Reviews For Heart of a Warrior
Reviewer: Wolf Tears Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 31, 2007 07:50 PM Title: Titan Clash, Part II.
Author's Response:
Date: Jan 31, 2007 07:50 PM Title: Titan Clash, Part II.
OMG this is so cool! :) I can't beleive it's almost over... *hugs story* Nooooooooo... don't leave me!
*cough* The last two chapters rock. Lots. I don't know how you're gonna finish off with something even cooler. Who cares? IT ROCKS!
I wonder if Vchat would add a 15... or a 1500... *pokes scale*
Author's Response:
Oh... haven't you picked up on the clues I've been leaving? The author's notes?
My friend, it's not over yet. Not by a long shot...