 2006 Updated: Jan 04, 2007
Summary: The gang never found LYOKO, but they are still somehow friends.
Categories: Seasons Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: What if?
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Completed: Yes Word count: 818 Read Count: 5784
Published: Feb 27, 2007 Updated: Mar 01, 2007