Penname: XANA_elite [Contact] Real name: Ashleigh
Member Since: Dec 03, 2007
Membership status: Member

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Stories by XANA_elite [3] Series by XANA_elite [1] Reviews by XANA_elite [0] Challenges by XANA_elite [0] XANA_elite's Favorites [0]
Stories by XANA_elite
Summary: Just another day on Lyoko. Or is it?
Categories: Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Series: An unexpected teammate.
Chapters: 2
Completed: Yes Word count: 5203 Read Count: 4037
Published: Dec 03, 2007 Updated: Dec 04, 2007
Summary: Syrus gets used to life on Earth. Ok yeah im terrible at summaries, I promise the story is alot better than my summary. =p
Categories: Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Hiroki Ishiyama, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Sissi Delmas, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Comedy, General, Mystery
Warnings: None
Series: An unexpected teammate.
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes Word count: 8086 Read Count: 1917
Published: Dec 04, 2007 Updated: Dec 04, 2007
Summary: #3 in the series. If you did not read the first two then please do so or you will be left very lost and confused.
Categories: Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, General, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: An unexpected teammate.
Chapters: 1
Completed: No Word count: 2372 Read Count: 1570
Published: Dec 04, 2007 Updated: Dec 04, 2007