Sithking Zero: Canada will soon be mine, as I will conquer it, but until I conquer France and Japan, Code Lyoko and Megaman will not be mine.
Soon, the final confrontation will take place, and I will control the outcome. Truths will be revealed, trust will be shattered, once thought beliefs will become dust, and things will continue to be awesome. However, they will not be within this chapter, at least not all in this chapter.
Thank you to Shademan39 for his great idea, which will be used later on in this chapter.
Oh, and words in those brackets will now mean words translated from monsterspeak.
And now… my story.
Heart of a Warrior
Chapter 13
Annoying Little Friends from Another Universe,
Part I
In the forest sector of Lyoko, all was completely silent.
A gentle rustling interrupted this, accompanied by mechanical clanking of giant, red, slightly spindly legs. Four Crabs traveling in a diamond formation, surrounding two tarantulas, between whom walked a dark and sibilant figure.
They approached a secret mound of rocks, which, under the dark figure’s touch, evaporated away to reveal a rip in the fabric of space. This opening, black as knight, yawned open, wide enough for the escort party and the dark being to step through.
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“Well, it took a while-” began Jeremie,
“And a couple of Skipazoa attacks-” teased Yumi,
“And a visit from Bass,” chimed in Aeilita.
“And a return to the past,” added Ulrich,
“And Einstein getting throttled…” Odd said.
“Shut up, Odd. As I was saying,” Jeremie began again, shooting all of them very dirty glares, “The diary-decoding software is uploaded into the restricted section of the supercomputer. All we have to do is activate a tower and start up the decoding process.”
“You’re sure this will work?” Odd asked warily. As all of them knew, the last time Jeremie had activated a tower, he had used it to give Odd superpowers in the real world, similar to the XANA-possessed people that XANA used to cause them all such grief.
“I’m positive. Besides,” he said as an afterthought, “Aeilita and I have planned this out meticulously. There’s absolutely nothing that could possibly go wrong!”
Obviously, Jeremie has never heard of Murphy’s law. However, equally appropriate for this situation would be the immortal phrase, “Famous last Words.”
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In the halls of a Cyber-network prison, a dark shadow loomed.
Moving along like a stream of pure smoke, curling along the hallways, mindless of programs that could not see it.
Suddenly, sensing danger, the smoke condensed into a thin black line and hid in a corner as a tall, long-silver-haired, red-clad, humanoid program dashed down the hallway, chasing after a purple humanoid program with a disc-shaped head. The darkness let out a sigh of relief, then sucked it’s breath back in when the red program stopped, turned around, and looked directly towards it.
For a long moment, nobody moved. Then, another red program dashed up to the first, yelling at it for not catching the purple program. The red program apologized, then both dashed in hot pursuit.
The darkness let out a sigh of relief, then continued in the opposite direction that the two red programs had gone, stopping before a high-security firewall.
The shadow smirked, waving it’s hand once.
The firewall shook as though hit by an earthbreaker, rattled, wiggled, quavered, then vanished.
With the only protection gone, the shadow slipped silently into the dark room, where a single item rested on a pedestal.
The item was vaguely ball-shaped, with two rings of numbers slowly rotating around it. It was apparently comprised of two hemispheres with red goo pulsating in the core of the thing, as was visible from the slight indentations placed equidistant from one another.
With a smile, the shadow reached out and grasped the sphere-
Setting off alarms that instantly alerted every person within a two-hundred mile radius that the item was being stolen.
XANA let out a curse, and immediately turned back towards the door, where a the red program from earlier stood, with a sword drawn and pointing at it’s heart.
“You are under arrest.” The program spoke with a calm, almost monotone, yet deep voice.
“I think not,” came XANA’s equally deep reply.
With one movement, the red program slashed, but XANA was already moving, reconfiguring it’s arm into a gun. Squeezing off three shots, it managed a solid hit on the sword arm, but the other two went wide.
The red program shrugged off the blow, swiping his arm around, even though it was nowhere in range of XANA. XANA looked at him confusedly for a second.
Only for a second, however, as a massive shockwave erupted from the sword, traveling along where the arc of the swing was.
The shock slammed into XANA’s chest, knocking it back several steps, but not deterring it in the slightest. Giving a strange smile, XANA placed it’s item into its chest, before beginning to loosen its form into that of smoke.
The red program leapt forwards, slashing the smoke, but it had already loosened up and drifted away.
Protoman.exe gave an angry growl, stabbing the ground in anger. Raising his arm to his mouth, he growled to his netop.
“Chaud, we have a problem…”
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It was nightfall in the undernet. The original party of monsters, which had escorted XANA from Lyoko, was reduced from it’s initial version, due to the loss of all of the Krabs. However, the two tarantulas kept watch over the programs that they had captured.
What do you think that the master wants with these… things? the first one asked.
I dunno, stated the second. How should I know what master is thinking?
We shouldn’t have done this, bemoaned the first. We lost Bob, George, and N4T3. They were the best friends that I’ve ever had! Sure, these are dangerous, but can master control them?
With the power of the supercomputer and half of all Lyoko in Master’s grip? chuckled the second. Placing a gun/arm on the shoulder of the other, he replied serenely, I think you underestimate the chances of our leader.
It was at this moment that the leader that they were both talking about materialized out of a mass of smoke, clutching onto a weird sphere.
Well? XANA questioned. Status Report!
Both Tarantulas saluted, then began speaking.
The mission was a success, Master! snapped off the first one.
However, we lost all other troops in the process, so we are all that is left, aside from the prisoners, continued the second one.
“That’s all right,” XANA spoke again, this time in English.
The two monsters looked at one another before turning back to their master.
Why is that good, Master? asked the second one.
“Because with these additions, I’ll finally stop our little Lyoko friends,” it said, holding up one hand to the creatures in the cages behind it’s monsters.
One by one, each one fell to the ground, writhing in agony.
A few minutes later, each one stood up again, phasing slightly (think XANA’s ghosts) and a pulsating XANA logo on their foreheads.
XANA waved another hand, and all the cages sprung open. The viruses marched out in neat, straight rows, lining up in front of XANA before bowing to it.
XANA then started to chuckle, then laugh softly, then loudly, then manically, then like a grim deity at the end of the cosmos.
Making a slashing motion with its arm, the figure, followed by the newly XANA-fied viruses and the two tarantulas, stepped into the warm, inviting forest sector.
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An hour later, Protoman.exe arrived at the spot where XANA had stood. He looked at the dust-covered ground for several minutes, then cursed softly under his breath.
Holding his wrist up to his mouth, he spoke into the comlink built into his arm.
“Chaud, sir, the thief got away. Looks like he opened and closed a link portal. I can’t follow him.”
A sighing noise could be heard from the other end. “All right, Protoman, come back to base. There’s nothing more that we can do.”
But as he turned off the comlink, the red-clad warrior thought: Why would anyone want to steal the force that nearly brought the world to it’s knees? Is Bass behind this, like last time?
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Sithking Zero: WHOO! I thought that I wouldn’t put any Battle Network characters in this story, but I guess that I was wrong! Pleasantly So! Oh, and About Murphy’s law: It states that “If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong, and at the worst possible time.” Thusly, by saying “There’s absolutely nothing that could possibly go wrong,” as we all know, that will MAKE XANA do an attack.
Again, special thanks for anyone who has reviewed. KEEP DOING IT! And for those who have not yet done so, REVIEW OR ELSE!