Pre-Season 1 [15] Stories that take place before the show started.
Season 2 [47] Stories that take place during season 2. Main Difference is Aelita has been materialized and Jeremie is working on her antivirus to shutdown XANA.
Season 3 [62] Stories taking place during Season 3
Post-Season 3 [51] Stories taking place after the end of Season 3.
Season 1 [15] Stories that take place during season 1. Main difference is Aelita is still trapped in Lyoko and Jeremie is working on her materialization program.
Other Results: 13 Challenges, 18 Series

Emily's story, the third one. She finds out that she has TWO secrets that no one knows about!

Categories: Ships, Ships > Other, Seasons, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Jeremie Belpois, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, General
Warnings: None
Series: New Kids on The block
Chapters: 5
Completed: Yes Word count: 741 Read Count: 14314
Published: Nov 12, 2006 Updated: Nov 13, 2006
Summary: this is  a cool funny fanfic of code lyoko you got to read it about a new lyoko warrior going to lyoko and it a very funny story
Categories: Seasons Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: No Word count: 498 Read Count: 2030
Published: Mar 05, 2007 Updated: Mar 05, 2007
Summary: One of Odd's random whims leads his friends into a journey they probably won't ever forget.
Categories: Seasons, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, General
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5
Completed: No Word count: 5635 Read Count: 16363
Published: Sep 02, 2006 Updated: Sep 04, 2006

After XANA was distroyed, the group went their seperate ways. Two years later, the group meets up again, but they have changed alot in two years. Some things didn't change.

Warning- bloody scenes

Categories: Seasons, Ships > Jeremie and Aelita, Ships > Ulrich and Yumi, Ships > Odd and Sissi Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: A Novel Idea, What will happen in Code LYOKO after XANA is defeated
Series: None
Chapters: 8
Completed: Yes Word count: 4368 Read Count: 28289
Published: Apr 09, 2007 Updated: May 15, 2007

Odd has admitted he loves Aelita, and now the two are dating! How will Jeremie cope? (Takes place during season 3).

Categories: Seasons, Ships, Ships > Jeremie and Aelita, Ships > Odd and Aelita, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Completed: No Word count: 643 Read Count: 7008
Published: Nov 04, 2006 Updated: Nov 24, 2006
Summary: The LYOKO gang went their seprate ways a year ago. Now at Kadic high, faith will bring our hero's together again. Ships will change, but one will continue to live.
Categories: Seasons, Ships > Ulrich and Yumi, Ships > Odd and Sissi, Ships > Odd and Aelita, Ships > Other Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: Music said it All
Series: Music and Lyrics
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes Word count: 1725 Read Count: 1666
Published: Mar 17, 2007 Updated: Mar 17, 2007
Summary: Where do you turn when your mom runs away and you're pretty sure that your dad hates you?
Categories: Seasons, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Drama, General, Poetry, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Completed: No Word count: 1975 Read Count: 4266
Published: Mar 02, 2007 Updated: Mar 24, 2007
Summary: The second installment in my "Code Lyoko Identities" series (you know, the one where they all have their Lyoko powers on Earth? Right, that one!) As Jeremie continues to try and find a reason for their sudden abilities, Aelita finds herself suddenly the only one left...

Categories: Seasons Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: No Word count: 1329 Read Count: 1489
Published: Nov 16, 2006 Updated: Nov 16, 2006
Summary: A bunch of new teachers have appeared at Kadic overnight, and the group is a tad suspicious. Who are these new replacements and why are they all British?

Crossover with Torchwood.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing, and I make no profit from this story.

SPOILERS: Torchwood Season 2
Categories: Seasons Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Sissi Delmas, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Romance
Warnings: Slash Pairing
Challenges: Cose Timelord
Series: None
Chapters: 5
Completed: No Word count: 2833 Read Count: 14976

Published: Jan 09, 2011 Updated: Aug 27, 2011
Summary: A Series of CL Haikus. Based off the Digimon haiku series I wrote.
Categories: Seasons Characters: Aelita Hopper, Herb Pichon, Hiroki Ishiyama, Jeremie Belpois, Milly Solovieff, Nicholas Poliakoff, Odd Della Robbia, Sissi Delmas, Tamiya Diop, Ulrich Stern, William Dunbar, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Poetry
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Completed: No Word count: 41 Read Count: 5136
Published: Sep 28, 2010 Updated: Sep 28, 2010
Summary: What happens when a new student arrives at Kadic, and hates humanity on the whole? Xana shows up and gives him the power to do something about it. Can the Lyoko warriors stop this new threat? Find out...

