An Odd Romance by lyoko101
[Reviews - 5] starstarstarhalf-starPrinter

Odd has admitted he loves Aelita, and now the two are dating! How will Jeremie cope? (Takes place during season 3).

Rated: K+
Categories: Seasons, Ships, Ships > Jeremie and Aelita, Ships > Odd and Aelita, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No
Word count: 643 Read: 7382
Published: Nov 04, 2006 Updated: Nov 24, 2006

1. Feellings by lyoko101 [Reviews - 2] starstarstar (190 words)
Sorry... i deleted my pokemon-lyoko story because it was going nowhere. I don't own CL

2. The Void by lyoko101 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarhalf-star (251 words)
sorry you guys didn't like the last chapter... Here's number 2! I don't own code lyoko.

3. Jeremie Returns by lyoko101 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (202 words)
sorrry i took so long to update. I don't own cl.