Categories: Seasons Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Completed: Yes Word count: 2525 Read Count: 6070
Published: Oct 29, 2006 Updated: Nov 26, 2006
Summary: When Xana builds a tower of his own the gang will have to face dangers like never before!
Categories: Seasons, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Series: Gaining Power
Chapters: 7
Completed: Yes Word count: 1275 Read Count: 21525
Published: Nov 29, 2006 Updated: Nov 30, 2006
Summary: I am a wolf among humans, an immortal among mortals. I am confined in this way untill my time comes...and then i will make them pay
Categories: Seasons, Ships > Other Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: No Word count: 726 Read Count: 1649
Published: Jun 01, 2007 Updated: Jun 01, 2007
Summary: Yumi and Dorumon are in one bad spot. While Jeremie and Odd are faceing one of the dark digimon Yumi is faceing the other, Ulrich comes to help her, but what happends when you cann't control the next level!
Categories: Seasons, Ships > Ulrich and Yumi Characters: Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, General, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: Crossovers! Love them, Hate them, WRITE THEM!!!
Series: Kids of a New World
Chapters: 3
Completed: Yes Word count: 730 Read Count: 9103
Published: Mar 18, 2007 Updated: Mar 18, 2007

Post "XANA's Kiss." Megaman/Code:Lyoko Crossover. An incredibly powerful Cyber-entity enters Lyoko. Will he save Earth and Lyoko from damnation by XANA, or will he destroy both real and digital worlds? NO OC's! Please R&R.

Categories: Seasons, Seasons > Season 2 Characters: Aelita Hopper
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama
Warnings: None
Challenges: Crossovers! Love them, Hate them, WRITE THEM!!!
Series: Heart of a Warrior: The Trilogy
Chapters: 23
Completed: Yes Word count: 41343 Read Count: 93679
Published: Sep 26, 2006 Updated: Jan 31, 2007

It's been three months since the destruction of Carthage. The Lyoko Warriors have been living peacefully, but what of Bass? He's just trying to get some sort of understanding of what he's feeling about humanity. But when strange creatures attack his home, his philosophical musings are put on hold...

Megaman Battle NetworkXCode: Lyoko Crossover. Sequel to Heart of a Warrior. Read them in order or die.

Categories: Seasons, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama
Warnings: None
Challenges: Crossovers! Love them, Hate them, WRITE THEM!!!
Series: Heart of a Warrior: The Trilogy
Chapters: 3
Completed: Yes Word count: 1441 Read Count: 8124
Published: Feb 01, 2007 Updated: Feb 05, 2007
Summary: The Lyoko Warriors, their adventures in the cyber world months behind them, have begun to relax. Without XANA, relationships bloom, and everything is peaceful. However, XANA and her newest allies have other plans for our heroes...
Categories: Seasons, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama
Warnings: None
Challenges: Crossovers! Love them, Hate them, WRITE THEM!!!
Series: Heart of a Warrior: The Trilogy
Chapters: 20
Completed: No Word count: 38062 Read Count: 145733
Published: Feb 06, 2007 Updated: Feb 23, 2009
Summary: Yumi's mom dies and her dad does whats best. Moves to a ranch! Will the city girl live a contry life?
Categories: Seasons, Ships > Jeremie and Aelita, Ships > Ulrich and Yumi, Ships > Odd and Sissi, Ships > Other Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, General, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: A Novel Idea
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Completed: Yes Word count: 7113 Read Count: 169285
Published: Mar 24, 2007 Updated: Jun 02, 2007

Part 4/15 of my alternate season. Fresh from fixing everybody else's problems, Aelita and Jeremie naturally find one of their own. Aelita gets a talk with whom she'd least expect sympathy from. Ulrich Yumi and Odd find a very strange coincidence in the records of Project Carthage.

 (Historic note, I orriginally said: God knows, what with not doing another chapter of this for half a year, the real season four will beat me to finishing this, but I'm going to keep writing it anyway as I feel like it. It's my version to the end, anyway.) 

Categories: Seasons Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Angst, Drama, General
Warnings: None
Series: Alternate Season 4
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes Word count: 2460 Read Count: 1062
Published: Mar 25, 2007 Updated: Mar 25, 2007
Summary: PART DOS OF YEARS GO ON  Those that enjoyed the first! HERES THE SECOND!!
Categories: Ships, Ships > Jeremie and Aelita, Ships > Ulrich and Yumi, Seasons, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Failing
Chapters: 6
Completed: No Word count: 6917 Read Count: 18154
Published: Dec 10, 2006 Updated: Aug 04, 2007